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Thread: 249 out

  1. #61
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: 249 out

    i didn't like how they spoon fed us with gaara's change, they could sum it up in a few sentences and get it over with, and they wouldn't have made me feel like i'm watching the 'and remember kids, don't touch drugs' corner...

    it was like " i was bad, and then naruto came and made me change since he kicked my head really hard, so now i see the light, since the kick also got to the seeing center in my brain, and anyway, i decided to be the same as naruto, so i'll also fight to protect my viillage, and i also became the kage,so in a way, I already beat him, since i'm the kazakage and he's still a genin, but putting that aside, i'm now just like him, and it's really emotional, so cry, dammit! cry!"

    too long.

    they could've put it something banal like "this is what you would've done, right, naruto?"

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  2. #62
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    249 out

    Originally posted by: Uchiha Barles
    Captain Grammar:

    We know to a certain extent how naruto's demon was put into naruto, and we know that the nine-tails would die if naruto died, because 9-tails itself said so. What we don't know is "biological" relationship gaara has with the shukaku. I can't remember one instance where they said if gaara dies shukaku dies. Maybe its true, but its entirely possible that shukaku gets released upon gaaras death, or, just remains sealed within the body. We don't know, because no ones ever said anything about it, so you can't make that conclusion, or base any arguments on it.

    Edit to Borg: Gaara lost. At this point, if bird girl wanted him dead, he'd be dead. That's complete and utter defeat.
    actually this recalls to me an interesting detail i forgot about concerning shukaku and gaara......

    the spirit of shukaku was fused into gaara using the ashes of a sand priest.....
    this means that shukaku is capable of existing in a body that has even been so far as to be cremated!

    DBZ: suck it up man.....kishimoto and anime production companies can throw in or chop off whatever they want in order to allow the episode/chapter to end at a good breaking point. It would just be plain dumb to use up less pages with flashback just so they can add one or 2 more frames and cut off the chapter at a really awkward place.

    Edit: oh, and something to support the argument about shukaku not coming out as a result of gaara losing consciousness....
    also keep in mind, that part of the process involves gaara going through a transformation to take shukaku's physical form. Shukaku doesnt necessarily come out every time gaara sleeps, he just eats away at gaaras personality instead.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #63

    249 out

    Originally posted by: Uchiha Barles
    Captain Grammar:

    We know to a certain extent how naruto's demon was put into naruto, and we know that the nine-tails would die if naruto died, because 9-tails itself said so. What we don't know is "biological" relationship gaara has with the shukaku. I can't remember one instance where they said if gaara dies shukaku dies. Maybe its true, but its entirely possible that shukaku gets released upon gaaras death, or, just remains sealed within the body. We don't know, because no ones ever said anything about it, so you can't make that conclusion, or base any arguments on it.

    Edit to Borg: Gaara lost. At this point, if bird girl wanted him dead, he'd be dead. That's complete and utter defeat.
    No, you're completely right. My post about Shukaku was complete speculation. I just made that assumtion based on the fact that when Gaara was knocked unconscious, Shukaku didn't come out and sluaghter all, as he would if Gaara slept. I mean, it's completely plausable.

    Don't get me wrong guys, I'm not trying to tell you that what I say is fact. I'm just putting out my theory on the whole thing. If you don't believe it or think there's another reason, argue with me.

  4. #64

    RE: 249 out

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    i didn't like how they spoon fed us with gaara's change, they could sum it up in a few sentences and get it over with, and they wouldn't have made me feel like i'm watching the 'and remember kids, don't touch drugs' corner...

    it was like " i was bad, and then naruto came and made me change since he kicked my head really hard, so now i see the light, since the kick also got to the seeing center in my brain, and anyway, i decided to be the same as naruto, so i'll also fight to protect my viillage, and i also became the kage,so in a way, I already beat him, since i'm the kazakage and he's still a genin, but putting that aside, i'm now just like him, and it's really emotional, so cry, dammit! cry!"

    too long.

    they could've put it something banal like "this is what you would've done, right, naruto?"

    What were you expecting from a manga like this???

    I was expecting more than they said about his change.

  5. #65
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: 249 out

    they wasted 4 pages on something which should've taken no more than one.
    the same message could've been tranfered to us with kankaru saying that they (the villiagers) still hate gaara, and then gaara would say that even so, he must follow his way to true achknowledgment, and then look at some spiral thing and say "just like you..."

    and bang! the message is clear, no need to drag it all over, i hate being spoon fed with obvious information, makes me feel like an anime watcher.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  6. #66
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    RE: 249 out

    I wanna see more of naruto. maybe the next chapter neji will appear!?

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  7. #67

    RE: 249 out

    they did not waste 4 pages. who gives a shit its only 4 pages.

  8. #68

    RE: 249 out

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    they wasted 4 pages on something which should've taken no more than one.
    the same message could've been tranfered to us with kankaru saying that they (the villiagers) still hate gaara, and then gaara would say that even so, he must follow his way to true achknowledgment, and then look at some spiral thing and say "just like you..."

    and bang! the message is clear, no need to drag it all over, i hate being spoon fed with obvious information, makes me feel like an anime watcher.
    Then don't read the manga. And there's no "they." It's just "he."

  9. #69
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    RE: 249 out

    Originally posted by: XTCBoY2K
    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    they wasted 4 pages on something which should've taken no more than one.
    the same message could've been tranfered to us with kankaru saying that they (the villiagers) still hate gaara, and then gaara would say that even so, he must follow his way to true achknowledgment, and then look at some spiral thing and say "just like you..."

    and bang! the message is clear, no need to drag it all over, i hate being spoon fed with obvious information, makes me feel like an anime watcher.
    Then don't read the manga. And there's no "they." It's just "he."
    Maybe he's refering to Kishimoto's team. They have around 7 to 8 members, and in the original manga Kishimoto introduces each and everyone of them and what they do (inking, backgrounds, etc).
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  10. #70

    RE: 249 out

    Yesh, why is everyone complaining about the pages devoted towards Garra's character development. I liked it, one of the recurring themes of the series is naruto's power to change people. Thats why so many characters in the series have come to respect him.

    His first encounter was with Haku and Haku almost changed but then he had to go off and die.

    Next naruto met up with Neji, Naruto beat his ass down and helped him change his outlook on life. His change of perspective allowed him to ackowledge his weakness when he fought kidomaru.

    Naruto was able to change Garra in their climactic battle. I loved the scene when Garra was scared shitless because naruto was slowly intching his way towards him because he had a reason to fight. Garra's character development was fully summed up as he told Kankuro and Temari that he was sorry.

    Naruto's next convert was Tsunande who he helped overcome her phobia and gain the stregth to deal with her inner demons and take up the postion of Hokage.

    The last and most recent moment was when naruto failed to change Sasuke, despite his best efforts. This added a huge impact to naruto's character development, which hopefully we'll see soon.

    So please why do you have to complain about Garra finally confronting his own demons and come to terms with his past and take the position of hokage. I'm happy for Garra. I"m honestly disappointed that he lost to the mouth guy but I guess it had t o happen for the story to progress.

  11. #71

    RE: 249 out

    So please why do you have to complain about Garra finally confronting his own demons and come to terms with his past and take the position of hokage. I'm happy for Garra. I"m honestly disappointed that he lost to the mouth guy but I guess it had t o happen for the story to progress.
    I think you meant Kazekage. Anyway, i liked the Gaara development also.

    I also had no doubt that Gaara would loose the fight, but i thought maybe in a different way, with the other Akatsuki member getting invovled, it seems the Akatsuki are going to be around for a while, also meaning that Naruto and Sasuke aren't at the level or a little underneath maybe to take on an Akatsuki member. It would be good to see how they would fair though.

    Gaara may have put up more of a fight if he wasn't protecting the village, but would have lost in the end.

  12. #72

    RE: 249 out

    "wasted 4 pages"...

    that 4 pages is what Naruto its all about... not kiddy dbz fighting. woah... maybe im getting too old ;[

  13. #73
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    249 out

    If you can't contribute proper discussion, don't bother posting.

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  14. #74

    RE: 249 out

    Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
    shut the fuck up everyone tryin to act like mr expert
    why don't you stop being an e-thug as you like to call everyone. Put something towards the actual discussion or Shut The Fuck Up.

  15. #75
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: 249 out

    you guys fight too much rofl

  16. #76
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: 249 out

    annnywayy(since I felt like waiting to post), over all pretty predictable the overall capture of Gaara could just be a ploy to get Naruto away from the big three(IMO Kakashi, Jiraiya, and Tsunade b/c they seem like the only ones that can contend with those kind of people).

    but hey we got to see Kankuro(not that impressed) so hopefully next week we'll see at least Chouji and Kiba/Shino for the hell of it. Even though I would actually like to see Neji and Hinata(I've decided that Sasuke wont apper for at least 6-11 ch. from now)(unless he for some reason goes off before that time to attack Naruto(for who knows why))

    overall pretty cool, but not that great

    R.I.P Captain America.

  17. #77

    RE: 249 out

    I think the next chapter we will see the rest of the gang (exept Sasuke) since the capture of the Kazukage has to be big news and they have to show what Konohas ninja react.
    on second tought they migth even show Orochimaru (but not Sauke) also react to this news.

    Signature by Lucifus

  18. #78

    RE: 249 out

    Maybe we will see Oro pissing in his pants after hearing that Akatsuki is back in action.

  19. #79
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    RE: 249 out

    If Akatsuki is going after demons as they say they are, maybe we'll see more people with demons. That could either turn this story arch really good or really cheesy. In any case, it's an interesting possibility. Of course, I'm never good at predicting things that will happen in the story.
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  20. #80

    RE: 249 out

    over all pretty predictable the overall capture of Gaara could just be a ploy to get Naruto away from the big three(IMO Kakashi, Jiraiya, and Tsunade b/c they seem like the only ones that can contend with those kind of people).
    I don't think kidnapping Gaara was designed to be a trap to lure Naruto out of Konoha. The Kazekage of the sand village is too high of a risk to run just to set up a trap, especially since the only known direct interaction between Gaara and Naruto was their fight in the woods. If they wanted to lure Naruto out, they probably would have kidnapped somebody from Konoha, or possibly even Sasuke.
    That also wouldn't get Naruto away from Jiraiya or Kakashi anyway, especially since Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi are now a team. If they are going up against Akatsuki to rescue a Kazekage, they won't send a team of genins this time, they will send some big dogs.

    Plus, Akatsuki's plan is to harvest the Yoma, which includes Shukaku. Their intention for Gaara is to extract Shukaku from him. I doubt they are planning to use him as bait.

    let's drop the topic on gaara. we all know that he will loose from the beginning. no point if he wins.
    Why would we drop the topic on Gaara when the last two and a half chapters have been about Gaara? This is the 249 discussion, and the last time I looked, 249 had an awful lot to do with Gaara. If you don't wish to discuss him, then view a different thread.

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