Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian View Post
I only use CCCP and it works. It renders videos, it renders subtitles.

I haven't had to touch anything since.

I have noticed something weird on my new installation of W10 though. Scrolling in MPC with the cursor on the video panel does the following:

mouse wheel up = volume up
mouse wheel down = volume down

Meanwhile, scrolling the wheel when the cursor is on the control panel of the window does the opposite. That is:

mouse wheel up = volume down
mouse wheel down = volume up.
I've never had a problem with CCCP until half year ago. Maybe I had some codecs fighting each other, but I was getting a lot of instances in which the picture got corrupted.

I did the new install with the individual elements and it's all good now.

That said, I'd wager the Kawaii Pack would be better at this point than CCCP, but it'll be a test for another time.