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Thread: Episode 124 Discussion

  1. #161

    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    i think i need to clean my chair...

    even though I came to the comclusion that the three shadows had to be the sand nins....I actually did not really expect it. When they showed up.....i lost my face. I actually still cant find it.

    Kankuro has the coolest voice.


  2. #162

    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    did kankuro have different line patterns on his face?

  3. #163
    ANBU Captain Prof. Chaos's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    Imagine of Lee drank more. Would he have done more damage?

  4. #164
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    kimimaro didnt even use seal 2 against drunk lee to beat would take a LOT of sake
    or maybe taijutsu just simply wont cut it, no matter how crazy fast you are.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  5. #165
    ANBU Captain Prof. Chaos's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    Lee never would have won because Kimimaro would just make bones when ever he wants where as the Gaara fight, the sand had to catch up to Gaara. Though maybe if Lee was 100% and could open his 5 gates again, he might have been able to do something. But as I just said, because his bones can be used for defense and since they come from inside him, in the middle of Renge Lee would get messed up.

  6. #166

    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    Originally posted by: 010577
    did kankuro have different line patterns on his face?
    slightly... they are more boxy and the like.... but not enough to really worry about

  7. #167
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    Kankuro sucks anyway. Go Kimimaro!

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  8. #168

    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    I don't like Kimimaro, he's such a lameass. "Look at me, I'm so calm and cool, and I look like an albino indian ready for war." The cool thing about Kimi is that he's gay. I mean, why else would he use red eyeliner? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] It was probably Orochimaru's idea, to make him more pretty to look at, since he can't get to be him.

    I had no idea it was the shinobi, and I'm so glad, because when they appeared I was so surprised and it was very cool. I didn't understand what happened when Tayuya was blown away, until I saw those feet in that position afterwards. I mean, if there's something that characterises Temari, it's that pose with her flipflap.

  9. #169

    Episode 124 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Deblas
    Originally posted by: Darkwraith
    Man, Shikamaru should've so felt Tayuya up with the shadow hand

    . If this is true then there is no point in Shika trying to feel up Tayuya.
    Theres no point in posting this period! This is the worst post I've ever seen(not intended to darkwraith but since he went on to explain Sam98034 idiotic post I qouted him). Why don't we go into shikamarus pt. of view. He's a twelve year old kid! fighting for his life! and I think the least that he would think is let me feel this bitch that almost freakin killed me. God man, think you crazed sex hound!
    wtf is idiotic about my post?

  10. #170

    Episode 124 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Sam98034
    Originally posted by: Deblas
    Originally posted by: Darkwraith
    Man, Shikamaru should've so felt Tayuya up with the shadow hand

    . If this is true then there is no point in Shika trying to feel up Tayuya.
    Theres no point in posting this period! This is the worst post I've ever seen(not intended to darkwraith but since he went on to explain Sam98034 idiotic post I qouted him). Why don't we go into shikamarus pt. of view. He's a twelve year old kid! fighting for his life! and I think the least that he would think is let me feel this bitch that almost freakin killed me. God man, think you crazed sex hound!
    wtf is idiotic about my post?
    Umm... EVERYTHING!

    Originally posted by: Aeon
    I wonder if Baki is the new Kazekage since somebody had to send the Sand nin to help. And exactly how close are these hidden villages. Kimi left Sound village and arraived at the battle field in no time and the Sand nin got there in only a day.
    Well lets see:

    Sand village is farther away, so obviously it will take longer.

  11. #171
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    the battles are still in the fire country.....part of their goal in catching up to the sound nins was to get them before they crossed the border
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  12. #172

    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Psyke
    Originally posted by: Darkwraith
    I liked the change in appearance of the sand trio. It kinda symbolises their transition from being the villains to the good a fresh start to their images.
    According to their perspective there's no good or bad guys. They were just following their mission in both scenarios. Only exception might be Gaara who believes Naruto showed him the way out of loneliness.
    I meant from the point of view of Naruto viewers, the sand shinobi were portrayed as the bad guys in the story. They aren't anymore so it is fitting they have been given new looks.

  13. #173

    Episode 124 Discussion

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    the battles are still in the fire country.....part of their goal in catching up to the sound nins was to get them before they crossed the border
    Oh yea, sorry. There I fixed it.

  14. #174
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Tohan
    I don't like Kimimaro, he's such a lameass. "Look at me, I'm so calm and cool, and I look like an albino indian ready for war." The cool thing about Kimi is that he's gay. I mean, why else would he use red eyeliner? It was probably Orochimaru's idea, to make him more pretty to look at, since he can't get to be him.
    Kimi? A lameass? From what we know of him, he's either dying or permanently ill somehow, and he's out there fighting by an act of sheer will. Do you blame him for not being like Naruto and yelling, "RAWR I'M GONNA BEAT YOU INTO THE GROUND!!" If it wasn't for the whole part where he allows Lee to take his medicine, I'd say he's the best ninja we've seen so far. He takes his time to weigh his opponent, and doesn't engage in unnecessary dialogue. All of his movements are efficient and calculated.

    Oh, and Jaredster, thanks for posting the map. I'd wondered how far they were travelling too.

  15. #175
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    What KitKat said.

    Oh and red eyeliner isn't gay.

    I've used it.


  16. #176
    ANBU Captain Hikyuu's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    Whats with all the people joining the forums for this episode.. or really close to it then posting useless things.. Oh well.. I really like Kimi's look Naruto needs more Bishounen[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  17. #177
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Hikyuu
    Naruto needs more Bishounen[img][/img]
    Damn straight!

    More people like Kimimaro (eyeliner!) & Sakon (lipstick!)... but the latter preferably without a head on his back

    Fucking Ukon

  18. #178

    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    don't you dare forget haku you dirty pirate hooker. and gaara uses eyeshadow. ...and sand :-/

  19. #179

    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    Gaara does not use eyeshadow lol, his eyes are like that from lack of sleep.

  20. #180
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    Thanks for the map Jaredster, I expected the sand nin's to show up later but wanted to know how close they were to Leaf since they left their village and reached the battle field in only 1day. And I thought there were only 8villages but that shows 9. One's I recognize


    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

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