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Thread: Episode 124 Discussion

  1. #141

    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    Originally posted by: RasenDori
    im not really as angry about this episode as i made it out to be. i just decided to act like a total ass since i was flamed for going against the norm. i understand that they need to lengthen the ep... but they could have done so in a less ridiculous manner. and jing, kimi not killing lee in ep. 123 when he had the oportunity = being a total idiot. this episode just made it worse. btw... i DID enjoy the last half of the ep...despite the horrible art work on the sand ninjas
    if you're talking about episode 123 then yeah i agree with you. but i thought you were refering to episode 124, and since this is a 124 thread. yeah.

  2. #142

    Episode 124 Discussion

    awsome episode. Lee's fight sequence with kimi was incredible. Reminds me of jackie chan's drunken kungfu

  3. #143

    Episode 124 Discussion

    All I wanna say is

    Man, Shikamaru should've so felt Tayuya up with the shadow hand
    Man, Shikamaru should've so felt Tayuya up with the shadow hand
    Man, Shikamaru should've so felt Tayuya up with the shadow hand
    Man, Shikamaru should've so felt Tayuya up with the shadow hand

    and one more for good luck

    Man, Shikamaru should've so felt Tayuya up with the shadow hand

    geese, enough already. It stopped being funny or cool a while ago.

  4. #144

    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    The on Kiba fight against had two bodies, and what happening. The sandguy with the puppet arrive, his puppet and he is two together right[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
    Well I wounder how Sasuke looks in his other form. Scary? Nah, more ugly hahaa. Its what I think[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  5. #145
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    This ep was pretty awesome. Lee was acting just like a two year old when he was like, "Haha, I tricked you!" And the part where he was pretending to sleep while still dodging Kimi's sword, that was so hilarious.
    I loved watching Kimi's facial expressions, as he tried to figure out what was happening. He was so confused, then he just got annoyed and decided to end it with his porcupine technique. Poor Lee, he didn't stand a chance at the end. More than taijutsu is needed to defeat Kimi.

  6. #146
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    I wonder if Baki is the new Kazekage since somebody had to send the Sand nin to help. And exactly how close are these hidden villages. Kimi left Sound village and arraived at the battle field in no time and the Sand nin got there in only a day.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  7. #147

    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    Great episode. I was totally expecting the sound ninjas to show up earlier and help Kiba first and then Shika and then Lee since we always saw their shadows travelling together. Can't wait for the next ep!!

  8. #148
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Episode 124 Discussion

    I actually originally thought that the shadows were the sand ninjas, but then, when Shika is talking about how Asuma saverd him last time and that definatly wouldn't happen now, I instead started to think that it was gonna be Asuma and a couple of the other teachers that showed up, which I think is why they put that scene in, to throw people off. But then my original guess turned out to be correct.

    and jing, kimi not killing lee in ep. 123 when he had the oportunity = being a total idiot
    Or maybe just = an honorable warrior who's empathises with someone whose body is in need of medical attention since his own body is failing him.

    Man, Shikamaru should've so felt Tayuya up with the shadow hand
    Yeah, you're like the 40th person to say it. Jesus Christ is everyone here 12 years old?

  9. #149

    Episode 124 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
    Shinobi, next time use the edit feature located at the bottom of your post. Just put "Edit to top" instead of posting a whole new one. Oh and one more thing....

    Welcome to the forums![img][/img]
    Thanks for the tip Kagemane, will do that next time. And thanks for the welcome :-)

    Originally posted by: Tohan
    Physically excited, eh, James? [img][/img]

    I've watched this episode three times now, raw, DB and AonE (DB did a better job this time), and I don't think it's the greatest episode so far. The Lee vs Gaara fight is just too awesome!

    Kimi and Gaara are quite similar in a way. They have a physical barrier and can form stuff from bone/sand. Same with Kankuro, there it's 2vs2 (Can't really count boy-who-stabs-himself-with-a-knife in anymore). And, well, the last is just wench vs wench, i guess ^^

    Edit: Almost forgot! Tommy Pickles, indeed! XD

    Tohan, Who's James? And not THAT kind of physical excitement. lol
    And I must agree the Lee v Gaara fight was great/incredibly awesome (that was just the fight though). But as episodes go, the whole thing together made 124 an awesome episode for me.
    P.S. "Tommy Pickles?" I didn't get that.

  10. #150

    Episode 124 Discussion

    Man, Shikamaru should've so felt Tayuya up with the shadow hand

    About that technique, Tayuya said that the shadow hand "felt real" on her, but can Shika feel from it as well? It'd be stupid if he can, because then someone who is not in the shadow bind (or some really strong opponet who can resist the bind eg Tayuya) could just stab the shadow with a kunai or something and he should feel pain...

    I personally don't think he can feel from his shadow but others who he uses the shadow hand on can. If this is true then there is no point in Shika trying to feel up Tayuya.

  11. #151
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Episode 124 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Darkwraith
    Man, Shikamaru should've so felt Tayuya up with the shadow hand

    . If this is true then there is no point in Shika trying to feel up Tayuya.
    Theres no point in posting this period! This is the worst post I've ever seen(not intended to darkwraith but since he went on to explain Sam98034 idiotic post I qouted him). Why don't we go into shikamarus pt. of view. He's a twelve year old kid! fighting for his life! and I think the least that he would think is let me feel this bitch that almost freakin killed me. God man, think you crazed sex hound!

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
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  12. #152

    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Deblas
    Originally posted by: Darkwraith
    Man, Shikamaru should've so felt Tayuya up with the shadow hand

    . If this is true then there is no point in Shika trying to feel up Tayuya.
    Theres no point in posting this period! This is the worst post I've ever seen(not intended to darkwraith but since he went on to explain Sam98034 idiotic post I qouted him). Why don't we go into shikamarus pt. of view. He's a twelve year old kid! fighting for his life! and I think the least that he would think is let me feel this bitch that almost freakin killed me. God man, think you crazed sex hound!

    i agree wit deblas. i mean y the heck would someone fighting for his life decide to feel on someone thats tryin to kill him. also who in the world would want to feel up on that ugly beast wit horns stickin out of her head?!?

  13. #153
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    Face it, many people here are just extremely horny, haha. Wonder how they can get the girls though.

  14. #154

    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    Ok, there is a point to shika feeling her up. He feels her up, she is suprised and loses concentration, he is able to gain the upper hand and win. Totally strategic, not for pleasure.

    Anyway, great episode, Can't wait for the next one.

  15. #155
    big bear

    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    good episode ........ the only reason rock lee fought as long as he did is beacause of the sake. he woud never have lasted as long if he had been predicable espeshaly with the conditon he was in. if he not had his hand and leg chushed by gaara, that is another story .......... luckaly gaara shows up.

  16. #156

    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    I liked the change in appearance of the sand trio. It kinda symbolises their transition from being the villains to the good a fresh start to their images.

  17. #157
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Darkwraith
    I liked the change in appearance of the sand trio. It kinda symbolises their transition from being the villains to the good a fresh start to their images.
    According to their perspective there's no good or bad guys. They were just following their mission in both scenarios. Only exception might be Gaara who believes Naruto showed him the way out of loneliness.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  18. #158

    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    gaara looked mad cool

    we could do without spoiler in the release info

  19. #159

    Episode 124 Discussion

    mad cool, eh ??

    they turned him gay...

    look on that one instead...

  20. #160

    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    Originally posted by: KaneInferno
    Ok, there is a point to shika feeling her up. He feels her up, she is suprised and loses concentration, he is able to gain the upper hand and win. Totally strategic, not for pleasure.

    Anyway, great episode, Can't wait for the next one.
    LMAO!!!! That is hilarious!

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