12 years old and already a college graduate. That is something. You think patients will take him seriously though. Even if he's has a degree people are more motivated by appearance.
12 years old and already a college graduate. That is something. You think patients will take him seriously though. Even if he's has a degree people are more motivated by appearance.
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
Well, yes. Even "normal" geniuses are usually social retards (I mean that in a non-offensive context).Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
Wow that's amazing. The kid must see the world in a whole different way than us.
since we were speaking about acronyms or slang, would someone care to tell me what 133T is or (LEET?) if its a normal word then i just dont know it, but if someone could tell me what it means i'd appreciate it since i see it used frequentally on gotwoot.
and that prodigy 12 year old, you cant compare people to him. -sharingan-kakashi- i do not think you really have an IQ of 206 but i will not say it is impossible. i will say this though, if you DO have an IQ of 206 you would be semi-famous because 206 IS extremely high. If u truely did have an IQ of 206 perhaps you would have taken a second to think that maybe typing with correct grammer might help others read what you have to say better. as for the shift thing, i'm not sure anybody here has told you that you MUST use the shift button, and nobody here mentioned that they thought they were better than you for using it.
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
If Sharingan-Kakashi has an IQ of 206, I am a motherfucking Super Saiyan.Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
and that prodigy 12 year old, you cant compare people to him. -sharingan-kakashi- i do not think you really have an IQ of 206 but i will not say it is impossible. i will say this though, if you DO have an IQ of 206 you would be semi-famous because 206 IS extremely high. If u truely did have an IQ of 206 perhaps you would have taken a second to think that maybe typing with correct grammer might help others read what you have to say better. as for the shift thing, i'm not sure anybody here has told you that you MUST use the shift button, and nobody here mentioned that they thought they were better than you for using it.
Nah, super saiyan probably makes you dumber since you'll pop a blood vessel or two in your brain.
Hey Chaoskiddo,
Here's something on l337, I'm just borrowing this link from page 2, from the bottom of Board_of_command's post: Truth about Leet
I read the whole damn thing - it's long, but it's pretty interesting.
I wanted to support you earlier Chaos in those other forums that picked you up on your typing. I'm in the party that says if you can understand it, its fine!
My problem with posting is that I'm not very articulate. I find it really hard to get a clear idea of what I mean across. And I know I'm not stupid (though a certain someone in this forum thinks I'm not worth a shiny nickel).
I just try to make it as clear as possible, and I re-read a few times because I hate making spelling mistakes. But I really don't mind if others make them (its especially funny when someone is bigging themselves up but makes some awful mistakes). I also try not to sound too serious, I'd much rather have a laugh then get into a flame war - though those can be pretty funny to read when you're not involved heh heh heh. I suppose I try do that by using emoticons like Mae pointed out earlier.
This thread has been really interesting to read - keep up the linguistics lessons!
hey werder, i'm glad you support me but we worked it all out and i'm okay with typing grammatically correct (at least trying to), its not that big of a deal.
Thank you werder and BOC for helping me understand a bit about "1337." I did not read the whole thing because... well acctually i have no patience but i did get the idea of "1337"
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
Ya, it's basically a language for social outcasts to "look cool".
I'm a social outcast?! Noooooo!!!Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
Ya, it's basically a language for social outcasts to "look cool".
I think you're overreacting about leet, BOC. You may hate the "language" but I see no reason to give a biased definition.
It is a very basic code language that can be used for fun too.
I don't disagree that there are social outcast that use leet in a sad attempt to look cool. Though, I would say that there is a large scale of people that use it, some are on the extremes but the whole idea should not be condemned just for those people.
Personally, my typing has changed a lot over the years. When I was younger I used all the shortcuts and I had awful grammar, my spelling was horrific to add to the pile. Since then I have changed the way I type significantly and I would believe most of it was due to peer pressure. One of the Tribes 2 servers I played on a lot had a lot of older people that jokingly ridiculed me about poor spelling and shortcuts which weeded out my problems by pushing me to a higher standard.
So, in my mind, acceptable typing and what is perceived by your typing is largely related to the group of people reading your text. As such I would not create a rule so general that it covers the whole internet, instead I would perhaps cover the acceptance of different types on this board.
It's ok if you just use it sarcastically, but problems arise when you start having fun typing in l33t...
Leet speak translator
To be honest i fail to see the need to use leetspeak seems to me to be pointless.
Leetspeak's mostly used by 13year old losers trying to be cool.
How much do i suck with photoshop?
was The Next Hokage
i fail to see how leet is cool
|_&&|$|>&@|\{ !$ ||-|& $|-|!| y()|_| _||_|$| \^/!$|-| y()|_| (()|_||_|) $|>&@|\{ !|!11
It's not. It's for little kids that want to seem cool but make them sleves look even more stupid than if thye were to use real words.Originally posted by: basey_69
i fail to see how leet is cool
Leet is an interesting form of slang in that it is written rather than spoken. As with most types of slang though, it tends to be used mostly by one certain group of people. By using a group's slang, you identify yourself with that group, which might be a good thing if you are talking to teenage gamers, but could be a bad thing if you are trying to have a comprehensible discussion. Bah, I have so much more to say, but I have to get back to studying for exams. I'll come back to this discussion next week when I'm done school.
leet actually started as a slang used by hackers, not by gamers...
One linguistic trend that's really been pissing me off is when little kids call anything they don't like gay.
"Hey man that river is like so gay lets not swim in it or else it'll get it's gayness all over us."
"This is so gay"
"Stop being so gay"
Grrrrrr really angers me makes me want to hit them.
Good point about the "gay" word. It annoys me too.
And how did "dope" ever replace the word "cool"?
blame rap
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
I think an important factor that hasn't been discussed yet is that people pick up the mannerims of those that they spend the most time talking to, both in person and on the computer. Now if the majority of the typing/communicating that one does is over aim w/ a bunch 12yo who still find novelty in speaking like goofs cuz they're little, then that will come accross when posting to a forum. Likewise if most computer communication is done in the ever painful realms of CS and EE labs, you will infact find alotta ppl th47 u53 1337 sp3ak because its just the way that we communicate in the labs, it doesn't take any extra effort and we enjoy it. A final factor is just how much someone cares about how they are percieved by others on the forum, are you just trying to state ur opinion, are you trying to connect with the forum so that u feel like part of a larger group, if so do you think ur thoughts/musings or opinions will be discounted on the basis of the nature in which it is conveyed, or the content? Finally, im sure some of us just browse the forim when we have spare time or are pretty tired, and being tired can easily lead to bad grammar and not giving a $hit about it.
When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. Here was a machine of precision and balance for the convenience of man. And (unlike subsequent inventions for man's convenience) the more he used it, the fitter his body became. Here, for once, was a product of man's brain that was entirely beneficial to those who used it, and of no harm or irritation to others. Progress should have stopped when man invented the bicycle. ~Elizabeth West, Hovel in theHills