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Thread: Orochimaru in Real Life

  1. #1

    Orochimaru in Real Life

    I won't be surprised if this thread gets deleted. And I know this has been mention 2034 times but DISCUSS ABOUT IT

    Orochimaru and Michael Jackson

    - Pale
    - Both love little boys
    - Long Black Hair
    - Same Cheek Bones
    - Have Different faces
    - WHAT ELSE??!

  2. #2

    Orochimaru in Real Life

    how bout inncoent till proven guilty, i havent been following the case or anything buy i heard that the boy and his family have tried to get money out of someone famous before and he admitted to lying in court in other cases

  3. #3

    Orochimaru in Real Life

    Yes, this is clearly an interesting and useful discussion, lets bother with it!!

    Oh wait, my bad.

    Usually political discussions get way out of hand and turn into a flame fest on the internet, why bother bringing one up? On top of that you will not sway anyone's opinion on the subject. It is just totally useless.

    EDIT: Sorry it was late ; ) wrong choice of words. However this is turning out to be much more civil than I thought it would... still useless though. =P

  4. #4

    Orochimaru in Real Life

    Originally posted by: Jessper
    Yes, this is clearly an interesting and useful discussion, lets bother with it!!

    Oh wait, my bad.

    Usually political discussions get way out of hand and turn into a flame fest on the internet, why bother bringing one up? On top of that you will not sway anyones opinion on the subject. It is just totally useless.
    dude this isn't an political discussion.

  5. #5

    Orochimaru in Real Life

    lol the similarities do exist... but oro can't sing

    he can "snake-dance" with his technique used in chuunin exam

  6. #6

    Orochimaru in Real Life

    Originally posted by: 010577
    lol the similarities do exist... but oro can't sing

    he can "snake-dance" with his technique used in chuunin exam
    how do you know he can't sing? maybe he can, but it isn't important to the story line so they never show him singing [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] and otherwise i think he is a dead on match.... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] sasuke has a lot ahead of him if u're right [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  7. #7
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: Orochimaru in Real Life

    rofl ive noticed the similarity also.

  8. #8

    RE: Orochimaru in Real Life

    yawn the 48274924th post about oro-jacko comparisation -_-;;

    everyone and their mother posted this since oro showed up in the anime..

  9. #9

    RE: Orochimaru in Real Life

    u guys are weird... Too much tree time in ur hands... just Too much!

  10. #10

    RE: Orochimaru in Real Life


  11. #11
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    RE: Orochimaru in Real Life

    Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
    i have no clue wat that post meant, i wuz jus gonna say there r similarities but dont be bashing MJ jus yet.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  12. #12
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Orochimaru in Real Life

    Welcome to 2 years ago.

    Oh and Orochimaru is hotter than MJ.

  13. #13
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    RE: Orochimaru in Real Life


    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  14. #14
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    RE: Orochimaru in Real Life

    I got to much tree time too. I think I caught something from the monkeys.

  15. #15

    RE: Orochimaru in Real Life

    hmmm well lets put it this way

    Fact, both orochimaru and MJ are the same person

    Fact, orochimaru will be played by MJ when he is let out of jail in the big naruto movie

    Fact, they both the lil childern

    Fact, they both have the same plastic surgeon,

    Fact, they both bleach there skin

    Fact, the noes is a uncanny give away.

    Fact, MJ is quitly.

  16. #16
    ANBU GhostKaGe's Avatar
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    RE: Orochimaru in Real Life


    Posts: 274
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    You been here longer than me you can't tell me you didn't know this had been done a thousand times. EVERY thread about oro mentions MJ.

    How much do i suck with photoshop?

    was The Next Hokage

  17. #17

    RE: Orochimaru in Real Life

    The first thing I want to see when I click a link is a picture of Oro and Jacko next to each other, looking like each other. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

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