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Thread: Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

  1. #61

    Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    Originally posted by: Sharingan-3y3
    i didnt base it on the manga u .. dont kno what to call u whahaha... read my first post in this poll.. i said he would kick kimis ass without even the seal, matter of self opnion.. so sh... dont get too cocky...
    Originally posted by: Sharingan-3y3
    first of all... Alien guy.. im not just an anime viwer...that goes for that, i kno owhat his seal is capable of.. thas 2, and the whole sig thing, its not huge OR retarded anymore.. at least i didnt steal or use someone else's (mut's), and last.. lets not get off subject, judging by ur rank, ur just a dumb spoiler anyway.. dont even kno whatu are talking bout..

  2. #62

    Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    Originally posted by: Sharingan-3y3
    you guys are making kimimaro sound like a jounin or sannin or something.. forgetting all about Uchiha and the their abilities..

    quit making this discussion bout chidori vs kimimaro guys.. this is sasuke vs kimi, sasuke's only weapon is not chidori, chidori is not even an uchiha ability its something creative kakashi originated.. uchiha ability (the sharingan) can do much more than just chidori.., copying movements and jutsus, seeing thru opponents nextx move.. etc. u guys kno the rest., i think im making a good point here
    Orochimaru favors the Kaguya Clan's bloodline limit more than the Uchiha bloodline.

  3. #63

    Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    didnt see warning thanks jarester

    okay in that case. then we agree that Sasuke CAN'T use the sharingan as good as kakashi or Itachi. Sasuke could not even read Gaara's attacks. He trembled in fear.

  4. #64

    Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    no problem.

    Kimi in my opinion is at a jounin level, since he has the mental and physical capabilities of one. He has the ability to analyse situations like a jounin and fight with the strenth and speed of one too.

  5. #65

    RE: Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    Originally posted by: Sharingan-3y3
    man... sasuke would own kimi in his current state without a seal.. he has sharingan and he is a Uchiha.. all u n00b fagtards that like kimi have no idea.. of what Sharingan and Sasuke are capable of..
    Look at what sharingan does and look at Kimimaro

    1. The sharingan copies Nin, Gen, Tai, can detect the flow of charka as well as copy movements.(correct me if I left anything out)
    2. Sasuke hasn't mastered sharingan yet unlike Kimi who has already mastered his bloodline limit.
    3. Kimi has more knowledge about the curse seals and how they affect ones body.
    4. Sasuke's Tai is useless against Kimi b/c of his bone structure.
    5. Chidori is the only useful move against Kimi but even then Kimi prob would'nt give him enough time since Kimi's speed is on par with Rock Lee's.
    6. You just gave Kimi another plus by saying Sasuke could own him without using his curse seal.
    7. Sasuke got punished by Sakon without using the curse seal and even with the curse seal.
    8. Kimimaro is stronger than Sakon who is the strongest of the sound 4.
    9. Kimimaro does'nt use Gen, nor Nin so Sasuke could'nt copy these techs from him.
    10. Sasuke could'nt copy the bones from Kimi b/c its a bloodlimit tech which leaves Sasuke owned in the end with the (Ninja Gaiden) music playing when you die in the background.
    11. Jus when you thought I left out Sasuke's Katon techs which would be useless against Kimi b/c he could dodge the flames with no prob.

  6. #66

    RE: Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    From what I've seen so far, both Sasuke and Kimi have level 2 cursed seals so they are even in that regard. Kimi had difficulty keeping up with Lee's pace. Sasuke is just as fast as Lee, if not faster, so Sasuke should be able to land some hits on Kimi like Lee did. On top of that, he has the Sharingan so he can almost "predict" Kimi's movements (by predict I mean read Kimi's movements in the same way Kakashi was able to copy Zabuza's hand seals) and avoid his attacks. Plus Sasuke has the Chidori which can without a doubt break through Kimi's bones. All this talk about Kimi won't let Sasuke charge up the Chidori is bullshit. Never in the 124 ep history of Naruto has someone ever stopped their opponent from "charging up" an attack and they're not about to start now. Besides, if Kimi is stupid enough to stop a fight to let his opponent drink some medicine, he is stupid enough to let an opponent charge up. Another thing to note is that Sasuke is not the same kid he was before. His personality has changed dramatically, his evil laugh when he came out of the barrell is testament to this. This new personality can only make him more powerfull, he has been freed from being a peacful ninja which was holding him back. Above all, Kimi is ill and cannot use his body to its full potential. Therefore, I think Sasuke can defeat Kimi.

    On a side note, I don't know why there is so much hype surrounding Kimi, he hasn't impressed me at all so far. Maybe the manga readers know something that I don't....?

  7. #67

    RE: Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    Kimi had difficulty keeping up with Lee's pace
    I dont get it, kimi have no problem keeping up with lee's speed.. it's lee's unpredictible drunken movement that's giving kimi troubles.

    Besides, who knows who's gonna win since they haven't even fought each other... which I doubt they will.

  8. #68
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    Originally posted by: Darkwraith
    Kimi had difficulty keeping up with Lee's pace.

    Another thing to note is that Sasuke is not the same kid he was before. His personality has changed dramatically, his evil laugh when he came out of the barrell is testament to this. This new personality can only make him more powerfull, he has been freed from being a peacful ninja which was holding him back.

    Do I really need to state the reasons why you're wrong...? These are pretty obvious...

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  9. #69
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    since both of them have lvl 2 seals of equal powers, it makes the decision much easier, becuase we only need to compare thier original state.

    as said before, Sasuke couldn't harm Sakon cuz Ukon was blocking, any taijutsu attack on Kimi would be the same, and it's even possible that KImi's bones would harm Sasuke in the process. Therefore 1-0 for kimi.
    in terms of genjutsu, we haven't seen any of them doing anything worth noticing, so the result is the same.
    the only half decent Ninjutsu Sasuke has is the chidori, all the fire moves can't amount to shit, they never worked on anyone, even naruto managed to survive them and was able to keep fighting without giving a damn.

    so basically, the fight is chidori against every bone justu possible, i'm betting that even if kimi can't dodge the chidori (fat chance) he can still put on a barrier of bones and avoid damage. and considering that Sasuke can only use it twice a day, it's more then possible that he'll run out of chackra.

    about the sharingan, it can't read the future nor can it see the next movement of the enemy, it gives the person a good insight for small muscle changes that indicate future movemt (like Usui's shindo in rourouni kenshin), it won't be able to read the bone movements, since sasuke has no idea how bones move.

    besides, Kimimaru was orochimaru's first choice for a body, and sakon said the kimimaru is much stronger than sasuke, so how could sasuke win?

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  10. #70

    RE: Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    Originally posted by: Darkwraith
    Kimi had difficulty keeping up with Lee's pace.

    Another thing to note is that Sasuke is not the same kid he was before. His personality has changed dramatically, his evil laugh when he came out of the barrell is testament to this. This new personality can only make him more powerfull, he has been freed from being a peacful ninja which was holding him back.

    Do I really need to state the reasons why you're wrong...? These are pretty obvious...
    wait... is he serious about the personality thing?

  11. #71

    RE: Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    You guys keep saying how Sasuke's Sharingan can copy movements and such like Kakashis.....WRONG. If you did not notice Sasuke has not realized how to use his Sharingan fully yet. Notice he only has 2 dots in his eye while Itachi and Kakashi have 3. Sasuke can not predict bone movements charge at kimi and he would be gored to death.

  12. #72
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    Oh man I love vs threads.

    As much as I like Sasuke I'm gonna give this fight to Kimi.

    Would the Sharingan help? Sure, but only from a defensive standpoint. Sasuke doesn't have a move in his arsenal with enough power to put a hurtin on Kimi except perhaps Chidori, which he hasn't a prayer of getting charged. Katon techs might work but since they've been damn near useless for the past hundred episodes or so I wouldn't count on it.

    Lee speed is no good seeing as it... didn't work for Lee and what's more Sasuke hasn't the stamina to use das uber speed as freely as Lee.

    Only way Sasuke could win would be to take advantage of Kimi's compromised immune system and sneeze on him a bunch hoping for a War of the Worlds victory.


  13. #73
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    RE: Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    You guys are giving Kimi too much credit. So what Sasuke can't use the sharingan as well as Itachi and Kakashi. That doesn't mean that it's natural abilities such as slowing down the enemy movements won't be of help to him.
    Jing Sasuke was reading Gaara movements that's why he said if it wasn't for these eyes I'd be dead right now.
    I said it once I'll say it again when Sasuke faught Sakon we didn't know anything about him so of course it looked like his attacks had no effect but later on we learned that Ukon is able to block for him. Common sense tells us that Ukon blocked the lion combo.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  14. #74
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    Originally posted by: Y The Alien
    Originally posted by: Roko
    i wonder if chidori can penetrate svrl layers of kimi's special bones; from what i can tell, its pretty strong
    It didn't penetrate all the way through Haku's body, which is less durable than bone. technically DID penetrate all the way through Haku's body........
    They censored that in the anime.

    As for those of you who are basing the outcome of a fight like this on what other people think of the 2 characters, lets not forget Kabuto, who said, "I wonder who is stronger, him or you?" to kimimaro.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  15. #75

    RE: Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    No way in hell does sasuke stand a chance against Kimi . . . all sasuke has is the chidori, and that never seems to hit its mark, its just a straight thrust. And remember sasuke got his ass handed to him by the sound nins when they first came to konoha to get him, and they were just messing with him. Kimi would tear sasuke apart, for sure

  16. #76
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure technically DID penetrate all the way through Haku's body........
    They censored that in the anime.
    No using manga here Assertn.

    Ok, ok, I hadn't read that in forever. Point taken.

  17. #77

    Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    Originally posted by: Aeon
    You guys are giving Kimi too much credit. So what Sasuke can't use the sharingan as well as Itachi and Kakashi. That doesn't mean that it's natural abilities such as slowing down the enemy movements won't be of help to him.
    Jing Sasuke was reading Gaara movements that's why he said if it wasn't for these eyes I'd be dead right now.
    I said it once I'll say it again when Sasuke faught Sakon we didn't know anything about him so of course it looked like his attacks had no effect but later on we learned that Ukon is able to block for him. Common sense tells us that Ukon blocked the lion combo.
    I don't think were giving Kimimaro too much credit but rather stating the facts based off what we have seen of him during battle. I agree with you on Sasuke being able to read Kimimaro's movements but he can only use the sharingan for so long.

    You have to remember that Sasuke was barely able to evade Gaara's attacks. Kimimaro is faster than Gaara which would def make it harder for Sasuke to read his movements.

    Sasuke would prob give him a good fight but in the end he will end up jus like Naruto did OWNED. (If only I knew how to take screen shots from the anime and paste them here)[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

  18. #78
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    Originally posted by: drcitan

    Sasuke would prob give him a good fight but in the end he will end up jus like Naruto did OWNED. (If only I knew how to take screen shots from the anime and paste them here[/IMG]
    you can take screens in BSplayer and upload them to imageshack.

  19. #79

    RE: Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro


  20. #80
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    RE: Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    Both Sasuke and Kimimaro are good fighters, each with their own strengths. Still, if they were to fight against each other, Kimimaro would probably win. Both of them are close combat fighters, except that Sasuke is capable of a few long disance attacks. Still, Kimimaro would always have the advantage because of his bones. From that, Sasuke's taijutsu would be stopped many times and Chidori is very risky to use since it uses up a LOT of his chakra, not to mention that Kimimaro is also fast and most likely capable of dodging it. He can probably also stop chidori if he can time his bones to stop Sasuke's hand before the chidori hits him, but that's most unlikely.

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