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Thread: Oh no!!!!!! Suprnova got shut down

  1. #1

    Oh no!!!!!! Suprnova got shut down

    AHHHHHHhhh they got shut down!!!!!!! how else now am i suppose to get my stuff!!!!!!! =( nooooooooo

  2. #2
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    RE: Oh no!!!!!! Suprnova got shut down

    Maybe the site is having a few problems? I think this has happened before.
    If you want stuff, just buy it if you can.

  3. #3

    RE: Oh no!!!!!! Suprnova got shut down

    nope, i just went there, there's a letter saying they were shutdown for good

  4. #4

    RE: Oh no!!!!!! Suprnova got shut down

    well this is a bummer. you can also try lokitorrent, most of the things i got from suprnova were from lokitorrent anyways. plus i also use dc++ so its not a total loss.

  5. #5

    Oh no!!!!!! Suprnova got shut down

    Yeah a mate told me about it before and that totally sucks, at least there are other sites up, but suprnova was the coolest one I knew of for a general mix of stuff...

  6. #6

    RE: Oh no!!!!!! Suprnova got shut down

    I just found that out this morning when doing my daily pirating round. I think it's gone for good now.

    btw DC++ sucks most of the time. You can find literally everything on it, but gauranteed 90% of the time you get slow ass uploaders. It really takes patience to find fast peers.

  7. #7

    RE: Oh no!!!!!! Suprnova got shut down

    Could be coinsidence but i see too much torrent site's down atm..

    Boxtorrents.. down
    Tokyo Toshokan.. down
    Lokitorrent.. down
    Youceff.. down
    Phoenix Torr.. down

    Is this world coming to an end?

  8. #8
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Bellevue, WA

    Oh no!!!!!! Suprnova got shut down

    Well Baka and download are still up and running but it might be multi pronge attack, but lets face it this is not the first or last time this has happened. Give it like a week and dust will clear. Toshokan will be replaced with a new site. MIRC was by MIRKX. A time to worry is when gotwoot and all the other anime forums get shut down. THAT would be the end of the fucking world. But on another note, just find out who subs your fav series and GO USE IRC. Ask the people how the tirggers on that channel work, they're all a little diffrent. Be patcient and you will get all the anime oyu need.

  9. #9

    Oh no!!!!!! Suprnova got shut down

    Originally posted by: Goingin
    Could be coinsidence but i see too much torrent site's down atm..

    Boxtorrents.. down
    Tokyo Toshokan.. down
    Lokitorrent.. down
    Youceff.. down
    Phoenix Torr.. down

    Is this world coming to an end?
    It's like a domino effect. One goes down, and the others go with it.
    This does suck about suprnova, though.
    Well, where one falls, another will rise.

    EDIT: Tokyotosho is back up! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  10. #10
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    Apr 2004
    Amherst, MA

    Oh no!!!!!! Suprnova got shut down

    im glad i downloaded a bunch of albums and photoshop before suprnova went down, totally sucks though i hope it comes back.

  11. #11
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Oh no!!!!!! Suprnova got shut down

    Haha, owned.

    Life (and Internet piracy) goes on.

  12. #12

    Oh no!!!!!! Suprnova got shut down

    now where am i gonna get all my movies [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

  13. #13

    Oh no!!!!!! Suprnova got shut down

    this is a sad sad day. where will i go to download xbox games once i get my xbox chipped. or where to go to download music, or games, or movies.

    i think im gonna cry [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

  14. #14

    RE: Oh no!!!!!! Suprnova got shut down

    snova and yucef are done for good, ene of story, the frencs poliece raided youceffs servers and stuff, a couple in finland got busted also

    loki is still up as well as bi-torrents which is the suprnova mirror, torrentreactor is up also, so is torrentsearch

    most if not all the anime trackers will be uneffected by this RIAA/MPAA sweep because they do not host anything they care about, I agree that we will see new one jump on in a week or so, and theres always IRC and Newsgroupes

    also snova was working on that p2p torrent app thingie, im curious to see if that ever gets out or no

  15. #15

    RE: Oh no!!!!!! Suprnova got shut down

    if the RIAA wants us to start payin for our stuff then why dont they convince the world trade organization to lower the fucking prices?? who the hell in the real world can afford the stuff that we download on a regular basis? and one more thing, if they want us to pay for everything, then why dont they sell torrent or dl programs and leave us the hell alone after we buy them? sell the programs for a high price, giv stuff on the internet for free, and everyone's happy. damn lawyers cant ever seem to figure out how to please the ppl...

  16. #16
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    LA, Cali

    RE: Oh no!!!!!! Suprnova got shut down

    Originally posted by: GuardianShado
    if the RIAA wants us to start payin for our stuff then why dont they convince the world trade organization to lower the fucking prices?? who the hell in the real world can afford the stuff that we download on a regular basis? and one more thing, if they want us to pay for everything, then why dont they sell torrent or dl programs and leave us the hell alone after we buy them? sell the programs for a high price, giv stuff on the internet for free, and everyone's happy. damn lawyers cant ever seem to figure out how to please the ppl...
    this is quite possibly the most ignorant thing i've read since... last tuesday.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  17. #17

    RE: Oh no!!!!!! Suprnova got shut down

    Yeah, that obviously wouldn't work for loads of reasons.

    Prices are too high for anime/manga etc (at least they are here...but I've probably rambled and whined about that in about 80 threads by now...) but thats a different matter [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Just as well suprnova wasn't that much use for anime...but for albums and stuff it was well ace...damn, for the most part, back to soulseek it is then...

  18. #18

    RE: Oh no!!!!!! Suprnova got shut down

    their job is not to please ppl....thier job is to take every penny from us, and give it to thier lord satan, with whom they have a contract.

  19. #19
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Melbourne, Australia

    RE: Oh no!!!!!! Suprnova got shut down

    You see, there's this thing called an economy, and it works in mysterious ways...

    Anyway, some good torrent sites: Bit Torrent Search Site #bt - EFFNET - TV ep Bit Torrent Tracker

    Good site to check encodes and quality of movies -

    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  20. #20

    RE: Oh no!!!!!! Suprnova got shut down

    I think they keep the prices up so only rich, fortunate people with money to burn can afford them.

    They say Christmas is the time of giving and helping the unfortunate. Why don't they give us, the average unfortunate joe, some stuff, like CD-Keys, free movie rentals, etc? We're not poor because we're cheap, and we're cheap because we're unfortunate.

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