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Thread: Who is really the STRONGEST

  1. #41

    RE: Who is really the STRONGEST

    Yeah Itachi is a badass and I like him, hence he is in my sig, BUT I do not claim him to be the strongest and such. Just cause he is in my sig does not mean he is my favorite btw.

  2. #42

    RE: Who is really the STRONGEST

    Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
    Originally posted by: kAi
    If jiraiya was stronger than itachi, why didnt he just wait in konoha for itachi and kisame to fight them alongside kakashi?
    Considering Jiraiya was on a mission with Naruto to go get Tsunade, he can't exactly wait around for Akatsuki to come before he went out to find Tsunade, she was needed straight away to take the Hokage role.

    Jiraiya took Naruto with him, because he knew the Akatsuki would strike but not exactly when, and he would be safer with Jiraiya than any other person, not many people actually liked Naruto, and Jiraiya being the strongest took him.
    he could have taken the role of hokage for the small amount of time til the akatsuki attacked and then go to find tsunade. not really that hard to do. the only thing that makes this unreasonable is that this is a series and that would kill the story abit.
    He didn't know when they would attack, that is why he left, so he could get Tsunade as quick as possible and bring her back.

    The Akatsuki want Naruto from Konoha, no-one else, he knew they would probably come but didn't know when, so he might've thought that they wouldn't bother with attacking Konoha.

    The key word in my sentence is when.

  3. #43

    RE: Who is really the STRONGEST

    It may just be me, but i figure the strongest character in the story has to be the Nine-tails fox. sure the fourth may have "beat" the fox, but really, the fox still won the fight. The fourth was killed and the fox was just sealed away.

    As far as non-demon characters go i would say the fourth was the strongest up till his death. after that would have been the first, the second, and the third all pretty much equal. The third says the first and second were stronger than him, but i think that is only because he was very young when he last saw them fight, and has a pre-condition tendancy to place them higher than himself, much like how a little brother just can't win a fight against his older brother no matter how much stronger the little brother is.

    Now, as for the non-dead characters, that is the tricky part. Almost everybody here is claiming Itachi is the end-all of ninjas, but we really haven't seen him fight, we have seen him use a very strong jutsu and poke another guy with a kunai, but thats it. Also, a lot of people are ranking Tsunadai pretty low too but Tsunadai has to be placed very high on the list simply because she does have that one punch kill ability, and also the medical jutsu that can heal her body as she fights, or do direct damage from a distance, the reason that kabuto is as strong as he is. So even if she isn't the best fighter, all she has to do is land one hit.

    The fact remains that we haven't seen the "powerful" characters really go at it yet, so it is all speculation up to this point based on other characters attitudes towards each other.

    Now if you want to rank the younger characters in strength, that is a different matter, we have seen them all fight to their fullest at a point 2.5 years ago. at that time i would rank the top ten as such: 1. Naruto (with nine-tails chakra) 2. Sasuke (with seal) 3. Gaara 4. Tie between Rock Lee and Neji 6. Sasuke (without seal) 7. Naruto (without nine-tails chakra) 8. Tie between Shikamaru and that kid with the bugs (forgot his name) 9. Chouji 10. Kiba

    now this is how i rank them in pure battle effectivness, as if each of these characters fought the same average, well rounded, not special in any way kind of way, ninja one-on-one that ranked them afterwards. this doesn't mean that i think a higher rank will neccisarily beat a lower rank in a fight. For instance we know that Naruto (with nine-tails) loses to Sasuke (with seal) in a fight, but i also think that on another day, that might be reversed. we also know that Lee continually looses to Neji, but i thik that is because Lee was forbidden to use his best techniques. I also think Shikamaru would beat Neji by quickly figuring out his weakness and finding a way to exploit it and Shikamaru would also beat Naruto (without nine-tails) because shikamaru is just too much smarter, but he could not beat Naruto (with nine-tails) because Naruto would just be simply too strong.

    Now if you want to know who would just wipe the floor with all the others in a 1-on-1 no holds barred death match, i would rank the top three as such: 1. Naruto (extremely pissed off with nine-tails chakra) 2. Rock Lee (drunk off his ass with all gates open) 3. Sasuke (with seal at stage 2)

    of course that is just conjecture because we have never seen Lee in that condition and i don't think we have seen Naruto use the nine-tails to it's fullest yet either.

    this post has gone on long enough.


  4. #44

    RE: Who is really the STRONGEST

    Originally posted by: Kur
    It may just be me, but i figure the strongest character in the story has to be the Nine-tails fox. sure the fourth may have "beat" the fox, but really, the fox still won the fight. The fourth was killed and the fox was just sealed away.

    As far as non-demon characters go i would say the fourth was the strongest up till his death. after that would have been the first, the second, and the third all pretty much equal. The third says the first and second were stronger than him, but i think that is only because he was very young when he last saw them fight, and has a pre-condition tendancy to place them higher than himself, much like how a little brother just can't win a fight against his older brother no matter how much stronger the little brother is.

    Now, as for the non-dead characters, that is the tricky part. Almost everybody here is claiming Itachi is the end-all of ninjas, but we really haven't seen him fight, we have seen him use a very strong jutsu and poke another guy with a kunai, but thats it. Also, a lot of people are ranking Tsunadai pretty low too but Tsunadai has to be placed very high on the list simply because she does have that one punch kill ability, and also the medical jutsu that can heal her body as she fights, or do direct damage from a distance, the reason that kabuto is as strong as he is. So even if she isn't the best fighter, all she has to do is land one hit.

    The fact remains that we haven't seen the "powerful" characters really go at it yet, so it is all speculation up to this point based on other characters attitudes towards each other.

    Now if you want to rank the younger characters in strength, that is a different matter, we have seen them all fight to their fullest at a point 2.5 years ago. at that time i would rank the top ten as such: 1. Naruto (with nine-tails chakra) 2. Sasuke (with seal) 3. Gaara 4. Tie between Rock Lee and Neji 6. Sasuke (without seal) 7. Naruto (without nine-tails chakra) 8. Tie between Shikamaru and that kid with the bugs (forgot his name) 9. Chouji 10. Kiba

    now this is how i rank them in pure battle effectivness, as if each of these characters fought the same average, well rounded, not special in any way kind of way, ninja one-on-one that ranked them afterwards. this doesn't mean that i think a higher rank will neccisarily beat a lower rank in a fight. For instance we know that Naruto (with nine-tails) loses to Sasuke (with seal) in a fight, but i also think that on another day, that might be reversed. we also know that Lee continually looses to Neji, but i thik that is because Lee was forbidden to use his best techniques. I also think Shikamaru would beat Neji by quickly figuring out his weakness and finding a way to exploit it and Shikamaru would also beat Naruto (without nine-tails) because shikamaru is just too much smarter, but he could not beat Naruto (with nine-tails) because Naruto would just be simply too strong.

    Now if you want to know who would just wipe the floor with all the others in a 1-on-1 no holds barred death match, i would rank the top three as such: 1. Naruto (extremely pissed off with nine-tails chakra) 2. Rock Lee (drunk off his ass with all gates open) 3. Sasuke (with seal at stage 2)

    of course that is just conjecture because we have never seen Lee in that condition and i don't think we have seen Naruto use the nine-tails to it's fullest yet either.

    this post has gone on long enough.

    since you wrote such a long ass post i felt sry for you since no one replied... so here have my precious <3

  5. #45
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Who is really the STRONGEST

    well, there's no doubt that Kyubi is the strongest, but since he isn't (at least for now, who knows what will happen in the future) an acting charecter, so it's like saying "god is the strongest"...

    as for living charecters, it's a though spot between Jiraya and Itachi, I guessing Itachi becuase of plotical reasons..
    Tsunade is strong indeed, but she lacks the X factor which makes the rest of the charecters dangerous, it's like how nobody cared for chouji, kiba and the female ninjas, they don't seem to be life threatenning...

    so my list is as follows:

    0. The Kyubi
    1. Itachi
    2. Jiraya / Orochimaru
    3. Tsunade
    4. Kabuto / Kakashi / Gai
    5. Akatsuki members / Gaara
    6. Kimimaru / Zabuza / Haku

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  6. #46

    RE: Who is really the STRONGEST

    the current Naruto is most likely as strong as Gaara if he didnt waste the 2 years.

  7. #47

    RE: Who is really the STRONGEST

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    well, there's no doubt that Kyubi is the strongest, but since he isn't (at least for now, who knows what will happen in the future) an acting charecter, so it's like saying "god is the strongest"...

    true, but that is why i broke the post into several different lists. every character is the strongest at something, i suppose we would never know who is truely the strongest until they all just had it out and see who is left standing.

  8. #48

    RE: Who is really the STRONGEST

    How about we actually see what Itachi and Jiraiya can really do before we start saying who is stronger than who? Because, any other way would just be pretty pointless.

  9. #49
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    RE: Who is really the STRONGEST

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    I guessing Itachi becuase of plotical reasons..
    Plotical? Sorry, I'm not trying to be mean, but that seemed funny to me. Was that just a typo or did you make up a word? (Feel free to tell me if I'm being too much of a jackass.)

    Back on topic:
    Crows_Kill has been making some good points. It's good to see some rationality as opposed to blatant worship of one's favourite character.
    In my opinion, it's great that we don't know for sure who would win; it makes the show better. Ninjas probably don't go out fighting every other strong ninja simply to see who would survive. I don't claim to be an expert in military history, but wouldn't it be a bit ridiculous for Kishimoto to make every strong character fight every other strong character for this reason?
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  10. #50

    RE: Who is really the STRONGEST

    the strongest are Jiraya and Oro - they are not legendary for nothing. Have you seen three sannin battle? What about that Jiraya/Gamabunta Fire attack? This can wipe out WHOLE CITIES, and I guess Oro have something similar. Tsunade is like them in experience, but she is not specilaised in fighting, but she is ultimate healer, just like J/O are legendary fighters. Yes Itachi is strong, but he is just young boy with insanely strong bloodline, but you really can't compare that with experience. Althrought he have perfect Ninjutsu (fire that can but trough anything) and Genjutsu (he puted Sasuke ind Kakashi in coma and without legendary healer, they would be dead).

    Itachi destroyes singlehandedly the strongest clan in Konoha, but it's like because of highlevel Sharingan, lower level may be useless against higher and Uchiha are weak without it.

    BTW: have you realized how strong is genjutsu? Itachi can kill (or put in coma, but that is almost the same) person who is physically indestructable (like Kimimaro), mo matter how strong is body, mind may be also destroyed... I want moooore genjutsu users [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img])

    and of course, that anbu chick is strongest [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] she can do sexy no jutsu even without chakra [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]) 16 years old Sakura/Ino/Hinata may also be considerable, but experience counts [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  11. #51

    RE: Who is really the STRONGEST

    ofcourse that demons (naruto, gaara) and mutations (kimamaro) are little bit out of scale [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] theay are so strong, but they paid very big price. and there are speculations that Kabuto may have one of demons, so no wonder he was able to defend against Tsunade. and still, she is healer, not fighter.

    samsonlonghair: PLOTical reasons are reasons of PLOT [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    (sorry for doublepost, but edit is not working)

    back to topis: itachi is WEAK. man with colored nails can't be strong!! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  12. #52
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: Who is really the STRONGEST

    the uchiha clan is not weak without sharingan. they have very good bodies and are all strong fighters with or without sharingan. both orochimaru and jiraiya are past their prime jiraiya is in his 50's and well orochimaru just got a random body right now, we dont really know how much he can do in this new body. itachi hasnt reached his prime yet and is still as strong as jiraiya and orochimaru. so if he isnt the strongest he will be in a time span of 5-10 years.

    and btw what aout kimimaro is a mutation? its called a bloodline in naruto. and kabuto hasnt shown any signs of having a demon, i dont think he would have lost to naruto if he had a demon.

  13. #53

    RE: Who is really the STRONGEST

    Uchicha wouldnt be the same without the sharingan ,they wouldnt be a legendary clan if they didnt have the sharingan. Every famous clan have something speciel, Uchicha,Hyouga,Kimi's clan.

  14. #54

    RE: Who is really the STRONGEST

    I wonder what wouled hapend if Kakachis sharingan was just as good as itachis.
    But its not so Itachi is better.

    How many gates can Gai open ???
    i just think about when he opens the death gate he would be like an ultimate fighter but after the fight he would die [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

  15. #55
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Who is really the STRONGEST

    The Uchiha's are great even without the sharingan, the eyeball is only an addition to their terriably ninja-fitting bodies...
    it was said quite early in the story that only a select few in the clan gain the sharingan (of course, it doesn't seem to make a diffrence since almost every uchiha in Sasuke's flashbacks has the damn thing)...

    There's no indication on how many gates Gai can call open, it's probably above 2 (since he thought lee them), but other than that, your guess is as good as mine.
    and if you're asking, I think that Gai can open less gates than Lee, and that's why Kakashi was so suprised when he heard Lee can open up to the 5th gate... well, that was what i thought 2 years ago, before the story turned crap... so gai can and will probably go 8th gate on someone's ass in order to save Lee from death.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  16. #56

    Who is really the STRONGEST

    I think the Uchiha are useless without the Sharingan.
    Well not useless, just ordinary, they wouldn't be one of the best clans, the ONLY reason they're one of the best clans is BECAUSE of the Sharingan!

  17. #57

    Who is really the STRONGEST

    Ive laughed at the following:

    Kisame ranked below/with Gai/Kakashi
    The Akatsuki wouldnt invite weaklings into their ranks. Of the 5 members (ex included) we have seen in combat, two defeated Kage's, one is extremly feared (and speculated to be the strongest in the manga), one is a legendary ninja of the sand, and Kisame who we havnt even seen in serious combat.
    We have seen Gai do exactly one thing... Konoha Senpuu people who were not expecting it.
    Kakashi's seriously feared the 2 Akatsuki he knows (Oro and Itachi). We should expect Kisame to have intimate knowledge of a Sharingan user. If Gai 'knows' the sharingan from Kakashi, then Kisame 'KNOWS' the sharinganx2 from Itachi.

    Deidaro would have been bitch slapped by kakashi or Gai.
    Diedara took out the Kazekage/Gaara. Her unique ability has obvious potential for power. First she almost nuked a major city. Second, she beat one of the strongest 'distance' fighters at their own game. You're telling me she would get whooped by Kakashi or Gai?!

    Weakest' dick comment to Dezalanel
    I definitely see where you are coming from Dez... the irony is too great.

    Kabuto may have one of demons
    ... yyyyup.

    Gai probably knows the first few gates (how else would he teach them to Rock Lee) but once you know how to do something (like open gates) you could probably open them on your own from there on out. He could open fewer then Rock Lee - as much as I would like that - it probably isnt the case.

    Just a disclaimer:
    I still believe Kishimoto can write whoever to beat whoever.... so.... as 'pointless' as people like to point out... its still fun.
    & Naruto doesnt follow a power lvl structure... so... there ya go

  18. #58

    RE: Who is really the STRONGEST

    if the uchiha clan dont got there sharingan they wont sound so strong and i think that every clan should have there blood limit.

    btw: byankugan (something like that) is stronger then the sharingan

  19. #59

    Who is really the STRONGEST

    Jiraya > Itachi

    Itachi himself said that he couldn't beat Jiraya, even if all the Atasaki were with him it wouldn't make any difference. The best they could do was draw a double kill.

  20. #60
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Who is really the STRONGEST

    oh yeah, now that i think of it he did say that. But Jiraya was unable to beat oro when oro didnt have arms and we saw in little flashbacks that Jiraya lost to Oro in past. oro however said himself that he was weaker than itachi which is why he left. so, we put ourself in a circle here, or a triangle but i say circle because it keeps going on.

    Oro>Jiraya>Itachi>Oro>Jiraya>Itachi >Oro>Jiraya>Itachi>Oro>Jiraya>It achi... u get the point.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

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