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Thread: A couple vs. fights.

  1. #1
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    A couple vs. fights.

    With twists on them, of course.

    1) Lee vs. Kimimaro.

    Use Lee BEFORE he was injured by Gaara, and instead of pulling a jug of sake from his belt, he grabs a bottle of the Hero Water from that god awful OAV and chugs it. Who wins?

    2) Lee vs. Sasuke

    Sasuke cannot use the curse seal. Lee cannot break any of the Gates. Pre injury Lee, but current Sasuke.

    3) Neji vs. Gaara

    The battle takes place in an arena made of stone - meaning Gaara can only use the sand he has on hand, so no Desert Avalanche.

    4) Gai vs. Kakashi

    No twists.

    5) Kimimaro vs. Zabuza

    Kimimaro can't use the curse seal.

    6) Sasuke vs. Neji

    Sasuke can't use the curse seal.


    7) Kimimaro vs. Haku and Zabuza.

    EDIT: No seal.

  2. #2

    A couple vs. fights.

    well id say for fight 2) lee vs sasuke, sasuke would win, he has perfect sharingan and has at least the same speed as lee when lee is wearing his weights, so not only can sasuke read all of lees movements he can also use various ninjutsus and genjutsus against him

  3. #3

    A couple vs. fights.

    1) Lee

    2) sasuke

    3) Gaara

    4) Kakashi

    5) Kimi

    6) Neji

    IMO =)

  4. #4
    Benevolent Dictator
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    RE: A couple vs. fights.

    1: Kimimaro over Lee. Even with Lee doing his moves better, Kimimaro's bones make him functionally invincible, at least to close-range taijutsu-only fighters like Lee. Remember that Kimimaro wasn't really ... trying, but was able to jut out a bunch of bone spikes from all over his body. He's pretty much got an "absolute defense" against taijutsu. You really need something ranged and bone-shattering to deal with him.

    2: Lee ALWAYS opens the gates when he's serious -- at least the first one, with Secondary Lotus. Without that, Sasuke would probably win. With it, Lee's got better speed and stamina that Sasuke, but Sasuke's got crazy fireball powers and the ability to see Lee's movements and evade ... so probably Sasuke until 3rd or 4th gate.

    3: Gaara wins, hands down. Neji doesn't have the raw speed to get past the Shield of Sand. Gaara can use Desert Funeral with just his gourd of sand, no prob. Further, sand just ground up stone, and with perfect control of sand, you can use it to sandblast the stone and make more sand. Neji's chakra-based attacks ... probably wouldn't work on Gaara, and Gaara has Shukaku powers and doesn't consume a lot of chakra with his passive defenses. His attacks would further slow Neji down, keeping him from being able to efficiently do his defensive spin, and there's not really anything to attack about the sand.

    4: in what? Rock-Paper-Scissors? A popularity contest? Flipping a coin and calling it? In just about anything, they're pretty evenly matched, so it's hard to say who'd win.

    5: Zabuza ... has a pretty generic sword. Kimimaro's bones are as hard as steel. When Kimi first met Zabuza on the road back there, if he had fought, maybe Zabuza could have taken him with Haku's help. But ... Zabuza alone against current kimimaro? Kimimaro, hands-down.

    6: Probably Neji. Sasuke hasn't gotten much stronger, Byakugan can see through and defuse a lot of jutsus, and Neji's tenketsu attacks would be able to further defuse chidori. Kaiten would defend against Sasuke's fireball attacks. Jyuken would probably win over sasuke's vanilla taijutsu.

  5. #5

    A couple vs. fights.

    Originally posted by: basey_69
    well id say for fight 2) lee vs sasuke, sasuke would win, he has perfect sharingan and has at least the same speed as lee when lee is wearing his weights, so not only can sasuke read all of lees movements he can also use various ninjutsus and genjutsus against him
    Saseku can't read Taijutsu remember that, the first "fight" or show of lee vs saseku lee said that.

  6. #6
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    A couple vs. fights.

    Here's my own thoughts.

    1) Lee. With the sheer power he is putting out along with amping his speed, he will hit with an absolutely insane amount of force. I think it's enough to shatter Kimimaro's bones.

    2) Lee loses in this scenario. He is probably physically stronger and more durable than Sasuke, but the Sharingan throws the balance, along with Sasuke's other ninjutsu.

    3) I can think of a badass way for Neji to beat Gaara but it's extremely unlikely. Gaara probably smokes him.

    4) Gai because I am biased.

    5) I think Kimimaro gang rapes him. I may actually adjust that fight to be more fair.

    6) I think Neji wins hands down.


    7) I still think he gang rapes them.

    Originally posted by: Madell
    Originally posted by: basey_69
    well id say for fight 2) lee vs sasuke, sasuke would win, he has perfect sharingan and has at least the same speed as lee when lee is wearing his weights, so not only can sasuke read all of lees movements he can also use various ninjutsus and genjutsus against him
    Saseku can't read Taijutsu remember that, the first "fight" or show of lee vs saseku lee said that.
    Incorrect. Sharingan copies and sees through all jutsus, it's just that without proper physical training you can't make your body move in the correct counter position or replicate the move.

  7. #7
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    A couple vs. fights.

    1) Kimimaro: If kyubi naruto > a jounin w/ hero water, then the hero water isn't all its hyped up to be.......

    2) Sasuke: The gates was what gave lee the edge over least at this point, where sasuke's taijutsu is as fast as lee's.

    3) Gaara: It would be an interesting fight, especially if the kaiten really is a "superior" absolute defense over gaara's sand. However I still don't see how neji can physically harm gaara.

    4) Gai: But only if gai can unlock gates.

    5) Zabuza: We've seen how the kaguya clan stands against Mist isnt pretty. If kimimaro can't use his curse seal, then that probably means he can't do broke stunts like encase his body in spikes or create an impenetrable skeleton.

    6) Neji: It's a tough call. Theoretically, Uchiha should be > Hyuuga, however being older, Neji has more experience. Also I imagine his kaiten can beat most of sasuke's attacks. But then again, with sasuke's offense and neji's defense, it might be more of a question as to who will run out of chakra first.

    7) Zabuza and Haku: same reasons as #5, except to an even greater extent
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  8. #8
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    A couple vs. fights.

    Originally posted by: Madell
    Saseku can't read Taijutsu remember that, the first "fight" or show of lee vs saseku lee said that.
    Yes he can. Sasuke's body wasn't quick enough to move and react to Lee's movement. Sasuke's eyes saw pretty much everything.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  9. #9
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: A couple vs. fights.

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    1) Kimimaro: If kyubi naruto > a jounin w/ hero water, then the hero water isn't all its hyped up to be.......
    Assume for this scenario that the incredible jobber aura in that movie is deactivated and becoming ten times as powerful doesn't make you Naruto's bitch.

  10. #10
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: A couple vs. fights.

    I don't think Zabuza is that weak, he's a jounin after all. It's a power gap people tend to overlook.

    As for the rest of the fights I pick Neji & Gaara wherever they are available since I'm biased. The rest of the fights don't matter. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
    Except #2, I'd really like to see that one.

  11. #11
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    A couple vs. fights.

    hmm.......i dunno......would that still be stronger than the desert requiem?

    I agree with terra......I dont feel that any of these matches have truly been at "jounin" level.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  12. #12

    A couple vs. fights.

    1 - With that hero water, Lee would pwn.

    2 - Sasuke. That sharingan is too much.

    3 - Gaara. I can't think of a way for Neji to penetrate Gaara's defense before he's slaughtered.

    4 - Kakashi. If Sasuke can beat Lee, Kakashi can beat Gai.

    5 - Kimimaro. As much as I loved Zabuza, he'd be thrashed.

    6 - Neji. Sasuke heavily relies on jutsus. A couple of pin-point hits and he's out.

    7 - I'm still going to have to go with Kimimaro.

  13. #13
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: A couple vs. fights.

    alot of times these scenarious can depend heavily on the situation.

    for example, zabuza stands a much better chance against any opponent if he is in an area with water
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  14. #14
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: A couple vs. fights.

    Ok. Assume 1 scenario for the Zabuza fights is them fighting on the bridge in Wave Country, and another is a fight in the same grass area that Kimimaro's in now.

  15. #15
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: A couple vs. fights.

    Ok, and what kind of abilities can kimimaro have without the curse seal?
    It seems to me all he can do is extrude a few spikes, and create a bone sword......and thats about it, right?

    Over water, Zabuza can completely conceal himself, as well as perform high level water jutsus. Even if the bastard is somehow immune to physical attacks, he can still drown.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  16. #16

    RE: A couple vs. fights.

    Grass - Kimimaro.

    Bridge - Well, It seems Kimimaro needs a lot of room to fight, with those dances and such. And all that water at Zabuza's disposal. Tough. I can't decide.

  17. #17

    A couple vs. fights.

    1. Lee wins. With the chakara that the Hero Water provides, plus his being able to open his gates, Lee would have no problem with Kimi.

    2. Lee wins. Remember right before the first test of the chunin exam, sorry for the spelling, when Lee owns Sasuke. Sasuke even admits that his Sharingan can't match Lee's speed.

    3. Gaara wins. I don't think that Neji could get close enough to Gaara, to block his chakara tubes, with the sand that is protecting him.

    4. Kakashi wins. Gai is a bitch. I have no factual data to back this up but Kakashi would own Gai. Hands down.

    5. Zabzua wins. After performing his jitzu where you can't see anything in the mist. Zabzua would assasinate kimi, being that is his specialty. My basis on this is it took Kakashi having to use a scroll with dogs that could smell his scent to be able to paralyze Zabzua.

    6. Neji wins. I think Neji would win because he would be able to cut off many important chakara channels before Sasuke would realize that he had done so.

  18. #18
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: A couple vs. fights.

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    Ok, and what kind of abilities can kimimaro have without the curse seal?
    It seems to me all he can do is extrude a few spikes, and create a bone sword......and thats about it, right?
    He can also shoot out the finger bullets and increase his bone density.

  19. #19

    A couple vs. fights.

    I'm pretty sure that kakashi would kick Kimi's ass easily, no contest. Especially if he can't use the seal.
    So...seeing how Zabuza is nearly up to the level kakashi is at...we should assume he could probably beat kimi. Really, Kimi is a Jounin level ninja at BEST, especially with no seals.

  20. #20
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: A couple vs. fights.

    Remember, Orochimaru said that if Kimimaro hadn't gotten AIDS he would have swung the balance of the Konoha War. Of course he was talking about his max power and not just non-seal, but he isn't a pushover little genin schmuck.

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