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Thread: Episode 124 Discussion

  1. #61

    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    Lee got sober a bit too soon.

    Kimi's technique is a little flawed on the science half of it. If he's transfering all the calcium from his body to make spikes outside, then there mustn't be much calcium inside his body. Unless he can create calcium out of nothing or perform nuclear fission/fusion inside his body, his body should collapse into a pile of saggy skin. It's one thing to move bones around, but it's another to make protruding spikes out of bone.

    And I still think Shikamaru should've felt Tayuya up with the shadow hand.

  2. #62

    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Warmaster
    OK, the fight was good but apart from Kimi going lvl 1 and the ending we didn't move forward one inch / Naruto is still chasing Sasuke and none of the other 3 fights have been settled! This DBZ way of doin things, lowering the pace of the story to a crawl is really getting on my nerves. Abd it looks like its gonna take at least 2 or 3 eps to finish just one of the fights!!!!

    ahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahhahahahah die. If anything, I WANT the kimi/Lee fight dragged on as long as possible.


    Lets see, last episode Lee just started fighting Kimi, and now that fight is finished. 3 other characters have also been introduced, with good timing I might add. Kimi's bloodline limit was explained more. Kiba got out of the water, and one of his weaknesses was revealed (he doesn't notice his own scent), which led to him being caught up to. And shika was also beat. I don't know about you, but that just kinda closed everything from last episode, and opened up lots of possibilities for the next.

    tell us how it should have been done. What would have satisfied you? since this was such a horrible filler episode with horrible pacing and no plot.

  3. #63

    Episode 124 Discussion

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    Lee got sober a bit too soon.

    Kimi's technique is a little flawed on the science half of it. If he's transfering all the calcium from his body to make spikes outside, then there mustn't be much calcium inside his body. Unless he can create calcium out of nothing or perform nuclear fission/fusion inside his body, his body should collapse into a pile of saggy skin. It's one thing to move bones around, but it's another to make protruding spikes out of bone.
    i think he said he have more bones than other ppl or something.. that maybe that covers it up i guess....

  4. #64

    Episode 124 Discussion

    This is the best fight since Naruto and Sasuke square off. I laughed so hard at the part when Lee is sleeping and Kimimaro's trying to hit him... it was hilarious.

  5. #65

    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    Lee got sober a bit too soon.

    Kimi's technique is a little flawed on the science half of it. If he's transfering all the calcium from his body to make spikes outside, then there mustn't be much calcium inside his body. Unless he can create calcium out of nothing or perform nuclear fission/fusion inside his body, his body should collapse into a pile of saggy skin. It's one thing to move bones around, but it's another to make protruding spikes out of bone.

    And I still think Shikamaru should've felt Tayuya up with the shadow hand.
    Ya, Lee should have been drunk for longer but oh well.

    For kimi, what if one of those tubes he was hooked up to injected calcium directly into his body and he had a mad excess of it? eh ? eh? =P

  6. #66

    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    Lee got sober a bit too soon.

    Kimi's technique is a little flawed on the science half of it. If he's transfering all the calcium from his body to make spikes outside, then there mustn't be much calcium inside his body. Unless he can create calcium out of nothing or perform nuclear fission/fusion inside his body, his body should collapse into a pile of saggy skin. It's one thing to move bones around, but it's another to make protruding spikes out of bone.
    and that is why children , why you should drink your milk.

    Be like Kimimaro . Drink milk!

  7. #67
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    and have bones growing out of your skin right? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Im pretty sure Kimi like he said can make an unlimited amout of bones which means, that he can create the calcium on his own, and create new bones/have bones extend in his body.(which Im pretty sure is pretty painful)

    R.I.P Captain America.

  8. #68
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    Its ninja magic people, he can make all the damn bone spikes he wants.

  9. #69

    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    Kimi's technique is a little flawed on the science half of it. If he's transfering all the calcium from his body to make spikes outside, then there mustn't be much calcium inside his body. Unless he can create calcium out of nothing or perform nuclear fission/fusion inside his body, his body should collapse into a pile of saggy skin. It's one thing to move bones around, but it's another to make protruding spikes out of bone.
    why don't you first argue how naruto makes clones out of virtually 'nothing'

  10. #70

    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    Lee got sober a bit too soon.

    Kimi's technique is a little flawed on the science half of it. If he's transfering all the calcium from his body to make spikes outside, then there mustn't be much calcium inside his body. Unless he can create calcium out of nothing or perform nuclear fission/fusion inside his body, his body should collapse into a pile of saggy skin. It's one thing to move bones around, but it's another to make protruding spikes out of bone.

    And I still think Shikamaru should've felt Tayuya up with the shadow hand.
    chakra is the magical ingredient.

  11. #71

    Episode 124 Discussion

    I think this is THE greatest fight scene i've seen since... since... the chuunin exams. It would have been cool for Lee to be drunk longer, but oh well. Lee was much better than Naruto was, he was actually able to land a hit. That was a kick-ass scene and really well animated. Can't wait for next weeks.

    Now here is it, your moment of zen:

  12. #72

    Episode 124 Discussion

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    Kimi's technique is a little flawed on the science half of it. If he's transfering all the calcium from his body to make spikes outside, then there mustn't be much calcium inside his body. Unless he can create calcium out of nothing or perform nuclear fission/fusion inside his body, his body should collapse into a pile of saggy skin. It's one thing to move bones around, but it's another to make protruding spikes out of bone..
    He specifically says he is not restricted by thelimit of bones in a normal human body ,because he MAKES bones, he is not really using his own bones cause like you said...he would collapse. Thats why he is an uber badass, he can make bones and use them and shit.

  13. #73

    RE: Episode 124 Discussion

    either way i have to say this is probably the first good naruto anime eps ive seen in a while that doesnt have crappy art; good battle, good art-- great eps 8)

  14. #74
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    Episode 124 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Jaredster
    I think this is THE greatest fight scene i've seen since... since... the chuunin exams. It would have been cool for Lee to be drunk longer, but oh well. Lee was much better than Naruto was, he was actually able to land a hit. That was a kick-ass scene and really well animated. Can't wait for next weeks.

    Now here is it, your moment of zen:
    that was cool, but you should've it made it longer, to when Lee started kicking Kimi and they started doing their little play, Ill see if I can do it

    R.I.P Captain America.

  15. #75

    Episode 124 Discussion


    This is deffinitly one of my favorite eps maybe my favorite. That was the most badass thing I've ever seen in Naruto by far. And I'm just talking about the lee fight, now we have Gaara oh fuck yea its on! Best fight in naruto was right there ladies and gentlemen.

    Originally posted by: Jaredster
    Now here is it, your moment of zen:
    Who do you think you are, John Stewart? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  16. #76

    Episode 124 Discussion

    Yes, yes I do. *is crazy*

    Originally posted by: Knives122

    that was cool, but you should've it made it longer, to when Lee started kicking Kimi and they started doing their little play, Ill see if I can do it

    I'm not sure what you mean by "their little play" but i will extend the scene, just for you, because I care.

    Beware though, with great gifs comes great bandwidth suffering (over 1.1MB):

  17. #77

    Episode 124 Discussion

    opps, double post

  18. #78
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    Episode 124 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Jaredster
    Yes, yes I do. *is crazy*

    Originally posted by: Knives122

    that was cool, but you should've it made it longer, to when Lee started kicking Kimi and they started doing their little play, Ill see if I can do it

    I'm not sure what you mean by "their little play" but i will extend the scene, just for you, because I care.

    Beware though, with great gifs comes great bandwidth suffering (over 1.1MB):

    lol, sorry if I didnt make that clear I was talking about the part wher Kimi was blocking Lees kicks(after Tsubaki no mai) its in this file(its the entire fight though),

    R.I.P Captain America.

  19. #79
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Episode 124 Discussion

    Kimi's bone sword seemed larger in the manga. ohh well, He's still badass! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
    ___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________

  20. #80

    Episode 124 Discussion


    Had to edit it a bit to be under 1MB, but yea.

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