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Thread: What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

  1. #81

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    okay, basically, to most people, TW leads in everything from quality to translations. The only thing they don't lead in is the speed at which they release. So yes, overall, TW, to most people, is the best fansub out there.
    "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

  2. #82

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    i just recently started watching bleach. I read all the mangas instead of watching it. But i only watched Lunar's subs, so i dont know how good other's are.

  3. #83

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    i watch akeep's releases. sure theyre quite a lot behind (about 10 weeks worth of releeases), but i like their quality. it's a little bit better than lunar's releases. also, i like their translations and typesetting...

  4. #84
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    Honestly I prefer speed to quality, but Lunar is fast enough for me. Chihiro is the fastest, but I can wait a day or so for Lunar's version.... TW on the other hand... come on, I gotta get my fix and that group is just way too slow

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  5. #85

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    I've only read the manga up until recently. I just downloaded the first episode of the anime from Lunar 2 days ago and I didn't like it. I didn't have a problem with the quality or the overall translation though. What I didn't like was "Death God". I wish they would have just kept it as Shinigami.

    I know some people don't have a problem with everything being translated into english, but I do. Names are not supposed to be translated, a name is a name, it is supposed to stay the way it is. If your real name translated into "Small Penis" in Japanese, you probably wouldn't like being called Small Penis, would you?

    Translate the conversations, but leave the Names alone. A small footnote informing us of the literal translation does just fine to alleviate ignorance.

  6. #86
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    but its too late for them to change in the middle considering i'm willing to bet some people are used to seeing "death god" and "soul slayer"

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  7. #87

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    I agree on the lunar use of slang.

    I'm not too much of a fan of american english as it is, and I prefer the more classy englishlike explanation, to me it gives a bit more of the entire atmosphere... The ain'ts and o's and all that are kinda ruining the atmosphere, but yeah, as said before.. you get used to it after a while...

    I'd love for AonE to do it, but yeah, guess they've been really busy lately, seeing as naruto isn't coming out either... Guess we'll just have to hope and wait [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] I really really like their subs...

    anyway, I use lunar for bleach, but not too big a fan of it...
    it's still a cool anime though [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  8. #88

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    but you have to admit, sometimes the slang adds to the quality and personalities of the characters (I'm thinking Gin of course). although it does get a little annoying to read, i'm fine with it if it fits the character's personality.
    "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

  9. #89
    Jounin Splash!'s Avatar
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    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    Hey i just started watching bleach and i wud like to know when the lunar fansubs come out.

  10. #90
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    between tuesday and wednsday normally, bleach society is quicker but i prefer lunar.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  11. #91

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    I started watching Bleach a week ago. I like Anime keep. I watched their episodes for the first 25 ones, but I've switched to Lunar because of two things.. 1. Comes out faster.. 2. Often more seeds. Atleast for the first episodes. On lunars episodes I atleast reach 70 kb/s. But I like soul reaper much better than death god. It also took a few episodes to get used to the "cool" talk. And I liked that AKeep kept Zanpakutoh(or how it was spelled) instead of Lunars translation into soul slayer.

  12. #92

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    i use Lunar, but that's only because it's the first group i ever found for Bleach

  13. #93

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    I always download from lunar

  14. #94
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    I download from lunar because The quality is pretty good and the time it takes for production is very short.. basically what everyone else said..

  15. #95

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    I always download from Lunar

  16. #96
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    i prefer bleach society, its fast and there translation is not bad, isshin... dunno, i downloaded it to try, and in some conversation they have no translation of what they saying,, its kindda wierd.

    Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.

  17. #97
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?


    I always get bothered when a subber ends up leaving half the words in Japanese claiming to be keeping it in the spirit of the show or whatever that crap is. It's just pretentiousness is what it is. I can understand leaving characters proper names in Japanese, but beyond that, its just fanboyism.

    I also like the subtitle-in-chunks and the slang talking as well, because, it gives you a much better idea of the "flow" of whats being said.

    You think in japan they don't have people that speak in shorthand? Well your an idiot, thats like if everyone in America spoke like an english proffessor. And since I can't pick it up with my ears, its nice that the translators shows me when a characters speaks in a laid-back fashion.

    And the subtitles-in-chunks gives you a better sense timing. Shows you when the actually pauses are in whats being said.

  18. #98

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    I prefer Bleach Society's. Leaving stuff like Shinigami instead of Death God or Zankpaktou instead of Soul Slayer could confuse people. Unless you read a manga that puts in Death God. It is like saying Journemen instead of Chuunin or Jounin. Or Head Ninja instead of Hokage. I like titles to be kept the same. The only thing I like about Lunar is their way of Subtitling it. Or as some have come to call it Slang. Don't like the chunks cause it is like here don't look at the action read me!!!!

  19. #99

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    I usually download Bleach-Societies subs since they are the fastest. I'm a Bleach junkie!

  20. #100

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    I prefer A-Keep's quality and translations over Lunar's. However, since the early 20's, I've been downloading Lunar's subs, considering A-Keep's hiatus from the series at that point.

    Being born and bred in the Bronx, you'd think I'd appreciate the slang usage; I cannot stand it in the translations. Like someone mentioned earlier, it may be some sort of air of superiority or pretentiousness, but talk in damn proper English. Even if that's the way Gin or Renji talks, lie to me and properly present it. I've yet to see "Cuz" in any dictionary, regardless of language, so why show it as such in the episode? Plus, I think they [Lunar] have been inconsistent with the slang. One minute it's "cuz" another it's "cause." I could deal with the latter, as it's almost common slang usage and actually derives from somewhere. The former just reminds me of AOL, with "ur" (your/you're), etc.

    Enough of the bickering, since I'm still watching Lunar's subs. I need my fix, what can I say? I will have to check out TW, though, for archiving purposes, since a number of people are recommending them.

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