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Thread: Questions abuot Oro?

  1. #1

    Questions abuot Oro?

    Oro is a very interesting character. He was the main villain, besides mission bosses (e.g. Zambusa), for the Leaf Village in the earlier years. Since Akatsuki is on the move now, they have taken that center villain role and Oro has been pushed out to second.

    What do you guys see happening to Oro?
    Do you guys think that he will be killed off after a failed attempt at taking Sasuke's body?
    If so by who? Jaraiya, Tsunade, Kabuto, Sasuke (he may have acquired the power he needs from Oro, using sharingan to copy Oro's jutsus, and if he can kill Oro, then he definitely has more credibility in a fight against Itachi)?
    Or do you guys see Oro, the snake that he is, slithering out of this predicament uscathed?
    Will he be the life long villain to the leaf village?
    Not sure but, I thought Akatsuki said that they were ready to strike against Oro as well?

  2. #2

    Questions abuot Oro?

    I'm honestly glad that oro's out of the picture. He's a good villain but honestly he's been overexposed. The ataski storyline has been a long time comming and I'm glad that were finanally seeing it play out after waiting for 100 plus chapters.

    I've gotten alot of people addicted to naruto and when ever I show them the episodes 90-96 they all groan when they see Oro escape from tsunande and Jiraiya. Each one of them thinks that he should have been killed off then.

  3. #3
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    Questions abuot Oro?

    My prediction for Oro is that he's lurking in the shadows when Sasuke (having at this point grown beyond Oro's control) beats Itachi... and since Sasuke will ultimately spare Itachi, having realized that revenge wont solve anything, Oro will take advantage of weakened Itachi and do his body swap.

    Then we can have all the big nasties in one body and then somebody can stomp them and end the series.

    Will it necessarily go down like that? Probably not. Do I even hope that'll be the case? Not at all... sounds like it'd take too long to get to that point. I'm kinda hoping the series wraps up sometime in the next decade.

  4. #4
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: Questions abuot Oro?

    What Souryusen said sounds plausible. My main concern is that the series will continue past its useby date and become stale and unoriginal. I'd like to see it finish while still at the top, if you know what I mean, so the sooner they wrap things up the better. I don't want it to turn into the Simpsons i.e. go on for many more years than necessary and eventually push all the fans away with its crapness.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  5. #5

    RE: Questions abuot Oro?

    Hopefully we won't have a naruto GT. I really hope that fan pressure dosen't force Kishimoto to keep the series going instead of ending it when he wants to. Worse yet would be if the series continues even without Kishimoto at the helm. Then things would really take turn for the worse.

    Even the most hardcore dragonball fan hated GT once it was taken out of the hands of Akira Toryama.

  6. #6

    RE: Questions abuot Oro?

    I'm honestly glad that oro's out of the picture. He's a good villain but honestly he's been overexposed
    I agree. I don't think there has to be one main villian. I like the Idea of Naruto and Konoha having numerous enemies and having to watch their backs never knowing which one will show up.

  7. #7

    Questions abuot Oro?

    Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
    Hopefully we won't have a naruto GT. I really hope that fan pressure dosen't force Kishimoto to keep the series going instead of ending it when he wants to. Worse yet would be if the series continues even without Kishimoto at the helm. Then things would really take turn for the worse.

    Even the most hardcore dragonball fan hated GT once it was taken out of the hands of Akira Toryama.
    I agree. Anyhow, kishimoto probably has enough money by now to retire for life

    oh, and i also think that Oro will betray sasuke and take over itatchi's body after using sasuke to weaken him, and then itachi/oro and sasuke will kill each other
    "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

  8. #8

    Questions abuot Oro?

    why kill off itachi so fast, he's the one that introduce us to the atkasuki thing... so basically he starts to make naruto interesting(not that it wasmt great enough already)...
    after two and half years of training under Oro, sasuke things he's too strong, he runs to fight itachi, then sasuke can have itachi beatt he snot out of him again... then sasuke can return to Oro for more sucking...

  9. #9

    RE: Questions abuot Oro?

    Oro said that he sees more potential in Sasuke rather than Itachi so he would want sasuke more. Akatsuki already knows what Oro plans on doing with Sasuke so Itachi and Kisame will intervine b4 he gets his chance to transfer into Sasuke's body. Sasuke will realize Oros plan but will be too fixed on Itachi to even care, while Kabuto fights Kisame giving Oro an opportunity to escape and jus when Itachi is about follow, Sasuke stops him and the brothers battle it out once more.

  10. #10

    Questions abuot Oro?

    I agree with you all but I have a suggestion too: What if, since Oro has the Akatsuki threat aswell, he ends up in some sort of uneasy alliance with Konoha, or something. Or instead of an alliance, he just ends up either helping or being helped by team Kakashi ('cause I reckon they'll be the main people against Akatsuki).

    I also don't think Sasuke will let Oro take over his body - he'll use him to gain power and then possibly kill Kabuto while escaping Oro (but it does seem Kishimoto has a dislike of killing characters).

    In short I don't think Oro is going to disappear - he'll be like a constant sub-plot.

    What I want to know is - do you think Sasuke will become ultimately good or stay bad?

    Edit: I forgrt though that if Kabuto gets killed by anyone it'll be Kakashi...

  11. #11

    Questions abuot Oro?

    What I want to know is - do you think Sasuke will become ultimately good or stay bad?

    Dude it would be tight if Sasuke ultimately became evil. It would be like Vegeta but going in the opposite direction

  12. #12

    RE: Questions abuot Oro?

    Orochimaru is taking the back seat now, it's time for the Akatsuki to start moving in. Orochimaru will be around maybe a little bit but I don't think so for a while.
    The Akatsuki have just started with the Jinchuuriki and captured Gaara, Naruto is on his way over that way, Sasori's opponent could be Naruto, but I don't know.

    Orochimaru is a good villian but we have seen enough of him for a while when we see him next he will be in a new body and I'm thinking his arms maybe working now, as he said there was another way of fixing his arms.

    Sasuke I think will become good by the end of the series, well maybe not good, but not bad/evil.

  13. #13

    RE: Questions abuot Oro?

    Is Sasuke really that evil? Lets imagine for a second here that he meets up with his brother and succesfully kills him. His evil quest of darkness and revenge will be completed. Then he'll have to fufill his second life objective and thats the resurrection of his clan.

    He'll have to return to the village and then proceed to get extemely busy with the female genins err I mean chuunins.

    Hehe I can only imagine future manga chapters dealing with a drunken abusive sasuke beating up sakura while she tends to their five children and tries to clean the dishes. Naruto can come and try to do some social work by mediating their problems with the help of ramen.

  14. #14
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    RE: Questions abuot Oro?

    Sasuke isn't evil and will never be. He is just obsessed with power and Itachi.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  15. #15

    RE: Questions abuot Oro?

    we have no idea what he'll be like after almost 3 years with oro now though, id say 3 years with oro would seriously fuck anybody up

  16. #16

    Questions abuot Oro?

    I would love to see a killing of Oro by Sasuke and he then kills Itachi then turns back good.

  17. #17

    Questions abuot Oro?

    Yeah I guess Sasuke won't be learning how to bake brownies and stroke bunnies if you're living with Oro...

    BUT I forsee Sasuke, despite being (mostly) evil, saving Naruto's life at some point, perhaps from Oro

    I think when I say evil here, I kind of mean more offish, even more than he was before - he doesn't want to burden himself with being nice to anybody. So while Sasuke puts effort into being evil, Oro is just... evil.

    Oh and I had another thought about how much more we'll see of Oro (to get back on topic) - being one of the legendary Sannin, we'll se about as much of him as the other two - and their story, you could say, has already been told, and is being retold with Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura

    Whaddya think?

  18. #18

    Questions abuot Oro?

    I thought Oro is immortal?! I do not know what is up with everyone saying he is going to get killed by Sasuke. There is only one way for Oro to die and that is he does not switch bodies in time. Of course if he still lives that would be just messed up.
    Oro's main goal is to destroy the Leaf village. With him being immortal he will be the life long villan of the Leaf village.
    I do not remember that last part where Akatsuki is planning to go up against Oro. Wondered where you got that part but I guess it is a question. Anyways if this were to be true. Then possibly the whole each village carrying a Youma will be true.

    As far as the subject about Sasuke. At this point I lost all respect for the guy. I will have to go with Shikamarou and say I don't like the guy. I considered him the most conceided, selfish, and is now the most annoying person in the series on my list. If he does not change I surely want Sasuke to get killed by Itachi though I think Itachi is a pyschopath. The whole Uchicha clan is one dysfunctional group of people. No wonder people feared them like Itachi said. They are all a bunch of loonies.

  19. #19

    RE: Questions abuot Oro?

    You do know Orochimaru can die, he only knows how to be immortal with age, not with his head rolling on the ground.

  20. #20

    RE: Questions abuot Oro?

    Oro is the second most badass villian ever. Shisho is #1 thou

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