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Thread: 250 out

  1. #21

    RE: 250 out

    It sounds like the next issue will be more focused on the Atsuki, maybe we'll get a whole issue following them around. It does say that in the next chapter we'll learn what the Ataski's objective is.

    Dammit I want more background on the individual members, I hope they don't get killed forgotten like the sound 4. I demand exposition.

  2. #22
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: 250 out

    it was an alright ch. Scropion man might be trouble(hes going to be eventually) when they manga comes around to someone fighting him, and I think its pretty obvious what Akatsukis "assigned jobs" are

    R.I.P Captain America.

  3. #23
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: 250 out

    Originally posted by: hiten mitsurugi
    The decoder girl was hot!!! She needs a name assigned and a active part in the manga. : )
    you need to leave the basement and get out in real life.

    anyway awesome chapter, sasori looks awesome, i want to see what the rest of the akatsuki members looks like. kankuro sure is fucked he wont last long against sasori. if naruto, sakura and kakashi are going to rescue gaara they need seom serious strength, wonder what naruto can do with the kyuubi chakra now. i want to see a real badass soon, hoping one of the akatsuki is.

  4. #24

    RE: 250 out

    Kankurou better not end up heavily injured already. He'll never get to shine if that happens.

    It would also be nice to see what the other Akatsuki are up too. However since we know what Kisame and Itachi are doing, they might not make an appearance. Hopefully they do since they made an interesting team.

  5. #25
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    RE: 250 out

    That tail looks more like Aliens tail then a scorpion-tail.. Because of the links in the tail..

    Anyways kick-ass chapter.. But what i dont understand is that no one from the sand that has seen the face of that scorpion-dude knows him.. He is originally from the sand so he should be just as famous to them as Itachi to Leaf..

    But i want to see more now..

  6. #26
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    250 out

    that one guy knew him.....the one who called him his master

    i like how the different akatsuki guys' abilities represent the village they were from

    sharingan from konoha village
    crazy huge sword from mist village
    clay manipulation from rock village
    scorpion tail from sand village
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  7. #27

    RE: 250 out

    Originally posted by: NewTaxes
    Kankurou better not end up heavily injured already. He'll never get to shine if that happens.
    dont worry the fight will be pretty much the same as gaara's.

    Kank does some crazy shit with his 3 puppets then get his ass kick HARDCORE by sasori. So we will definity see some kanky action but that will be it... then hopefully he recovers and save/help naruto's team in the future chapters. ;]

  8. #28
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: 250 out

    I have a question: where do we find out that Sasori is from the sand village? Please point out where it is shown.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  9. #29

    RE: 250 out

    Originally posted by: weakest anbu
    Originally posted by: NewTaxes
    Kankurou better not end up heavily injured already. He'll never get to shine if that happens.
    dont worry the fight will be pretty much the same as gaara's.

    Kank does some crazy shit with his 3 puppets then get his ass kick HARDCORE by sasori. So we will definity see some kanky action but that will be it... then hopefully he recovers and save/help naruto's team in the future chapters. ;]
    Nah, this is isn't even going to be a fight. Its going to be totally one-sided. Kankurou won't be able to do anything against Sasori. He will get his ass kicked around until that unit that Baki sent to follow him arrives and saves him.

    I'd like to see a few more Leaf ninjas get involved after Team Kakashi reports back. It would be cool to see Tsunade send more jounin into the fray this time.

  10. #30

    250 out

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    I have a question: where do we find out that Sasori is from the sand village? Please point out where it is shown.
    thats what i was gonna say. anyways, i dont think naruto and company will even make it to the village in time to actually confront the akatsuki. most likely sasori will reveal there plan to kankurou in the usual villian monologue, thus breaking his vow to end things quickly. if this were any other manga, i may question whether the next chapter is the last tie we will see kankurou, but we all know that kishimoto doesn't kill off people we know unless they are villians.

  11. #31

    RE: 250 out

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    I have a question: where do we find out that Sasori is from the sand village? Please point out where it is shown.
    The one pic at the end of 250 where it shows him with his hat off there is no band...the only thing I can think of is that the one Sand guy knew him so it is "possible" he is from the Sand Village, perhaps we will find out next week in 251.

  12. #32
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    RE: 250 out

    Since no one have posted this yet, there is a scanlation out at

  13. #33

    RE: 250 out

    Originally posted by: Sidnne
    Nah, this is isn't even going to be a fight. Its going to be totally one-sided. Kankurou won't be able to do anything against Sasori. He will get his ass kicked around until that unit that Baki sent to follow him arrives and saves him.
    poor kank ;[ but at the minimal he will show off his new bird puppet!!!

  14. #34
    ANBU Captain Prof. Chaos's Avatar
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    RE: 250 out

    Ok so we've seen like 5 guys now from Akatsuk right? So far all have what appear to be blood line limits or just body transformations (which have to be some sort of blood line limit unless it was experimentation). I am even more convinced now that they all posses some blood line power.

    And Sasori had no indication what so ever of what village he was from.

  15. #35

    RE: 250 out

    yea this guy isnt wearing a forhead protector :/

  16. #36
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    RE: 250 out

    forehead protectors don't necessarily have to worn on the forehead...despite the name.

    I tried my best...

  17. #37
    ANBU Captain Prof. Chaos's Avatar
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    RE: 250 out

    Yeah, it's just a suggestion as with Gai and Lee and Shiku for example. But we haven't seen it yet, so no way of knowing cause he will probably keep that robe on for a long ass time.

  18. #38

    RE: 250 out

    Originally posted by: weakest anbu
    Originally posted by: Sidnne
    Nah, this is isn't even going to be a fight. Its going to be totally one-sided. Kankurou won't be able to do anything against Sasori. He will get his ass kicked around until that unit that Baki sent to follow him arrives and saves him.
    poor kank ;[ but at the minimal he will show off his new bird puppet!!!

    The bird (raven) puppet is the one that Sasori snagged with his tail.

    I've always kinda disliked Kankurou. But in the last two chapters he has been pretty cool. I like the new outfit, and he just seems kinda badass now with his attitude and facial expressions.

  19. #39

    250 out

    Originally posted by: Sidnne

    The bird (raven) puppet is the one that Sasori snagged with his tail.
    oh i meant salamander. its fucking huge... probally have lots of traps ready inside... oh man I just realize how good the next chapter is going to be...

  20. #40
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    250 out

    wtf? Are you guys retarded? Sasori is wearing the forehead protector on his neck. Now, for the people who are claiming that Sasori is from the sand village, can you tell me where it shows a clear shot of his forehead protector and/or where it states that he is a sand ninja?

    Edit: And no frame in chapter 250 has a clear shot of the forehead protector.

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