All Mel Brooks movies
Robin Hood parody with Gary Elwes and David Chappelle
Most of Jim Carrys movies speciely The Mask,Ace Ventura movies.
Rush Hour
All Mel Brooks movies
Robin Hood parody with Gary Elwes and David Chappelle
Most of Jim Carrys movies speciely The Mask,Ace Ventura movies.
Rush Hour
Robin Hood Men in Tights
Austin Powers
Caddy Shack
Kevin Smith movies together. (Clerks, Mall Rats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back)
Happy Gilmore - I like Adam Sandler
and that's all i can think of at this time.
Nope, not yet.Originally posted by: Deblas
It was bad, but not the worst I've seen. You ever seen Napoleon Dynamite?Originally posted by: Sensei Jon
Whenever I saw the trailers when it first came out I thought it looked pretty good. Saw the movie a few weeks ago and it was the dumbest thing I have ever watched in my entire life. Complete waste of time.
Plan on getting Kung Fu Hustle. I thought The Incredibles was hilarious as well as most Adam Sandler movies. Don't really remember any of the funnier ones I've seen off the top of my head though.
I liked Kung Pow, Monty Phyon and the holy grial, and meny others.
I would also like to say a few things here
Originally posted by: animemaster
In no particular order:
Coming to America
Dumb & Dumber
Pet Detective <<<<< These are both of the ace Ventura movies
Ace Ventura - When Nature Calls <<<<<
Me, Myself & Irene
Meet the Parents
Friday after Next
Rush Hour (all of them) <<<<< There was 2
Johnny English <<<<<<This movie was crap on a sitck with piss on it I saw that movie and now I
want that hour and a Half of my life back.
Scary Movie 1 2 3 <<<<<< (All of them)
Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo
I Don't like to say anything twice
I liked Kung Pow and there's not a **** thing you can do about it!!! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img]
I saw it with my friends and had a great time.
A few things I'd like to add, though:
No, it isn't a "remake of an old jap movie".Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
i just watched kung pow and DAMN that movie is SO good.
i recommend it 2 u all. it's a remake of an old jap movie but they changed the text. if u want 2 lough ure longs out u have 2 watch this movie.
don't watch it if u have an weak heart u will die for sure best commedy i have ever seen i don't think this can be beaten LOL. still loughing my ass off....
It isn't a remake of "an old jap movie." They used footage from two different movies (ie the Your clothes are black! scene), but much of the film is new. (and was it Japanese... or Chinese? The original language was Mandrin) It doesn't really count as a remake since they completely replaced the plot, etc... And they didn't just "change the text". They changed the voices, added more stuff to the original footage... (and the new actors speak different English lines that were later replaced with the movie dialog--see "What are they really saying" on the DVD). Gah. Think about what/how you type. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif[/img]
kung fu hustle is great.....
pretty crazy at times, but great
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
yea i want to see kung fu hustle
Just got Kung Fu Hustle along with a few other movies.
AWESOME movie. Fight scenes were cool and it was pretty funny. Too bad I can only watch it on my computer since my DVD player which is all region is on backorder.
Iron Monkey, Watch it dubbed you will laugh your ass off.
This sig was made by KitKat.
hah yes kung fu hustle!!!!!!!Originally posted by: kAi
Kung Fu Hustle! go out and get it!!!!!
If you liked Kung Fu Hustle, watch Shaolin Soccer
shaolin soccer was the reason i watched kung fu hustle
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
anything which doesn't star ben stiller - seriously, the guy has been get on my nerves latly, it's like every fucking movie he does is the same bad taste less then medicore shit.
Heruld and Kumar go to white castle - one of good ones, i've watched it about seven times...
that about summs the comdey films i've watched during the past year...
oh, and i also hate Jackie Chan movies (except rush hour), espically the older ones, it's like he was trying to make every scene (be it joke or action) 10 times longer than needed..
I recall watching once an Adam Sandler flick, it was pretty decent, i guess.
Austin Powers was pretty good, really memorable too.
man in tights was just hilirious, i remember myself luaghing my ass off in 3 diffrent occasion (set apart by a few years), and so for blazing hoots.
Jim Carry's movies quality varries, but got to admit, the guy is a genius.
oh, and i've watched Jay and Silent bob strike back about 20 times, which reminds me to that i have to watch Dogma already.
sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.
You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.
stephen chow is the funniest man on earth.... kung fu hustle and shaolin soccer are his movies to become an international actor but they really aren't that great
honestly i laugh most of the moments he isn't making a joke
but you guys will never get the real him i'm sorry because i think his talent really is in his language use...
but if you're willing to try find the funniest ... try these movies:
The King of Comedy (no one liked it... but the movie is truly good)
From China with Love (basically an 007 parody... funny as hell)
Tricky brains (the movie that made him famous!)
Hail the Judge(some history about the legal system in china... good stuff)
Flirting Scholar
King of destruction (a story about a man who wanted to be strong)
its not like you guys will watch all of these but hey... my 2 cents
btw KUNG POW is SO GOOD. You have to understand the parody of the old chinese movies
Kung Pow did not take remake any Jap movie, Shika.
Like how Austin Powers makes fun of Bond movies, Kung Pow is a parody of old Hong Kong Kung Fu movies made in the 70s. I enjoyed Kung Pow as well, but I have to admit it's one dumb heck of a movie. : )
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。
As for the Stephen Chow movies I agree with 010577. His newer movies, Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu Hustle are obviously aimed at an international audience. Too bad they still pale in comparison to his previous movies. The movies listed by 010577 are a good guide, but he missed out some of the greats like Fight back to School and Chinese Odyssey.
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。
to add to my list by Psyke:Originally posted by: 010577
stephen chow is the funniest man on earth.... kung fu hustle and shaolin soccer are his movies to become an international actor but they really aren't that great
honestly i laugh most of the moments he isn't making a joke
but you guys will never get the real him i'm sorry because i think his talent really is in his language use...
but if you're willing to try find the funniest ... try these movies:
The King of Comedy (no one liked it... but the movie is truly good)
From China with Love (basically an 007 parody... funny as hell)
Tricky brains (the movie that made him famous!)
Hail the Judge(some history about the legal system in china... good stuff)
Flirting Scholar
King of destruction (a story about a man who wanted to be strong)
its not like you guys will watch all of these but hey... my 2 cents
btw KUNG POW is SO GOOD. You have to understand the parody of the old chinese movies
Fight back to school (a trilogy which really got worse from the first)... but 1 and maybe 2 is still good...
Chinese Oddysey (i love the song in this movie... anyways another character "lo gar ying" is really funny in this movie he is the monk they are all trying to protect)
God I love you.Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Anything by Monty Python.
Anyway, yes. Anything by Monty Phyton and Woody Allen... well, the funny ones. I like the others but they are not comedies so I wont talk about them...
I absolutely hated Scary Movie 1 and 2, but the Third was so goddamn funny!! Really, the part of the "original" Ring video, what with the spinning chair and that... a well-done parody is the best thing that could ever happen.
I have yet to see Kung Fu Hussle. I'll have to wait till I get back to Mexico and buy the DVD, but I dont plan on missing it... the cuts I saw in the teather were too funny. And I've heard so much about Shaolin Soccer...! Never seen it, ever, on DVD or TV or anywhere.
i saw shaolin soccer a few years ago, it was described to me as DBZ but playing soccer
which was good cos dbz was big at the time