Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
i didn't like how they spoon fed us with gaara's change, they could sum it up in a few sentences and get it over with, and they wouldn't have made me feel like i'm watching the 'and remember kids, don't touch drugs' corner...
it was like " i was bad, and then naruto came and made me change since he kicked my head really hard, so now i see the light, since the kick also got to the seeing center in my brain, and anyway, i decided to be the same as naruto, so i'll also fight to protect my viillage, and i also became the kage,so in a way, I already beat him, since i'm the kazakage and he's still a genin, but putting that aside, i'm now just like him, and it's really emotional, so cry, dammit! cry!"
too long.
they could've put it something banal like "this is what you would've done, right, naruto?"