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Thread: IRC help please!

  1. #1

    IRC help please!

    When I try to type stuff in #animeone, I get the error message: "#animeone Cannot send to channel". It doesn't matter if it's normal type or !messages. I also have a few fserves so that's not the problem... Thanks to anyone that can help!

  2. #2

    RE: IRC help please!

    register your nick

    /msg nickserv help

  3. #3
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    IRC help please!

    Yeah register your nick or they might've disabled it, they usually do right before a naruto release.

  4. #4
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    RE: IRC help please!

    Here's a channel mode primer:

    What are channel modes? See what looks like a string of odd random letters next to the channel topic? Those are the channel modes. They determine what the irc server does and doesn't let you do in the channel.

    Right now, #animeone is +cMnpstZ. Other useful flags to know are R and m

    the + is sayign that the modes are on
    c = color-restricted. On most networks, it's "nobody can use colored text". Rizon implements that as "nobody who's not voiced or better can use colored text"
    m = moderated. Only voiced and above can talk.
    M = register-moderated. Only voiced and above, or registered users can talk. In animeone that's a usual channel mode. This is the mode probably causing you problems, you need to be registered and identified with nickserv to get around it.
    n = is "no external messages". It prevents people from sending messages to the channel unless they're in it. Almost everyplace uses this one.
    p = private. The channel won't show up in a /whois of you unless the person whois-ing you is also in the channel.
    r = "registered" on some networks. Rizon doesn't do that though.
    R = registered users only. This means that to even join the channel you need to be registered and identified with nickserv.
    s = secret. The channel won't show up in the server channel list (/list) unless you're already in it.
    t = only ops set topic. This is pretty much a channel default just about everywhere.
    Z = a rizon specific mode, to turn off the "rizon bandwidth saver" for the channel. The bandwidth-saver is only really useful in large spammy xdcc chans, it doesn't send idle users channel text, which is generally undesirable for a channel with a chat-related focus (and can confuse lurkers).

    As other people have said, you're hitting the +M thing. Register your nick, read the output of /nickserv help, and you'll be fine.

  5. #5

    RE: IRC help please!

    I registered and everything is working now! Thanks a lot everyone for your time!

  6. #6

    RE: IRC help please!

    hai i would like to ask...ive been ban from #animeone coz i accidently search an unwanted long will this ban be going? or shud i do something to overcome it?

  7. #7

    RE: IRC help please!

    I am all set in the #animeone channel on the Rizon server. However, anything I type I am told "#animeone Cannot send to channel" just like Klay. I tried to register, but I don't understand how to at all. Can someone please help me with it?

  8. #8
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    LA, Cali

    IRC help please!

    /nickserv register handle pw email

    ie. /nickserv register abc123

    There we go.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  9. #9

    RE: IRC help please!

    woo! Thank you! My password got screwed up, but I'm finally in! Thank you Mut@t@!

  10. #10

    IRC help please!

    erm.. can sumone teach mi how to dl an anime frm da Mirc?

  11. #11

  12. #12

    IRC help please!

    hey thx anime050! gd link =D

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