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Thread: Kakashi : Bad Teacher?

  1. #41

    RE: Kakashi : Bad Teacher?

    bad ass or not, the question is his teaching ability.
    As a leader, appoaching many newbs to the game, he can not help but teach them if he is worth anything at all.

    What is the purpose of the teacher in that phase?

  2. #42
    jeffie talkin

    Kakashi : Bad Teacher?

    kakashi taught them chakara control u idiot - _-

    It is not a good idea to flame other users in your first post.

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  3. #43

    Kakashi : Bad Teacher?

    Originally posted by: Cozz
    Originally posted by: KitKat

    Cozz, I think I'm gonna play devil's advocate and argue a bit on the Sakura issue. I know, this is out of character for me, since I very much dislike Sakura, but I think we need someone to argue the opposite perspective for a moment.
    First off, I doubt Sakura is playing with flowers all day (Ino might be, since she works at a flower shop, but Ino is more useless than Sakura). Anyways, I speculate that the girls of Konoha who choose to become ninjas have a lot more to learn than the guys. Not only must they train as ninjas, but I speculate that they also have serious family obligations, to learn cooking, and sewing, and various other 'femenine' skills from their mothers. Maybe she just doesn't have as much time to train as the guys do, since Naruto and Sasuke both don't have families and therefore can spend a great deal more time training. Overall, I think Sakura could be a decent ninja if she didn't let her emotions dictate her decisions. Anyways, this is starting to drift off-topic, so I'll leave it at that.
    I also think Sakura could be a decent ninja, and await the time that she finally becomes one. My point about flowers was this: During the chuunin exam, after Lee was defeated by the sound trio, Sakura desired to be strong. Granted, I knew there was no way for her to beat the sound trio, becasue there were only 4 Genins at that point who really had a chance agianst one on 3 (Naruto, Sasuke, Neji, and Lee), and no was Sakura going to be in that group. After the Exam, she had the chance to train...but she would rather give a flower to Sasuke(who wasn't there), and watch as half a man (Lee) trained than get up and train herself. If Kakashi had taught Sakura how to prioritize herself , I don't think she would be as hated as she is now.

    totally with you.. i mean she pretends that she is so determined to train,,, but doesn't do anything at all...
    Also i think it is too late to develop her chracter(after more than 120 epi. i mean goodness..) ... and i don't wanna see her be suddenly all strong.. and i really hope they don't do that ever!!!

  4. #44

    Kakashi : Bad Teacher?

    Aww I think Sakura can be strong someday [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] Not everyone matures at the same speeds, and besides, with Sasuke gone chasing after power with Oro, it gives her some good motivation to grow up!

  5. #45

    RE: Kakashi : Bad Teacher?

    Sakura might actually become a much better fighter now that Sasuke is gone. While he was still around, all of her attention seemed to be focused on him (or on Lee, who is now better and thus won't be focused on by Sakura either). If Sasuke really does go with Oro, it will probably be the best thing to happen to Sakura. If she's not stalking him anymore, she'll have time not only to train but to form some actual relationships with the other Genin in the village (how many real friends does Sakura have? Ino is her rival, Sasuke ignores her, she seems to hate Naruto, and we've never really seen her interact with anyone else that I can remember).

  6. #46
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    RE: Kakashi : Bad Teacher?

    Sakura probably has a few friends, but the anime never shows them. Remember how Ino managed to help Sakura make friends when they were childhood friends. Besides, what would be the significance of showing them? If Sakura doesn't have any friends because they are not shown, then pretty much everybody is a loner.

  7. #47

    RE: Kakashi : Bad Teacher?

    kakashi did a great job multi-tasking with the dirty mag, and training the kids. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]

  8. #48

    RE: Kakashi : Bad Teacher?

    Sakura, well now she's off of the epi lately and hope it stay that way, all she do is TALK to herself and CRY.

  9. #49
    Jounin Cal_kashi's Avatar
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    RE: Kakashi : Bad Teacher?

    it seems to follow the pattern of the anime that Sakura will start training under Tsunade, but outside of that happening i don't think we'll see Sakura get any stronger
    When man invented the bicycle he reached the peak of his attainments. Here was a machine of precision and balance for the convenience of man. And (unlike subsequent inventions for man's convenience) the more he used it, the fitter his body became. Here, for once, was a product of man's brain that was entirely beneficial to those who used it, and of no harm or irritation to others. Progress should have stopped when man invented the bicycle. ~Elizabeth West, Hovel in theHills

  10. #50
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    RE: Kakashi : Bad Teacher?

    Kakashi was a good teacher in my opinion, as he showed faith in them by letting them into the Chuunin Exams and making them understand the importance of teamwork.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  11. #51
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    RE: Kakashi : Bad Teacher?

    Well, the question is, just WHY would Tsunade train Sakura? For the moment, there's no valid reason why Tsunade should be the sensei.

  12. #52

    Kakashi : Bad Teacher?

    Yeah....., why would Tsunade be training a NO GOOD NINJA?

    she should train Konohamaru........... funniest thing ever when they fist ran into each other [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  13. #53
    I started to dislike kakashi when he started playing favors for sasuke. he didn't tried to teach naruto chidori. the fact that he gave naruto to Ebisu to train means that he didn't fully realized naruto's skills, strenght and weaknesses. I don't think he cared much when Jiraya told him he is taking naruto. the only thing he did for naruto was chakra controll, and that 1000 years of pain. he was yelling to jiraya why he thought naruto rasengan. if this doesn't say he likes sasuke more I don't know wut does. so him being a good teacher, no he fails badly.

  14. #54
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I agree. He is a shitty teacher. Whats funny is this is the first team he's even agreed to teach too. One's gone, and the other two are being trained by others now.

    He fail it.

  15. #55
    Well given the circumstances, he did the best he could. I mean his student's weren't exactly star students. One had an inferiority complex with his brother mixed with the desire for revenge, and on top of that, stubborn as hell. The next is a useless girl who has yet to prove her worth to the group, and the last a WAY too spastic kid, with a huge amount of potential but lacks the brainpower to function properly as a ninja mixed with desire to be the best ninja, not in the best interest of the people but for his own gratification... Tough group of first students if you ask me. He could have undoubtedly do better though.

    Whoever neg repped for this post saying "Kakashi is the best and he only teaches the best.", you need to reread it dumbass. I backed kakashi up for the most part, dickhole.
    Last edited by IFHTT; Sat, 04-08-2006 at 07:36 PM.

  16. #56
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Yeah, with that group of winners as the first group he AGREED to train it really makes you wonder what kind of of turds he actually rejected.

  17. #57
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    The kind who didn't understand the meaning of CHI-MU-WA-KU.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  18. #58
    Genin AlterEgox5's Avatar
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    The one thing people keep pointing out is that Kakashi is not a good teacher simply because he gave Naruto to Ebisu. When he did that he even mentioned (to himself) that Ebisu would be able to teach Naruto more things than himself, and to me it sounded like he really did understand that Naruto had potential and hoped that Ebisu could bring it out in him. Granted, aside from the chakra control training, we never get to find out what Ebisu might have been capable of since Jiraiya took control.

    Still, I do think he needs to do something with Sakura. I think she's made a few leaps and bounds on her own, but still believe that she needs some individual hardcore training because she's still pretty weak. Sometimes I wonder why she wanted to become a ninja... But yeah, I really hope that Sasuke going off to Oro will be a good motivator for her.

    That's my two cents. =P


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  19. #59
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    In my opinion he is an exceptional teacher, he may not be the best, but he sure is one of the better ones.

    Why do i think so?

    1: He only accepted to train them because they place their teammates ahead of themselves. Remember! No other group did that, and i recall the third used the same method to train the Sanins.

    2. The reason why he gave Sasuke "special attention" is because he is the one he most relates to. The same out to prove yourself attitude the same thirst for revenge. Remember Sasuke is the only surviving member of his clan besides Itachi, and if he is an embarassment the whole clan is reflected by that since his shoulders carry the reputation of the clan. The reason why he didn't teach naruto the chidori is not because he didn't want to, it is becuase he can't learn it that easily if at all. It requires speed, exceptional sealing ability and in some part the sharingan. Also the reason why he taught Sasuke the Chidori is so that he would not rely on the CURSE SEAL.

    3. The reason why he was angry that Jariya taught naruto the rasengan was not because he favors Sasuke, but because this would further fuel Sasuke quest for power, remember that is his original goal. But being in group number 7 his heart began to change from revenge to protecting the one he care about. Remember no matter what Naruto and Sasuke are RIVALS. The reason why Jariya taught him rasengan is because he understand Naruto better than anyone, and alos it was created but the fourth and we all know naurto and the fourth share similiar qualities.

    4. There was no objection to Jariya taking over Naruto as a student. Why? Like i said Jariya understands Naruto better than anyone, and he is the one that would best prepare him for the upcoming battle with the group Itachi belongs to.

    5. Why is he ignoring Sakura and Naruto? Remember he is an elite Journin, and since Konaha power has been cut in half by the attack on the village, alot rest heavily on his shoulders to keep up Konaha's power; so far he has only been on "S" class missions.
    Also remember when he found out that Sasuke left the village and Naruto and the others went after him, he dropped everything to go in after them. And he abandon his search for Sasuke when Naruto was hurt.

    6. Why is Jariya and Tsunade training Naruto and Sakura? If you haven't noticed Group seven is similar to the Sanin group so who better is there to train them, than the ones they most relate too. Sakura with her perfect control of chakra has realized that she can never be as good a warrior as Naruto and Sasuke and has placed her efforts on supporting them instead with medical assistance. Who better to teach her than the person who is legendary in the field, and the Hokage. Naruto with one of the greatest chakra and a quest to save a friend than the person that was called the Hero of Konaha and also wanted to save his friend Orichimaru.

    Anyways Kakashi is an exceptional teacher because he tried to teach his group something more tan just completing missions. Although the fact of the matter the group didn't stay together was beyond his control, alot of influencial people were against that one a leader of a hidden group and the other a member of "S" class ninjas'. He did the best he could and he realized when he was wrong and admitted it. Also he knew when it was time to let go. That is my opinion of man.
    Last edited by dragonrage; Fri, 04-07-2006 at 10:38 PM.
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    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

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  20. #60
    he really isnt a bad teacher he is just a better teacher for sasuke because of the shrigan and that they are similar.Also if he trained naruto like he trained sasuke would naruto ever recieve the training tfrom jiraya since he met im while training with the closet pervert lol and on sakura part since she isnt really the fighting type it would be better for her to learn how to be a medical ninja from the 5th.What kakashi taught them was team work and control of chacra if he taught them everything he knows there is no room for them to learn about there special techniques and every ninja would be the same which would such lol.i read something about naruto's rasengan being diffrent from jiraya's but he dose it difrently cause he cant control chakra as well and when he is using the kyubi's chakra where he gets a tail and all you uses rasengan like jiraya so there really is no diffrence just in his skill lvl at the moment

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