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Thread: Joker-kun Service Act

  1. #21
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    RE: Joker-kun Service Act

    knives......the problem with the banning system, is that some people seem to be able to post regardless of whether they are banned or not

    anyway.....consider this scenario...
    a person gets pissed for some reason on the forums, so they start posting massive spoilers and whatnot.
    the mods ban them, but they can still come back
    now they can start as many topics as they want, post as many spoilers as they want, and flame as many people as they want without consequence
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  2. #22

    RE: Joker-kun Service Act

    YEA... just like Jin234... Jeeze... i hate that kid. that guy is just a silly 11 year old nerd.

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