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Thread: Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

  1. #21

    RE: Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    Originally posted by: Sharingan-3y3
    man... sasuke would own kimi in his current state without a seal.. he has sharingan and he is a Uchiha.. all u n00b fagtards that like kimi have no idea.. of what Sharingan and Sasuke are capable of..
    I hope you are being sarcastic....otherwise you are the "n00b fagtard". If you didn't notice....Sasuke got his assed EASILY whooped by Sound 4 people when they did not even use seals.....Now consider Kimi...former leader of Sound 4...can manipulate his bones...has seal. Yeah well you get the point... Sasuke would be completly demolished... he does not stand a chance in hell.

  2. #22
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    RE: Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    I don't understand why everyone loves these vs threads so much.

    Ah well. Now that we've actually seen some of what Kimi is capable of, I think he would squash Sasuke like a bug. The only powerful technique capable of taking out Kimi that Sasuke has is the chidori, and in order for that to be effective, he needs to land a direct hit. There's no way Kimi would let that happen.

  3. #23

    Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    Originally posted by: KitKat
    I don't understand why everyone loves these vs threads so much.
    It gives us something to do until the next episode.

  4. #24
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    RE: Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    Sasuke did pretty good for a 4on1, plus the only reason I don't think the lion combo worked on Sakon is because Ukon was secretly blocking the attacks.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  5. #25

    RE: Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    omg Dez, look what u are saying.. "4" sound ninjas, dude we are talking about a one on one.. soo.. sasuke can whoop this gaytards ass..

  6. #26

    Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    Rofl Sharingan-3y3. Calm down

    Anyways, the Sound 4 were not supposed to full out attack Sasuke because Orochimaru needed Sasuke in one piece. Remeber the Sound 4 put two jounin in the hospital.

  7. #27

    RE: Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    again all i hear is 4, 4, 4, 4, guys this is a 1 v 1 poll, kimi is strong (and a fag) but he wouldnt have a chance against sasuke and the sharingan + sasuke's new seal.. believe the fact guys..

  8. #28
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    Originally posted by: Sharingan-3y3
    omg Dez, look what u are saying.. "4" sound ninjas, dude we are talking about a one on one.. soo.. sasuke can whoop this gaytards ass..
    You're off to a great start, a huge retarded sig and crying about someone's opinion on a vs. fight.

    Sasuke connected direct hits on Sakon. They did jack shit. Sakon doesn't have a bloodline ability to generate super durable defensive spikes. Therefore Sasuke's blows will do jack shit to Kimimaro.


    Also, you (assuming you are an anime viewer) have no idea how strong Sasuke's Curse Seal is, so how does that factor in?

  9. #29

    Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    man, sasuke can't touch kimi. you just know that he will bone him to death.... bone STYLE

  10. #30
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    Originally posted by: jing
    man, sasuke can't touch kimi. you just know that he will bone him to death.... bone STYLE
    Bone him? yeah, Kimimaro probably swings that way. Sasuke won't be able to walk for weeks.

  11. #31

    Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    first of all... Alien guy.. im not just an anime viwer.. that goes for that, i kno owhat his seal is capable of.. thas 2, and the whole sig thing, its not huge OR retarded anymore.. at least i didnt steal or use someone else's (mut's), and last.. lets not get off subject, judging by ur rank, ur just a dumb spoiler anyway.. dont even kno whatu are talking bout..

  12. #32
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    This is a completely unfair scenario for Sasuke. The anime viewers haven't even seen Kimimaro or Sasuke's level 2 curse seal, so how is anyone suppose to even make an unbias choice?

    If we're using what we've seen so far to help us choose who'd win in a fight, then Kimimaro would definitely win by a landslide.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  13. #33
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    Originally posted by: Sharingan-3y3
    first of all... Alien guy.. im not just an anime viwer.. that goes for that, i kno owhat his seal is capable of.. thas 2, and the whole sig thing, its not huge OR retarded anymore.. at least i didnt steal or use someone else's (mut's), and last.. lets not get off subject, judging by ur rank, ur just a dumb spoiler anyway.. dont even kno whatu are talking bout..



  14. #34

    Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    that tells me i am right.. soo shh....

  15. #35

    Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    Originally posted by: Sharingan-3y3
    that tells me i am right.. soo shh....
    ....ummm, dude, i think he's laughing at you....
    "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

  16. #36
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    Originally posted by: Sharingan-3y3
    that tells me i am right.. soo shh....
    sure you are sparky.

    Mut I am sooooo sorry I STOLE this sig from you.


  17. #37

    Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    Originally posted by: Sharingan-3y3
    first of all... Alien guy.. im not just an anime viwer.. that goes for that, i kno owhat his seal is capable of.. thas 2, and the whole sig thing, its not huge OR retarded anymore.. at least i didnt steal or use someone else's (mut's), and last.. lets not get off subject, judging by ur rank, ur just a dumb spoiler anyway.. dont even kno whatu are talking bout..
    LOL, this is funny. I think this is the first time a manga reader is bragging about future knowledge that he has from reading haha.......

  18. #38
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    RE: Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    Yeah, whereas I accidentally spoiled something in a discussion off-board where everyone was spoiling, this guy is bragging about the fact that he based his vote on a spoiler in the anime-only forum.

  19. #39

    Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    no on is bragging.. just answering to the alien's stupid post

    Sharingan-3y3, next time you want to post in a "character A vs characer B" discussion, please don't bring up your manga knowledge. As a matter of fact, you shouldn't even mention that you read the manga. All it does is anger the anime only viewers. Also, everyone, stay on topic. It's getting really annoying.

    GotWoot Moderator

  20. #40
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Sasuke Vs. Kimimaro

    You aren't supposed to be basing your decision on the manga, dipshit.

    EDIT: Now with 100% less capslock.

    Off topics discussion ends here. Thanks.

    GotWoot Moderator

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