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Thread: where to download codecs

  1. #1

    where to download codecs

    Need help...
    there's a video file my players can't view, then i checked it with gspot. The codec i need is VP61. does anybody know the site or where to download the codec for free? or is there another way to view it without the codec VP61?


    GotWoot Moderator

  2. #2
    Benevolent Dictator
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    where to download codecs

    as far as I can tell, vp6 is owned by on2 technologies. It can be played with their TrueCast Player, or you can grab the VFW codec and try that. The vfw codec should work with your media player of choice, assuming your media player of choice is relatively intelligent, and is the route I would recommend taking.

    Oh, they also have a decoder at this link

  3. #3

    RE: where to download codecs

    added it to the stickie thread.

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