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Thread: What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

  1. #101
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    Speed is what I go for. Accurate translations and thorough notes and explaining references to Japanese cultur and plays-on-words are needed, but I feel Bleach-Society does all of this pretty damn well.

    I like Lunar and watched their episodes until about 30. But once I caught up to being on a weekly basis I had to go to Bleach-Society. I hate waiting. And on East Coast sometimes the difference in release times between Lunar and Society are enough for me not to get the episode until a full day, A FULL DAY LATER!!! I can't wait THAT long for better translation. And as far as quality, I don't see any glaring flaws in Society's episodes, so I go with that.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  2. #102
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    I started out with Lunar becuase i am so impatient. But recently they are getting lazy and Hell-fansub have beaten them in speed-subbing. So I started downloading Hell-fansub version but I cant stand them but for the love of Bleach I bear it. When the Lunar version comes out I download them as well. That's the version I am keeping for my archive and the reason why, I think someone has already explained them better than I could have. Here they are

    Posted by DarthEnder

    I also like the subtitle-in-chunks and the slang talking as well, because, it gives you a much better idea of the "flow" of whats being said.

    You think in japan they don't have people that speak in shorthand? Well your an idiot, thats like if everyone in America spoke like an english proffessor. And since I can't pick it up with my ears, its nice that the translators shows me when a characters speaks in a laid-back fashion

    And the subtitles-in-chunks gives you a better sense timing. Shows you when the actually pauses are in whats being said.

  3. #103

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    Lunar got a bit slower but im still going with them

  4. #104
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    Lunar's subtitle-in-chunks was really odd at first, but I've come to like it.
    I also agree that the slang makes them seem more realistic when they talk. 'Cause that's probably how ichigo really sounds. Same with the rest. When it comes to translation, a lot of it is just getting the same effect across (or is it affect...whatever).

    I prefer them for the same reasons as everyone else. I also like their font, lol.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  5. #105

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    I've stuck with AnimeKeep ever since they started. Even though they're really far behind now, if you check the boards @ akeep they say that the translator for bleach is back. so then i guess this mean we'll be seeing alot of releases from them...

    i prefer quality and looks over speed subs...that's why i've stuck with akeep and i will stay with akeep with bleach (anime)...

  6. #106
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    So why aren't you only getting Toriyama's World subs?

    The quality difference between A-Keep and Lunar is only substantial in the area of Lunar's syntax quirks. Unless you know Japanese or get pissed when a sub is timed .2 seconds off, you aren't getting much out of waiting for A-Keep.

  7. #107

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    I agree with Y... I don't consider Keep to be that good of a quality to warrant the long wait for Bleach episodes... I download Lunar and then replace them with Naisho-TW's version...

  8. #108
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    I just watched a few of AKeep's episodes and compared them to Lunar.

    I think AKeep handles comedy a lot better. A lot of the funny moments come off funnier in their sub just by how they translate it.

    Whatever, I'll still download Lunar weekly.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  9. #109
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    for now...
    i prefer bleach-s , fast and good translation.

    sinces lunar is getting slower..

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  10. #110
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    Originally posted by: kenren
    for now...
    i prefer bleach-s , fast and good translation.

    sinces lunar is getting slower..
    fast = Hell fansub
    good = Lunar

  11. #111

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    ya hell fansub is fast but i dont like hell i go with bleach-society or lunar

  12. #112

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    Im seriously thinking of moving to Bakakozou (new group fansubbing Bleach). I've been a Lunar fan, but as soon as an Anime-Keep version is out, I d/l theirs and remove my Lunar to burn DVDs in batches of 25.

    Bakakozou seems pretty good. Nice colors, nice frame rate and they keep most Japanese terms. I dont know if they are accurate in translations, so if anyone can fill me in on that I would appreciate it.

  13. #113
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    I'm in the same boat. I like the subs Keep releases, but I download Bleach Society untill Keep catches up.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  14. #114

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    Lunar is the best in my opinion. They are slow sometimes though.

  15. #115

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    nah Lunar got slower for some reason -_-

  16. #116

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    lol ya lunar is slow dont know why

  17. #117
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    what do you gusy think about Bakakouzou? i didnt download their sub yet but i'm wondering if its better than lunar.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

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  18. #118
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    Who knows? School started again, and maybe for some strange reason, they're already swamped. Me, it's only the 2nd week, yet I'm feeling quite tired these days from assignments and lectures and tutorials and such. It is kinda odd since they were very fast last year when they started Bleach (hell, they were always the first one to release a new episode of Bleach within a day or two).

  19. #119
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    what do you gusy think about Bakakouzou? i didnt download their sub yet but i'm wondering if its better than lunar.
    Lunar is better.

  20. #120

    What Fansub of Bleach Do You Prefer?

    im in opinion Lunar is one of the best subbers

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