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This anime has a very melancholy and bittersweet tone to it. Some of the episodes are real tearjerkers. It's very realistic and easy to comprehend. (The first episode for me was like, "WHOA WHAT?! -- I believe I ignorantly said that it is more down trodden than Fruits Basket and more confusing than Lain..) It's been so long since I got my hands on a good "non-ninjaish" podering, thinking anime). There are heavy themes of death, but also life, in this anime. I hope they do another season or 5.
The characters have very realistic temperments. You don't really see any characters who are overly flamboyant or have that "I'm going to save the world! Believe it!" kind of attitude. They are just normal people who live normal lives just like us. Ginko reminded me of Kakashi because of his laid back dispositoin. (And more obvious physical characteristics.)
I can't say that I have a favorite or least favorite episode. I think they're all amazing. If someone were to draw a picture of a main character from episode, let's say, 7, I probably wouldn't be able to identify him. I can recall their stories well, but I couldn't name all of them by their faces or clothing like I could a few other anime. The characters in this anime are slightly similar in looks, but when you look at their history, themeselves, they are quite unique. I guess kind of what an outsider would say when coming to a foreign country,
This is the type of anime where nothing and no one is truly evil. We are all just creatures who live our own way, and survive in which way we can. I think I hated the Mushi for the first 15 episodes or so until I realized this myself.
The animation and soundtrack are beautiful. Every time I hear the ending theme I could swear it's a little bit different. Hell, maybe it is. If you haven't seen this anime, go get it while Anbu is still distributing it! I'm rather surprised that they decided to finish this anime, but I can definately see why. This anime is amazing. A must see for any avid anime watcher.