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Thread: jutsu theory discussion

  1. #1

    jutsu theory discussion

    i figured it was best to create a new thread about jutsu theory discussion so that it wont clutter other threads (like the sharingan debate is in the 251 thread) so i guess its best to start off with the sharingan.

    most of this will be a rehash of what i posted in the aforementioned thread... in fact... so much of a rehash im not above quoting it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
    Originally posted by: RasenDori
    the sharingan magically look at moves and grant its user the ability to use it? if that was the case, then why couldnt a sharingan user copy a blood line ability? from what we have sean the sharingan grants the user the ability to interpret a persons or objects next movement (which is where you get the sharingan controlled shurikens on a string techneque).weve seen sasuke copy movements like lees taijutsu, are to cheat in the examine. weve seen kakashi copy jutsus that used seals to form them, but have we seen anyone copy a jutsu that didnt use hand seals? no. so my anlaysis is that the sharingan copies jutsu by reading the hand seals used to perform them. the sharigan user cannot copy the move if it is something that their bodies arent capiable of doing (i.e. bloodlines are freak experiment induced moves). also when a move is done without seals (rasengan) or shortcut seals (kage bunshin ... this one is my most baseless part of the theory) then the sharingan cant copy it...
    the sharingan have to d owith this topic?
    also i felt that this was pretty interesting:
    Originally posted by: Uchiha Barles
    In the anime at least, I think kakashi explained that the sharingan allows its user to see and understand the underpinnings of any technique. So in addition to knowing the hand seals, they also know how to mold the chakra to perform the technique. So basically, any technique can be seen will be understood and therefore copied. So a technique like the rasengan that doesn't require any hand seals can also be copied, although the user would have to go through a lot of trouble to gain the chakra control and stamina needed to use it. This task would be made easier, however, by the knowledge imparted by the sharingan. That's why Sasuke was able to gain Lee's taijutsu techniques in a month or less.
    so i decided to add more to my theory. we have seen both sasuke and obito see to bodies of enemies as pure chakra. this leads me to believe that the sharingan has two lenses like our normal eyes do long range and close reange vision. the sharingans close range lense may allow it to see a persons chakra release. dont confuse this with seeing the tenketsu like a byakugan user can. the sharingan user sees the chakra as more of a large mass and can see the general direction of the flow. this allows them to tell when a jutsu is being performed we without the use of hand seals. it is unproven, since it has yet to happen in the manga, but it MAY be possible for a sharingan user to use the knowlegde of the general flow copy it. for difficult jutsus like the rasengan or the high leveled kage bunshin (at least its hyped to be a high level skill... but everone and their mama knows it) it may be close to impossible to copy. of course if coping only needed basic knowledge of the flow a byakugan user should be able to copy, but due to the sharingans ability of movement insight gives them an upper hand to perform this, and since the jyuuken style isnt jutsu based, the hyuuga probally doesnt care.

    my two lense theory applies to the byakugan as well, a short range/ tenketsu view lense, and and extremely long ranged one.

  2. #2
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: jutsu theory discussion

    Personally, I think you're reading a little too far into it, and overanalysing. No offense meant, but we just have to follow the simple rules that Kishimoto has given us, and not try to question or completely understand the logic behind those rules; the rules being "the Sharingan can copy any jutsu with hand seals, excluding blood line abilities". While this rule may not make perfect logical sense, I think we just have to take it with a grain of salt and accept it as part of the story.

    Just to throw in my own little part - if you take the example of Itachi vs. Kurenai, when she used her genjutsu on him, he seemed to see what it was straight away and counter it effectively. So in that regard you could say that the Sharingan doesn't only copy jutsus, but it also might see their inner workings and discover an effective counter, all without actually copying the jutsu itself. I don't claim to be coming up with this statement originally, I'm sure it's been said before.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
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  3. #3
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: jutsu theory discussion

    Damn... BOW DOWN TO RAVEN.

    No further discussion needed. Raven has just owned everything.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  4. #4
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    jutsu theory discussion

    (Bows down to Raven)
    Haven't we gone over this like a billion times in a billion other threads. Not much more to say.

  5. #5

    RE: jutsu theory discussion

    i was just using the sharingan as an example, i just feel it will be best to keep all further jutsu debates into this thread, so that chapter discussions can remain, you know, chapter discussions

  6. #6
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    RE: jutsu theory discussion

    Thats never going to happen. All chapter threads degrade into two things Sharingan or how much of a bad ass Itachi is. Once and a while you'll get a whos Naruto's father thing but I haven't seen one of those flare up in a while.

  7. #7
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: jutsu theory discussion

    maybe it's the 4th hokage? they seem to look kinda alike each other...

    or maybe it's one of gaara's retired sibilings, hence the general similarity between Naruto and Gaara.

    special note: if you think i'm serious, you're an idiot.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  8. #8

    RE: jutsu theory discussion

    or maybe its udon...

    you know its always the quiet ones... with snot hanging out their noses 24/7

  9. #9

    RE: jutsu theory discussion

    We all know Naruto's dad is Frozone.

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