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Thread: Episode 126 Discussion

  1. #21
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 126 Discussion

    1. Gaara is kicking ass again with his new (and awesome) techniques
    2. Kimi's past is somewhat revealed. Quite a surprise that he met up with Zabuza and Haku
    3. Just WHEN will Naruto catch up with Sasuke? This is just like the Sondaime vs Orochimaru fight

  2. #22

    RE: Episode 126 Discussion

    The cave part is literally "in the darkness". Naruto is alone in the dark once again, but this time he has to put his past aside and look to the future. That's how he found the exit at the end.

    And I still don't get how Kimi surived the first desert coffin. DB's translation said he "made masks under skin" or something, which makes no sense. Sure Kimi can make and control his bones, but how can he reconstruct his flesh after getting holes punctured everywhere on his body?

  3. #23
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 126 Discussion

    1) kaguya clan declared war on the mist village because they are a warrior race that knows nothing but battle, nothing more to it than that
    2) Naruto will most likely catch up to sasuke after the fights with kimimaro are over (geez, dont you guys know anything about anime?)
    3) we know that kimi can reconstruct his flesh because every time a bone extends out and then retracts back into his body, the flesh heals
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #24

    RE: Episode 126 Discussion

    [Q I still don't get how Kimi surived the first desert coffin. DB's translation said he "made masks under skin" or something, which makes no sense. Sure Kimi can make and control his bones, but how can he reconstruct his flesh after getting holes punctured everywhere on his body?[/quote]

    Basically what he did is he created a layer of bone under his skin in order to stop the sand from crushing him. Kimi's bones are so strong he can use them to isolate himself and withstand a great deal of pressure.

    I liked the new flashbacks with Kimi's clan, did a much better job of fleshing him out then the manga. Although yesh those other clan guys were really really ugly. Maybe it was just some sort of form of anime natural selection where the clan with the best bloodline but the worst hair had to be killed off so sleeker and sexier ninjas could continue to reproduce and propogate.

  5. #25
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 126 Discussion

    Besides his badass bone recontruction ability, he obviously has awesome healing ability.

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  6. #26
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 126 Discussion


    *insert what others already said about flashbacks and the ownage of Gaara/Kimi-Rex here*

  7. #27

    RE: Episode 126 Discussion

    They talked realy much about eyes in this episode[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Kimimaro´s 2:nd form, the dinsoaur, looks pretty ugly...
    But, as always, great episode[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  8. #28
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: Episode 126 Discussion

    the only thing I had a problem with was that he was just sitting there in the sand(both times), was it before gaara did his move or before they needed to be more specific with that

    and I think the way Kimisarous Rex looked was probably the most accurate out of the five

    R.I.P Captain America.

  9. #29
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 126 Discussion

    2. Kimi's past is somewhat revealed. Quite a surprise that he met up with Zabuza and Haku
    It was a surprise because it was really nothing more than a bone thrown to Zab/Haku fans.

    "Hey! This happened in the past! That means we can have some popular character who are dead now walk past for no reason! Hooray!"

  10. #30

    RE: Episode 126 Discussion

    I wonder when Naruto will caught up with Sasuke...and i´m wondering, is the next special episode out on net about two weeks?
    Oh, really I dont like it but it will be fun...(damn it, 2 weeks!!?)

  11. #31
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: Episode 126 Discussion

    no animated sigs allowed

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  12. #32

    RE: Episode 126 Discussion


  13. #33
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 126 Discussion

    Great scene, when Zabuza and Haku were shown.
    It´s really, really annoying, that Kishimoto did let them die so early in the series.
    Normally, most flash backs are hated, of course, but i wouldn´t complain about more Zabuza/Haku-flash backs.

    Oh, and yeah, Gaara was awsome, but i´m highly excited HOW he will fight on against the dinosaur Kimimarou ^^

    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  14. #34
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 126 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Knives122
    the only thing I had a problem with was that he was just sitting there in the sand(both times), was it before gaara did his move or before they needed to be more specific with that

    and I think the way Kimisarous Rex looked was probably the most accurate out of the five
    knives, since kimi said that the bone mask protected him from the coffin, and he created it from the level 1 seal that they showed him open after the scene where gaara performed the coffin, I would assume that both events were happening at the same time, just told in a different way
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  15. #35

    Episode 126 Discussion

    the thing that sucked was the "reason to live "of kimimaru i had something like: please STFU AND FIGHT...

    but had a question 2 would zabuza win from tiny kimi??

  16. #36

    RE: Episode 126 Discussion

    Everytime Naruto screamed out 'Sasuke!!' I chuckled...

  17. #37
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 126 Discussion

    everytime they showed sasuke running and doing his gay little laugh, i chuckled
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  18. #38
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 126 Discussion

    u guys sure like chuckling...[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] weird how kimi met zabuza, i got excited wen i saw preivew last time but it wuznt that exciting here. GArra's new move kiks... (pay him for landscaping a giant field) [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

    i hope naruto doesnt catch up until the kimi-garra fight is over cuz i really hate the jumping bak and forth. i wish naruto would stop screaming for sasuke cuz if sasuke didnt reply the first 100 times what made him think 101 wud work?

    (sasuke's laughter is kinda funny...)

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

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  19. #39

    Episode 126 Discussion

    Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
    the thing that sucked was the "reason to live "of kimimaru i had something like: please STFU AND FIGHT...

    but had a question 2 would zabuza win from tiny kimi??
    It was for filling the episode more, because the anime is catching up really quickly. They only covered one chapter in this episode I believe.

    Oh and:

    I fucking knew it! But seriously, that scene was just... odd.

  20. #40

    Episode 126 Discussion

    Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
    the thing that sucked was the "reason to live "of kimimaru i had something like: please STFU AND FIGHT...

    but had a question 2 would zabuza win from tiny kimi??
    -20 braincells for me. Thanks TS.

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