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Thread: Favorite Character So Far (Anime)

  1. #21

    RE: Favorite Character So Far (Anime)

    Ichigo is still my favorite, but I'm starting to like Chad a lot.

  2. #22

    RE: Favorite Character So Far (Anime)

    Ishida Uryuu, Kon, Urahara (Sandal Hat) and Ichimaru. Considering I smile just like how Gin does. Kinda funny/wierd.

  3. #23

    RE: Favorite Character So Far (Anime)

    i like the 3rd captian he looks waek but he is the strongest so far ( that we have seen in the series )

  4. #24

    RE: Favorite Character So Far (Anime)

    Renji & Hitsugaya are 2 of my favorites.

  5. #25

    RE: Favorite Character So Far (Anime)

    1st: Urahara Kisuke
    2nd: Ururu (the small girl in the shop)
    3rd: Inoue Orihime (super comic relief, esp in recent eps)

    actually, the list can go on and on until every single character is listed out.. i think i like almost everyone in bleach. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  6. #26

    RE: Favorite Character So Far (Anime)

    Ichimaru Gin and Hitsugaya Tousen (Squad 11 Captain)

  7. #27
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    RE: Favorite Character So Far (Anime)

    The 11th Division's Captain is Zaraki Kenpachi. Hitsugaya is the 10th, Tousen is the 9th.

    Favorite character so far? Probably Tatsuki or Rukia.

  8. #28
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    RE: Favorite Character So Far (Anime)

    Yachiru, the drop bear from hell!

    Her and Kenpachi. Those two are an unbeatable combo.

  9. #29

    RE: Favorite Character So Far (Anime)

    Can't think of anyone I don't like. Ichigo,Kon,Chad, and Rukia are the stuff though. I would say though that orohime is my least like character but she's good also. Rukia is the hotness though.

  10. #30

    Favorite Character So Far (Anime)

    Chad is the best, I mean hes a fucking mexican, he rules! I want him to speak more spanish besides just mentioning his Abuelo (grandfather, for those who opted not to take spanish in high school) once.

    Edit: oh yeah, besides him being mexican i really enjoy the fact that he can be comic releif without making a complete fool of himself, and also the way hes been acting recently in the anime, very strategic and sneaky and quiet, quite to the contrary of his HULK SMASH power.

  11. #31

    RE: Favorite Character So Far (Anime)

    astronopolis. i agree with u alot. now he's starting to show off more of his power, (though it's jus wall breaking that the anime is showing us). i really can't wait to see him engage in a real fight. now it's still more of a hide and seek, not many fights, other than ichigo, ishida and ganju if u consider his to be one. CHAD! go go go! ..."i only have 2 minutes to finish you" whoa!!!

  12. #32
    Chuunin 2:25's Avatar
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    RE: Favorite Character So Far (Anime)

    I like all of them, but my favs are Kon, sandal hat, the cat, and the fire works chick.

  13. #33

    Favorite Character So Far (Anime)

    Well I have to honestly say, Chad ***USED*** to be my favorite... but quite honestly, lately he's shown how much he sucks. He was sneaking because he was *told* to sneak. He smashes because he wants to find his friends. (if you can even call them friends) Chad really has no personality. He does things only by the beck and call of others. If he acted independantly without someone telling him to do it first, he might become cool again. As it is, he says nothing, does virtually nothing unless someone directs him to do something, and quite frankly, it's like he's in constant depression. I keep thinking to myself, maybe Chad is going to kill himself in this episode. and it seems the creators either don't want to really deal with him or don't know how to deal with him because we've seen him all of what? one minute in the last three or four episodes? Even the CAT got more air time then him! and judging by what they showed in the intro, it doesnt seem like Chad's going to be that impressive. I mean in the intro ***SPOILER FOR THOSE WHO HAVENT SEEN THE 2nd INTRO B/C OF WHATEVER REASONS****

    The girl basically kicks his but. and the CAT saves him. Even Orihime has a more successful intro fight scene then him. It's depressing really, because at first I just thought he had a briliant mind hidden beneath his silent attitude and that he was really cool. but now, i'm beginning to think there was never much there to begin with. I suppose if they start doing more with him or even give him a damn personality then I may like him more.. I mean geeze, at least give him some motivation. as it is, he just wanders around without any REAL objective.

    Chad: .... Oh... was that Ichigo?....
    Stranger: Hey you! What are you doing on our territory???
    Chad: ..... what am.... I doing on your territory..... hmm...
    Stranger: WELL??!?!?!
    Chad: ........ that's a good question....
    Stranger: Damnit! That's not the answer I'm looking for! Give me a reason why I shouldn't shoot your head off????
    Chad: Give you a reason...... my head? ..... hmmm...... No... I don't have a reason...... not even a reason to exist. I'm going to go kill myself now. bye....

    That's basically the impression I get from Chad! I don't know. hopefully i'm wrong but right now that's the impression i'm getting. They mentioned before, in the beginning how, when he was younger, he was fighting others more at first using his power to get what he wanted and I got the impression he had a violent streak. I wouldnt mind seeing a violent and evil ambition version of Chad. At least he'd have some character and personality then. Oh well... we'll see what happens...

    for now, my favorite characters are the straw hat guy and Renji

  14. #34

    Favorite Character So Far (Anime)

    I wouldn't go so far as to say chad loses. He seems to have gotten two armored arms in the intro. Also he is made to take hits. I am sure he could take a stab to his arm and keep fighting. Plus one nice blow and he will most likely destroy her.

  15. #35

    Favorite Character So Far (Anime)

    Kisuke (sandalhat)

  16. #36

    RE: Favorite Character So Far (Anime)

    Kisuke is definitely my fav. but the cat and kon aren't far behind. I used to think Ishida was pretty cool, before they used him for comic relief when they got to SS...that just screwed up his personality; he's still in my top five tho, just no as high. that little girl who works for sandal-hat is pretty funny too. She gets bullied around by that boy and she's all shy and all, but then she is super strong (training with Ichigo) and she owns this big-ass gun to fight against hollows.
    "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

  17. #37

    RE: Favorite Character So Far (Anime)

    fading_eternity: i can understand your pain in seeing ur used-to-be fav turned out like that. but, keep an open mind, give him some time, maybe some changes are gonna take place? in ep 29, (dun read on the rest of the statement if u havent seen it..) his arm was glowing with power and the reactions on those death gods' faces are some hints that he arm has become powerful, much more powerful than the time before his trainin with yoruichi and orihime? (though i agree that majority of that power now is developed to be used against breaking walls) let's jus wait and see. and hope that his power ll finally be put to good use and let his personality flow and crush those death gods!

    hmmm.. looks like kisuke has got some supporters! heh heh. he is simply irresistable!

  18. #38
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    RE: Favorite Character So Far (Anime)

    Rukia is one of my favorite anime girls ever.
    Kisuke (he's called hat 'n clogs in the english manga <---I like that better than sandal hat).
    and Ichigo.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  19. #39
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Favorite Character So Far (Anime)

    Reasons Chad is still badass:

    Quote edited for content due to length:
    Originally posted by: Fading_eternity
    Well I have to honestly say, Chad ***USED*** to be my favorite... but quite honestly, lately he's shown how much he sucks...Chad really has no personality....As it is, he says nothing, does virtually nothing unless someone directs him to do something, and quite frankly, it's like he's in constant depression....
    Chad HAS always been like that. He's the quiet guy who stands in the back of the crowd until someone is about to be hit by a car and then gets smashed by the car himself. It's just how he is.
    I mean in the intro ***SPOILER FOR THOSE WHO HAVENT SEEN THE 2nd INTRO B/C OF WHATEVER REASONS****The girl basically kicks his but. and the CAT saves him. Even Orihime has a more successful intro fight scene then him.
    1) That 'girl' is a captain, the second squad one (not a spoiler: info from eps 24) at that, you can't really expect anyone to preform all that well against her.
    2) Orihime is fighting a group of weak shinigami, and I would say defending is all that "sucessful"
    3) It's an opening, you can't really trust it to show anything of value.
    It's depressing really, because at first I just thought he had a briliant mind hidden beneath his silent attitude and that he was really cool. but now, i'm beginning to think there was never much there to begin with. I suppose if they start doing more with him or even give him a damn personality then I may like him more.. I mean geeze, at least give him some motivation. as it is, he just wanders around without any REAL objective.
    Chad's current prediciment is more about finding his friends being important than fighting everything you run across, which helps from Yoruichi's (the cat if you can't remember it) warnings about how much danger they're in.

    Chad is the silent protector that is so strong he becomes somewhat of a joke. You might also notice he's the only one being somewhat careful about moving around the city (until eps 29). He is taking the time to think and though he doesn't have as expressive a personality as most of the other characters, he's still badass.

    He's not my favorite, but he certainly is high on the list.

    Its Yachiru and Kenpachi all the way.

  20. #40

    Favorite Character So Far (Anime)

    the little girl riding on zaraki's shes crack up.

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