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Thread: Firewall related problems with the forum

  1. #1

    Firewall related problems with the forum

    I'm having some difficulties with the forum due to Norton Firewall.
    NF automatically blocks all the pop-up windows on this site (like all other) and that prevents me from using certain function while my security is active, the login or new topic functions for example (I had to turn it off to post this!)

    Does anyone know how to properlly configure NF and Norton Internet Security (for NIS users) for this site.

    Oh, and if your answer is use another firewall of something like that, please keep it to yourself, this way I'll have less crap to read

  2. #2
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    LA, Cali

    RE: Firewall related problems with the forum

    I use Norton 2005 and have my firewall on and can post without any problems. Be more specific with the settings.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  3. #3

    RE: Firewall related problems with the forum

    Forget it, I just found the parameters to change in the options of Norton Firewall (just hadn't spotted them earlier). If anyone has the same problem, send me a msg I'll explain the deal to you.

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