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Thread: all slayers?

  1. #1

    all slayers?

    does anyone know where i can get all of the movies, and ova's of slayers? i would like to see the movies,and ova's first and then the series. in this order if u can plz

    - Slayers Perfect (1995)
    - Slayers Return (1996)
    - Slayers Great (1997)
    - Slayers Gorgeous (1998)
    - Slayers OVA: Book of Spells (1996)
    - Slayers OVA: Excellent (1998)
    - Slayers (1995)
    - Slayers Next (1996)
    - Slayers Try (1997)
    - Slayers Premium (2001)

  2. #2

    all slayers?

    Ok, here I go.

    First, is Slayers Perfect. You can get it from either Ripping Gods (actually from their IRC channel or by Anime-4ever (from their IRC channel...check the XDCC bots).

    Next is Slayers Return. You can get it from either
    Anime-Supreme (check out their XDCC bot list on their forums) or Anime-4ever (link is above).

    Next is Slayers Great. You can get it from either Anime-Supreme or Anime-4ever (both links above).

    Next is Slayers Gorgeous. The same as above (Anime-Supreme and Anime-4ever).

    Next is Slayers: The Book of Spells. You can get it by Zhentarim (their IRC channel specifically), or Anime-4ever.

    Next is Slayers: Excellent. You can get it by Baka-Anime (IRC channel) or Anime-4ever.

    Next is Slayers TV. You can get it by Zhentarim or Ripping Gods (links provided).

    Next is Slayers: Next. You can get it by Anime-Galaxy (IRC) or Ripping Gods.

    Next is Slayers: Try. You can get it by Ripping Gods.

    Finally, the last one if Slayers: Premium. You can get it from Anime-Supreme or Anime-4ever (AnimeOne did it too...but its hard to find).

    Wow, that was a lot. Actually, I only used two sources to find ALL of these. AniDB and this thread is what I used. Not too shabby, right? Hope I could help.

    P.S: BoxTorrents have some of them for Bittorrent.

  3. #3

    RE: all slayers?

    thanx!!!! thank you very much!

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