I've been meaning to check Tokyo Godfaters out. For my contribution:

Perfect Blue: This is a suspense/horror movie about an idol singer who decides to leave her innocent image behind and get a more "adult" look in order to further her career. Some members of her fan base are not too happy about this and creepiness ensues. I'd recommend it.

Gunparade March: This is a nice older mecha anime about (surprise) a bunch of kids fighting against an alien invasion with giant robots. The premise is not at all original but I actually liked this series. The characters aren't terribly unique but they're likable enough, the fight scenes are decent, and although they never really resolve a lot of the larger story elements the ending at least makes sense. I found this series short and enjoyable, and if it's not particularly outstanding it's at least worth picking up.

Generator Gawl: This is an action anime about a group of time travelers who go to the past to prevent some terrible future from coming about. They go undercover at a local high school (real unique here) and fight monsters that are sent from the future to prevent thier mission from succeeding. There is a twist ending that I didn't really care for, but the rest of the series was ok. Decent action. I found some of the characters annoying, but I liked Gawl, so it evened out. I rented this a couple of years ago from a local video store and I thought it was worth the money.

Edit: Oh yeah, I have some more reviews in my blog too, but I won't waste space copying them.