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Thread: Torrent speed

  1. #1

    Torrent speed

    When you download files, what is your average speed. Now, I know that it depends on the server you get the torrent from, but on average, what is it?

    Right now I'm downloading a 1300MB file from animeconnection. Its going at about 15kb/second. But one time I got up to 160kb/second for about a minute from Lunar anime. Then it went back down.

  2. #2

    RE: Torrent speed

    Bit Torrent doesn't have a server, the speeds are through people you are connected to.
    BT speeds are on how fast your internet connect is.

  3. #3
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    RE: Torrent speed

    At maximum I can get about 500k/40k down/up on this cable connection. It was 2MB/2MB on the .edu line.

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