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Thread: A couple vs. fights.

  1. #21

    A couple vs. fights.

    sasuke has advanced so much since the prelims for the chuunin exam, he has lees speed when lee wears weight,

    EDIT: shiiiit sorry i forgot were in anime forum :/ sorry if anyone saw what i wrote

  2. #22
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    A couple vs. fights.

    My thoughts...

    1. Probably Lee, openning the gates + ten times power should give him enough raw strentgh to blast himself through Kimi's bones and wack a few vital organs in the process...

    2. Sasuke, the sharingan gives him the neccsery edge to win the fight before the diffrence in stamina starts showing...

    3. Gaara. Neji doesn't seem to have the skills to get past the shield of sand (though he doesn't have to worry about the armor of sand) and land a good punch, and I think gaara could send an sand ball from below neji and imitate Naruto.

    4. Gai has more wins (51 against 50), so that means he's stronger.

    5. I'm betting Zabuza, something tells me that his sword can cut through kimi's bones and splash his heart all over the floor, even more if the fight is within a watery area.

    6. Neji takes Sasuke down the drain... I can't think of any way for Sasuke to land a hit, and he doesn't have any jutsu able to go past Neji defene...

    7. Zabuza and Haku would wack Kimi's brains out... Haku's needle seems like a decent method to get into Kimi's way (it would force Kimi to sprout a shitload of bones to block them) and Zabuza takes some wacks with his sword at Kimi and removes some vital body parts (does anybody actually believe that Kimi's swordmenship is as good as Zabuza's? remember that zabuza was one of the 7 katana's of the mist village)... and beside, Kimi is a shitty rip-off from Haku, the original wins.

    edit: I accidently wrote Haku instead of Kimi earlier, now it's fixed.

    and yes, I know that some of those matches between Gai and Kakashi were stuff like janken and flipping coins, but Gai still has more wins, and Kakashi has nothing going for him

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  3. #23
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: A couple vs. fights.

    basey: no, he's as fast as lee w/o the weights

    dbz: i think you meant zabuza and haku would wack kimimaro's brains out
    also, you cant take gai's 51 wins, 50 losses seriously if some of the matches consist of paper rock scissors
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #24

    A couple vs. fights.

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    4. Gai has more wins (51 against 50), so that means he's stronger.
    Weren't those just silly little competitions like rock, paper, scissors?

  5. #25
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    RE: A couple vs. fights.

    1. Lee. With gates open he's like the wrath of God and likely strong enough to shatter Kimi's defense. If that's not the case then it's Kimi hands down, especially because Lee's 2 renge would be completely ineffective.

    2. Lee again. He has a rough idea of how the sharingan works so I imagine he'd likely keep his distance until Sasuke began to tire. Sasuke has katon moves, yes, but I none of them have the speed necessary to catch Lee. If Lee rushes in then he's done otherwise stamina + sheer taijutsu experience wins the day.

    3. Gaara unless the amount of chakra (the spike) Neji uses to stop tenketsu is sufficient to penetrate the armor of sand. All of that is moot though, since I doubt Hyuuga is fast enough to get by the sand from the gourd.

    4. Gai. Kakashi has a much wider repetoir than Sasuke but tires quickly. If Gai keeps his distance and doesn't rush in he'll be able to take advantage of Kakashi's lack of stamina.

    5. On the bridge: Zabuza
    In the field: Zabuza
    In the game of life: Kimimaro sux dik
    Kimimaro is no pushover. With the seal I think Zabuza would have trouble finding a hole in his defense... without it I suspect as a seasoned jounin Zabuza would be able to get a fatal hit in.

    6. Neji. Kaiten makes all the difference. Sasuke's only chance is chidori... and I don't care enough to ponder wether or not chidori has enough juice to punch through kaiten.

    7. Haku and Kimi call a truce and make out. Zabuza has a beer.

  6. #26

    A couple vs. fights.

    Hmmm.. Lee kimo.. dont know all the stuff kimo can do yet but Lee is pretty badass but he Lost to Gaara and Gaara will fuck kimo up, so hard to say.

    Neji - Gaara ehm Gaara. even if Neji is great Gaara isnt really your average normal boy [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]. Say kaiten can deflect the sand sure but for how long?. 64 points thing wont get past the sand so Neji even if Gaara doesnt kill him before will eventually run out of chakara and then die.

    Kakashi - Gai hehe that would be pretty funny to watch cause Gai can never be serious. hard to say.

    Neji - Sasuke. Even if Sasuke is pretty boring and wierd guy he's not that bad. Would be cool to see Sharingan vs Byakugan but I would like Neji to kick his ass. Oh and even if chidori is a powerful thing Im not so sure it will go through kaiten, since it spins and deflects, he would have to use some strangeass angle to go straight in there [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img].

    well Zabuza could just use drown no jutsu on kimi and he dies [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] I have no idea, Zabuza was a great character to bad we probably didnt see all he was able to do since he kept Kakashi busy for a while. But unfortunatly died, same with Haku

  7. #27
    ANBU Nai's Avatar
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    A couple vs. fights.

    1) Lee.

    2) Lee again. Sasuke may have some powerful techniques like the chidori under his belt, but he completely lacks the spirit. I never saw him as especially powerful before he got the cursed seal.

    3) I think this would end in a draw pretty much. Both of these guys have ultimate defenses, and fights with them in mind. At least one thing is for sure, it would be a VERY slow fight.

    4) Gai.

    5 ) There's not really any competition here. Zabuza would utterly slaughter Kimimaro. Zabuza even succeeded in trapping and wounding Kakashi, for crying out loud. Kimimaro is no match for him without his seal.

    6) Neji. He's focused, calm, and aware of his flaws. Sasuke is the complete opposite.

    7) Haku and Zabuza. I even think Haku could beat Kimimaro alone if Kimimaro couldn't use his seal.
    / No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.

  8. #28

    A couple vs. fights.

    geese, everyone is picking gai over kakashi.

    I have no doubt that gai is faster, stronger, and will last longer than kakashi, but kakashi is more of a ninja. He will outsmart him, kakashi is lethal and deceptive. If they were to fight to the death, kakashi would deal the fatal blow.

  9. #29
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    A couple vs. fights.

    1. Lee
    2. Sasuke
    3. Gaara
    4. Kakashi
    5. Zabuza
    6. Neji
    7. Haku and Zabuza

  10. #30
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    A couple vs. fights.

    1. Lee
    2. Sasuke
    3. Gaara
    4. Kakashi
    5. Zabuza
    6. Neji
    7. Haku and Zabuza

  11. #31

    RE: A couple vs. fights.

    1) Lee would be pretty strong but I wouldn't like to say anythign for sure until I have seen how Kimi is at level 2.

    2) Lee. Without weights he is faster than Sasuke. He has more stamina as well. Sasuke's sharingan would only aid him in the sense of targetting his attacks, like he did against Haku. He can't do mangekou sharingan and there arn't any jutsu's for Sasuke to copy immediatly and use.

    3) Gaara. If though Neji doesn't have the speed like Lee does, if he gets close enough and does the 128 hands (note not 64) then I think he could be fast enough to evade Gaara's sand. Plus he is a great fighter in terms of strategy. If 128 hands fails then Gaara, if it succeds then Neji.

    4) Gai vs Kakashi... to close to call.

    5) Zabuza would own the life out of Kimi without any seals. Its yet to be seen how Kimi fights with level 2, but I doubt Kimi's level 2 chakra would exceed that of a Jounin like Zabuza.

    6) Would be awesome fight. Both like to plot their fights. Thing is though Sasuke can let his emotions take over and if that happens Neji would definatley win. At this point I would say Sasuke's Sharingan is inferior to Neji's Byuakugan. There are no Jutsu's for Sasuke to copy and use. Sasuke's trump card is chidori, which could cut through Neji's Kaiten. If that happens and Sasuke get a critical hit then Neji is out.

    7) Kimimaro would get boned.

  12. #32
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: A couple vs. fights.

    5) zabuza takes down kimimaro in any enviroment avaible. zabuza is a high level jounin, kimimaro is no where near a high level jounin. i dont think he can take down a jounin even with his curse seal activated.

  13. #33

    RE: A couple vs. fights.

    Kimi might take an avreage jounin cause not every jounin is as good as Kakashi or Zabuza.

  14. #34

    RE: A couple vs. fights.

    1. Lee- If he opens his gates and with the hero water kimi would probably get beaten to a pulp before he even gets to densify his bones
    2. Lee- Sasuke has gotten faster, but he tires too easily. and im sure lee can dodge all of sasukes fireball attacks
    3. Gaara- although neji is my favorite character, i dont think he is fast enough to get around gaaras sand to land any heavy damages
    4. Gai vs. Kakashi- hmmmm i really dont kno. i would love to see them fight
    5. Zabuza- once he does his hidden mist technique kimis gonna get owned
    6. Neji- definitely. sasukes gonna use chidori and its gonna get deflected. then hes gonna pound him wit his 124 tenketsu attack
    7. Zabuza and Haku- zabuza wont even have to do anything. haku would probably kill him by himself

  15. #35

    RE: A couple vs. fights.

    I don't think that Sauske could beat neji using chidori because after the chidori goes through the kaiten, the kaiten will immediately break sasuke's arm.

  16. #36
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: A couple vs. fights.

    I dont get where some of you come up with the idea that lee is faster than sasuke
    Rewatch the gaara vs sasuke match. They specifically say that he is as fast as lee without the weights
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  17. #37

    RE: A couple vs. fights.

    well, in regards to the two fights between Gai and Kakashi, and Lee and Sasuke, Gai has developed a skill to "guess" what Kakashi is going to do just by watching his feet, so Kakashi's sharingan is pretty much of no use. But between Lee and Sasuke, Lee most likely does not know how to avoid the sharingan yet. So with these two different scenarios, I say Gai would win since Kakashi can't really use the sharingan, and Sasuke will win because Lee does not know how to avoid the sharingan yet.

    As for the fight between Zabuza and Kimimaro, and Zabuza/Haku and Kimimaro, I say that Kimi will win the first fight but Zabuza/Haku will win the second. Personally, I think Kimimaro is stronger than Zabuza, but with Haku's bloodline limit (the mirror thing), that Sasuke and Naruto couldn't escape from without Kyuubi's power, they would win.

    srry bout the out of order stuff, but i just typed what came to mind...

    Now for the others: Lee would win if Kimi couldn't use the curse seal, although just barely. Gaara would win vs Neji, since the sand would get Neji before he could get close enough to do some real damage (altho Neji does have that spinning thing, it would just be a matter of time), and Neji would win against Sasuke, since Byagukan is stronger than Sharingan in my opinion.
    "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

  18. #38
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: A couple vs. fights.

    5) zabuza takes down kimimaro in any enviroment avaible. zabuza is a high level jounin, kimimaro is no where near a high level jounin. i dont think he can take down a jounin even with his curse seal activated.
    Kimimaro being healthy would have swung the balance of the Konoha attack by Orochimaru and yet he couldn't beat 1 jounin? [img]i/expressions/rolleye.gif[/img], sounds likely.

  19. #39

    RE: A couple vs. fights.

    well if kimi hadnt of been sick, then both him and gaara wouldve been invading konoha, while yes naruto was able to beat gaara that time, do u really think he couldve taken both kimi and gaara
    while i say that their chance of a successful invasion wouldve increased, i would still back konoha if this senario had occurred, that and also oro had to retreat anyway

  20. #40

    RE: A couple vs. fights.

    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    5) zabuza takes down kimimaro in any enviroment avaible. zabuza is a high level jounin, kimimaro is no where near a high level jounin. i dont think he can take down a jounin even with his curse seal activated.
    Kimimaro being healthy would have swung the balance of the Konoha attack by Orochimaru and yet he couldn't beat 1 jounin? [img][/img], sounds likely.
    Ok but the problem is not that we think Kimi is hella weak...your questions are wrong:

    5) Kimimaro vs. Zabuza

    Kimimaro can't use the curse seal.
    7) Kimimaro vs. Haku and Zabuza.

    EDIT: No seal.

    NO SEAL. Yes, a full powered level 2 (or 3 right before he died?) Kimimaro would have swung the the balance of the Konoha attack. Yes, a full powered Kimi could probably take on 3 Jounins, maybe. But without seals, he is at a great disadvantage (the seals give you like how much more strength, 20x+). I don't think he would be able to kill any Jounin at that level.

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