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  1. #1
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    The way we write

    Alright, I've noticed that issues of language, spelling, and grammar keep popping up in other areas of the forum. I figured that this topic comes up enough to warrant creating a thread for it. Plus, as a linguist, I find discussions on language to be infinitely fascinating. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    So, the question that often comes up is: "Is it really important how I type my posts?"

    And the answer is yes. You see, since this is an online forum, the only way we interact with each other is through the written word. No one has the benefit if being able to speak to you face-to-face, therefore all their opinions of you are based upon what you write and how you write it. People only generally consider the first aspect as being important: the content. And while the content of a post reveals a lot about who someone is, they often don't realize how much the manner in which they say it also shapes others' perceptions of them.

    There have been linguistic studies done on this, and I'm not gonna bother to dig them out, but if anyone is interested, I could probably hook you up with some statistics. Basically, the outcomes are as follows: People who use a 'standard' form of a language are regarded as being more intelligent, and are likely to be more successful, whereas people who use non-standard dialects are often thought of as being below average intelligence, even if this is not the case.

    Language can also show aspects of your personality. Let me pick on a couple gotwoot members here for examples. Souryusen always starts his sentences with a capital letter and ends them with a period, even in the irc channel where barely anyone uses ending punctuation. Also, the words that he uses are always very precise. This reflects a few things about his personality, namely an attention to detail, and a meticulousness that does not give in to the laziness that everyone else adopts (Sou, correct me if I'm wrong here.....I'm randomly speculating from what I know of sociolinguistics). And in fact, I'm glad that he is like that, because his profession leaves very little room for sloppiness or shortcuts.

    Second example is one of our newer members, Chaoskiddo, who's been hassled for his grammar and spelling recently. The question that was posed to him was why would he use 'wuz' in the place of 'was' since they both have the same amount of letters and hence it's not saving him any time. I think the answer to this lies in fact that language is often used not just to convey information but also to build solidarity between people. One of the ways that this is done, is by having a certain dialect that you use with your friends, with which you relate to each other, but don't necessarily use with outsiders. In my opinion, Chaoskiddo's use of 'wuz' and such, words that he normally uses with his friends, signifies that he regards us as his peers, and is relating to us on that level.

    Whew, this is getting longer than I thought. Sorry about that guys. I just like linguistics so much that I get carried away. So, I have other random thoughts and theories, but I'll save them for another time if anyone seems to be interested. Otherwise, feel free to post any thoughts you have about language, spelling and grammar on the forums or just in general. Let's try to keep this away from flaming anyone in particular though. So no posts like "so-and-so types like a retard". And if you didn't make it through reading all of this massively long post, it's ok. It's all rambling anyways.

  2. #2
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    The way we write

    yeah kitkat thanks for explaining for me, surprisenly u pretty much captured exactly the reason i type the way i do but if u noticed inside the naruto fourm i am trying to correct myself when talking here. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
    (i'm sorry but plz dont hassle me for spelling since i am a really bad speller i am referring to "surprisenly" because i have no clue how to spell it.)

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  3. #3
    Chuunin 2:25's Avatar
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    RE: The way we write

    Very interesting stuff&
    and I totally agree that how people write reflect upon their personalities. Plus, I like to also comment on the use of slang. I personally love slang just because of the sounds that the words make. For example: there is kind of and kinda. The latter spelling just seems to roll off the tongue. Also, I find that written dialogues with slang are more convincing in terms of realism then the use of proper words.

  4. #4
    Chuunin 2:25's Avatar
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    The way we write

    sorry, double post ^^''

  5. #5

    The way we write

    true say kitkat

  6. #6

    The way we write

    Hehe, good depiction of "internet language" there. A couple things I'd like to add if you don't mind...

    Another big issue is punctuation and grammar. The usage of punctuation and grammar on the internet is pretty much the same as people using "wuz" - it's dialect vs. writing. People that avoid using punctuation are the ones that write as if they're speaking the sentences. Normally when we speak, we don't really give much thought about the punctuational and grammatical structures of our sentences, especially fragments. When we talk we just say the first words that come to mind, and if you find them inappropriate afterwards, you just change them on the spot.

    Now for the other side of the battle. People that use or attempt to use correct punctuation and grammar are those that realize they're an anonymous being writing to a bunch of strangers. Their mindset when writing online is: "nobody here knows how I talk in real life, so I must make my writing as correct and clear as possible". People that write this way are not losers with too much time on their hands because they write in what we call "the proper way". Take me for example. Writing this way doesn't make my typing any slower because in this mindset, typing in a clear and legible way feels "natural", and anytime I'm writing on the internet, I feel this is the "right" way to do it when trying to get my point across. In the end it just comes down to differences between verbal people and literal people.

    And now for my final point: profanity. The usage of online profanity is simply a way for some people to make online conversations feel more real life-like. In the way profanity is used, both real life and online, isn't even for the purpose of describing things. Profanity is just an expression like a shrug or smile put into verbal form. In real life, when someone says "That guy's a fucking idiot", the purpose of the magic word isn't used to describe the guy, but instead to give insight on how you feel about him. Let's pick that sentence apart, shall we? In a logical sense, saying "That guy's a fucking idiot" is no different from saying "That guy's an idiot" in terms of achieving the purpose. The f-word doesn't emphasize "idiot", it shows how you feel about the guy being an idiot.

    Now, put profanity online. Using profanity is all about the way you say it out loud. Using profanity online totally defeats its purpose, and thus pointless. Reading the sentence "That fucking sucks" is totally different from hearing the words "That fucking sucks". Once profanity goes online, all it becomes is another word your eyes read, and nothing more. As I said in the beginning, lots of people use profanity online to make the online experience feel more life-like, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Why don't I ever use profanity? Because I'd like to save wear and tear on my keyboard [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    Damn, I think mine thing might actually be longer than KitKat's. I always get carried away when writing things I desperately want to explain...

    PS: Good, it's not that long.

  7. #7
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    The way we write

    I have to disagree with what Board is saying about profanity. For me, profanity in general, be it verbal or written is something that carries a certain amount of power to convey expression. I definately see and notice a difference between "this sucks" and this "this fucking sucks". There's a couple of reasons for this, although I'm just going out on a limb with these reasons. Anyone who can, confirm or deny what I'm about to say. To me, the most important is that saying a swear word isn't the same as writing it in the sense that for people who swear, it comes out naturally, whereas when they type it, there's a level of consciousness to it which gives the word the power it loses from not being heard. And, at least on this forum, the frequency of profanity is a testament to that. I read less profanity on this forum than I hear in real life so when I encounter it on the forum, to me it means that the person is trying to emphasize an emotion, and I only realize that when it was effective, which is pretty much all of the time. That's my take on it.
    "You are not free whose liberty is won by the rigour of other, more righteous souls. Your are merely protected. Your freedom is parasitic, you suck the honourable man dry and offer nothing in return. You who have enjoyed freedom, who have done nothing to earn it, your time has come. This time you will stand alone and fight for yourselves. Now you will pay for your freedom in the currency of honest toil and human blood."

    - Inquisitor Czevak

  8. #8

    RE: The way we write

    WH4+ 4re J00 +@lK1nG ABouT? Wh@+ 1S wrOn9 Wi+H +hE w4y i WR1TE j00 81+CH i w1LL K1lL yOU! d1E!!!!

  9. #9
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    RE: The way we write

    I have no fucking clue what taht says Kai. God I hate 1337.

    @uchiha: YOur right about how people use swearing in the forum. I swear like a salor when I'm talking to people. But on the forum I only swear to make a point or enhance what i'm saying.

  10. #10
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    The way we write

    i dont think that how you write online has anything to do with intelligence, for me you shouldent be judging if someone is intelligent or not at all, until you have met them. could i have just written that with correct grammar, of course i could have, but i choose not to, it has nothing to do with intelligence. for me i would rather put my efforts into a paper in my english class worth 60% of my grade and try to pass all my ap tests.
    EDIT: also what really pisses me off is people who think theyre better than others because they take a quarter second more time and press shift now an then. btw i have a 206 iq and skipped the 3rd grade, so no, im not dumb, i just dont like the shift button [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  11. #11
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
    (universally beloved
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    The way we write

    @ kai: Haha, cute
    @ animemaster: I'm not even going to try to decipher that....just looking at it makes me feel confused

    Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
    i dont think that how you write online has anything to do with intelligence, for me you shouldent be judging if someone is intelligent or not at all, until you have met them. could i have just written that with correct grammar, of course i could have, but i choose not to, it has nothing to do with intelligence. for me i would rather put my efforts into a paper in my english class worth 60% of my grade and try to pass all my ap tests.
    EDIT: also what really pisses me off is people who think theyre better than others because they take a quarter second more time and press shift now an then. btw i have a 206 iq and skipped the 3rd grade, so no, im not dumb, i just dont like the shift button
    My point is though that it is unlikely any of us will ever meet in real life. Therefore, we form our opinions of others based on what they write and how they say it. You can't help doing this. Often, it's subconsious. Just like how you initially form opinions about people the first time you see them, without having ever talked to them. It's not that you intend to form these opinions, it's just a consequence of how our minds work.

    The thing that I find most interesting is finding people's reasons for using non-standard dialects of English.
    Anyways, if I was to do a linguistic analysis of your post, -Sharingan-Kakashi-, I'd say that you use a pretty standard variety of English, regardless of your lack of capitalization and apostrophes. Your spelling is good (not counting typing errors which are different from spelling errors in that typing errors result from typing too fast whereas spelling errors result from either a purposeful misspelling of a word, or a lack of knowledge of how a word is spelled), as is your syntax and sentence flow. You use enough punctuation to make it clear where your thoughts begin and end, and how your sentences should sound. I have a feeling that if missing out an apostrophe or a capital letter would make the meaning of your sentence ambiguous, you would put it in so as to be clear about what you mean.

  12. #12
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    The way we write

    Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
    i dont think that how you write online has anything to do with intelligence, for me you shouldent be judging if someone is intelligent or not at all, until you have met them. could i have just written that with correct grammar, of course i could have, but i choose not to, it has nothing to do with intelligence. for me i would rather put my efforts into a paper in my english class worth 60% of my grade and try to pass all my ap tests.
    EDIT: also what really pisses me off is people who think theyre better than others because they take a quarter second more time and press shift now an then. btw i have a 206 iq and skipped the 3rd grade, so no, im not dumb, i just dont like the shift button
    If you're such a prodigy sent to us by God, then you should know that peoples' minds behave differently than that. Every time you meet someone, you establish a first impression within the first couple of seconds. It's something we do subconsciously. You can't TELL people how they should behave, because much of behavior is psychological. Whether you like it or not, the better dresser, the brighter smile, and the guy with the greater aura of charm around him will have a higher potential in the infrastructure of society than you regardless of how much smarter you may be.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  13. #13
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    The way we write

    Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
    btw i have a 206 iq ]
    No, you don't.

  14. #14

    The way we write

    Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
    btw i have a 206 iq ]

    Some writers say that scores outside the range 55 to 145 must be cautiously interpreted because there have not been enough people tested in those ranges to make statistically sound statements. Moreover, at such extreme values, the normal distribution is a less accurate estimate of the IQ distribution.

  15. #15
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    RE: The way we write

    1|= '/0|_| ( 4 |\| |2 3 4 |) + |-| 1 5 ,
    '/ 0 |_| |2 3 4 |_ |_ '/ |\| 3 3|) +0 6 3 + |_ 4 1 |)

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  16. #16
    Chuunin Barumonk's Avatar
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    RE: The way we write

    Originally posted by: animemaster
    1|= '/0|_| ( 4 |\| |2 3 4 |) + |-| 1 5 ,
    '/ 0 |_| |2 3 4 |_ |_ '/ |\| 3 3|) +0 6 3 + |_ 4 1 |)
    "If you can read this, you really need to get laid." ... I feel depressed now.

  17. #17

    RE: The way we write

    Do you think I would understand that lefty if I didn't get this leet speaker thing to translate what I wrote, which I googled: - You can go translate it now, heh.

    I like having neat sentences (well as neat as I can have them), it just makes things a hell of alot easier to read. Though I also like to press shift, and make it all like that, it just seems more right.

  18. #18
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: The way we write

    Nice thread, KK. It's nice to know there are others out there who feel the same way I do about these things. I've been considering making a similar type of thread but I'm a bit too lazy. Sometimes I really let this sort of thing get to me and it makes me really irritated when it shouldn't, but it's just the way I am.

    My pet hate is when someone obviously goes to the trouble of typing correctly, using proper punctuation, grammar, etc. and then they use your/you're incorrectly within that otherwise perfect paragraph.

    My advice to some particular people on this forum (not to mention any names) is to read over your post before you hit that submit button. Just a simple read-over might help to iron out some of those really obvious mistakes, you can tell when someone just types then instantly clicks submit. Personally, I have no patience for people who don't care enough to spell properly and use punctuation, and often their posts get automatically skipped over. And yes, it does matter. It's not just about you not caring, it suggests that you don't respect the other forum members enough to bother.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  19. #19
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: The way we write

    Wait... I'm getting the feeling that for some of you, it takes effort to type properly... wHAT??? Are you guys that incompetent?

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  20. #20

    RE: The way we write

    mut , not all of us are gods amoung men.

    i see your point though. Not all of us are linguistic majors either -,-

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