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Thread: Cant open file

  1. #1

    Cant open file

    i downloaded naruto episode 35 but i cant open up the avi file but episode 36 and 37, i can watch. Is there a problem ??? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img] is in [AonE] group.

  2. #2

    RE: Cant open file

    did you use bit torrent, did that ep finish?

    my aone copy is fine, it's something on your side.
    i would check the crc and stuff, and make sure it is completely downloaded.

  3. #3

    RE: Cant open file

    i use bit comet.
    is completely download... 100% then i try to open but failed. The weird thing is it shows the duration time only....
    when i check the properties and click on the summary, it says summary properties are unavailable for the selected source(s).
    For episode 36,37 is ok then occured again at episode 38. Episode 39 and 40 is ok. I try to redownload it again but the same problem occurred...

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