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Thread: Gundam SEED Destiny - Licensed

  1. #81

    RE: Gundam SEED Destiny - Licensed

    I guess I'll go with Haro^2&Taro^2 for my archive. But of course I'll watch the release that comes out first. What do you guys prefer? AniRupt's releases were OK, IMO.

  2. #82

    RE: Gundam SEED Destiny - Licensed

    Can Some body give me all the sites were u can download GSD. Please Email to
    Is Haro 2 fansubing 2

  3. #83

    RE: Gundam SEED Destiny - Licensed

    I heavily recommend . asides from DVD Torrents it offers direkt BT links to every new released Ep of Series that are currently shown on japanese TV, licensed or not. DVD Releases are listed as well, but without a torrent

  4. #84

    RE: Gundam SEED Destiny - Licensed

    since aone is droping i m in dilemma on which fansub to choose for goin to ask a question here...which fansub u all choose for now for DESITNY?

  5. #85

    RE: Gundam SEED Destiny - Licensed

    if i member correctly, most of the ppl that were part of aone's GSD proj went over to haro^2, so their translations and all are similar
    "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

  6. #86

    RE: Gundam SEED Destiny - Licensed

    well, I'm just glad Bandai didn't pull the butthole move they did when they licensed Gundam Seed...waited till the series was only a few episodes away from being finished then forced all the sites to take the torrents down.

  7. #87
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Gundam SEED Destiny - Licensed

    How is that a "butthole" move? They protected their rightful purchase.

  8. #88
    Genin Maverick-DBZ-'s Avatar
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    RE: Gundam SEED Destiny - Licensed

    Originally posted by: yipguseng
    since aone is droping i m in dilemma on which fansub to choose for goin to ask a question here...which fansub u all choose for now for DESITNY?

    They did a great job on the last 5 episodes of Gundam SEED and now with the help of Tori^2 it's a no brainer! At least for me. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  9. #89

    RE: Gundam SEED Destiny - Licensed

    I suggest going with the Haroharo&Toritori episodes if you preferred the AonE releases. Frankly, though, SEED-Fansubs does a good job as well so I would say either one, but I've collected the AonE versions so far so I won't bother.

  10. #90

    RE: Gundam SEED Destiny - Licensed

    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    How is that a "butthole" move? They protected their rightful purchase.
    if you can't figure it out..then something is wrong.

    Gundam Seed was almost over, and out of nowhere Bandai buys it and forces all the torrent sites to take it down and no longer sub it. It's been a while since I've seen a good anime series IN MY OPINION and them licensing it at the end of the series when only 2 more episodes needed to come out, pissed me and a lot of people off, till a friend of mine gave me the Haro^2 link

  11. #91

    RE: Gundam SEED Destiny - Licensed

    Could u send me the link to Haro^2_Tori^2 website at Thanks a lot

  12. #92
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Jul 2004

    Gundam SEED Destiny - Licensed

    Roy that sig is kickass but its HUGE!!. It needs to be smaller.

    EDIT: okay, thats better.

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  13. #93
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Gundam SEED Destiny - Licensed

    Did all you faggots who are asking for [Haro^2_Tori^2] website register on the forums just to ask that one question?

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  14. #94

    RE: Gundam SEED Destiny - Licensed

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    Did all you faggots who are asking for [Haro^2_Tori^2] website register on the forums just to ask that one question?
    I dunno, did you?

  15. #95
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Jul 2004

    RE: Gundam SEED Destiny - Licensed

    Everyone who is new and want to ask for the [Haro^2_Tori^2] torrents

    IF you want to find it so bad then search for it in google cause we are seeing the seed fansubs and we'll not go to the trouble of finding the link for you. If you think that searching in google will be a bother for you then go and look at some anime torrent sites here:;enterthread=y

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
    ___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________

  16. #96

    RE: Gundam SEED Destiny - Licensed

    ooo, yall just got SERVED!!!

  17. #97

    RE: Gundam SEED Destiny - Licensed

    I don't get it. Go to or for all your fansub needs. I don't understand how people ask these questions. I've been watching fansubs since last September and I never was so curious! I had no problem finding this stuff... Even if it was licensed.

  18. #98
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    RE: Gundam SEED Destiny - Licensed

    Originally posted by: Roy Mustang
    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    How is that a "butthole" move? They protected their rightful purchase.
    if you can't figure it out..then something is wrong.

    Gundam Seed was almost over, and out of nowhere Bandai buys it and forces all the torrent sites to take it down and no longer sub it.
    Because it is their right to do so since they own the series you're watching.

  19. #99

    Gundam SEED Destiny - Licensed

    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    Because it is their right to do so since they own the series you're watching.
    Yea, Y is right, you have to remember that they are thinking of what will make the most profit, not what will please the most people. And since they own it, why allow people to obtain it for free when they can charge them money for it?

  20. #100
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    RE: Gundam SEED Destiny - Licensed

    Seriously. Making these shows costs money. If Bandai NA doesn't sell it to television and rigorously protect their copyrights, you will get productions that either have lower production values or aren't made at all.

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