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Thread: Things that just annoy you.

  1. #141

    Things that just annoy you.

    Hey.... im mix between chinese and PR.... I AM A DIPLOMAT!!!!!!!! ahahhaha but it aint rite talkin about other races...

  2. #142
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Things that just annoy you.

    Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
    im puerto rican fuck you piece of shit.
    i wonder if your such an asshole cuz your chinese
    Originally posted by: -Sharingan-Kakashi-
    im puerto rican fuck you piece of shit.
    i wonder if your such an asshole cuz your chinese
    Originally posted by: JusDaMan
    Hey.... im mix between chinese and PR.... I AM A DIPLOMAT!!!!!!!! ahahhaha but it aint rite talkin about other races...

    [img]i/expressions/musicnote.gif[/img] Give peace a chance....thats what we are give peace a chance. [img]i/expressions/musicnote.gif[/img] *sniff* I love you all. Now lets all have a group hug [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
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  3. #143

    Things that just annoy you.

    Spanish names annoy me, stuff like Jorge.

  4. #144
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Things that just annoy you.

    hey, while we're on the race-annoyance train.....i'll add one

    asians who like to use "azn" in their online identities
    although its fun to openly mock them by referring to myself as "caucazn" [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  5. #145

  6. #146

    Things that just annoy you.

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    Originally posted by: Sam98034
    vegetarians who don't eat meat because it's hurts animals, or because they're cute or whatever. Those people piss me off. Seriously...people eat the damn animals because we don't really feel they have feelings or a soul, we don't feel like we're "murdering" a chicken. Those vegetarians do...but they're hippocrites. They're eating plants, which are also living/breathing organisms. When you cook a plant, you *are* kiling a defenceless little tomato or whatever. If a chicken shouldn't be slaughtered because it has 'feelings' or whatever, then couldn't you say a plant does too? They respond to music and touch afterall right?

    I don't care if you're a vegetarian because you want to have a healthier diet or because you don't like the taste of meat, that's fine, your choice. But if it's because you think killing animals is cruel, you are an idiot.
    Plants are insentient life forms, idiot.
    You don't have to call me an idiot, jerk. And plants are different from a stone, for example. Plants respond to things. Like I said, touch, music, sunlight. The fly trap is a good example of touch.

    But what the hell is your point? Plants aren't conscious, so it's perfectly fine to kill them then? So it's not cruel killing a vegetable or severely retarded person? I'm just trying to say, why is killing a plant ok, but a chicken not ok? If you think killing a turkey or cow is cruel, it should be cruel killing a plant.

  7. #147
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Things that just annoy you.

    Originally posted by: Sam98034
    You don't have to call me an idiot, jerk. And plants are different from a stone, for example. Plants respond to things. Like I said, touch, music, sunlight. The fly trap is a good example of touch.

    But what the hell is your point? Plants aren't conscious, so it's perfectly fine to kill them then? So it's not cruel killing a vegetable or severely retarded person? I'm just trying to say, why is killing a plant ok, but a chicken not ok? If you think killing a turkey or cow is cruel, it should be cruel killing a plant.
    Oh my god. You cannot compare the cruelty of killing a plant to killing a severly retarded person. A plant is not a human. As far as the human race is concerned, we are the top of the food chain and the last thing on our "kill-list" is another human being. And in this fucked up society we all live in, insentient being are very far down on the ranks. Also, killing a cow and killing a plant are very different because of the main reason that PLANTS CAN'T FEEL THE PAIN FROM A ROTATING SAW SLICING UP ITS PETALS.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  8. #148

    Things that just annoy you.

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    Originally posted by: Sam98034
    You don't have to call me an idiot, jerk. And plants are different from a stone, for example. Plants respond to things. Like I said, touch, music, sunlight. The fly trap is a good example of touch.

    But what the hell is your point? Plants aren't conscious, so it's perfectly fine to kill them then? So it's not cruel killing a vegetable or severely retarded person? I'm just trying to say, why is killing a plant ok, but a chicken not ok? If you think killing a turkey or cow is cruel, it should be cruel killing a plant.
    Oh my god. You cannot compare the cruelty of killing a plant to killing a severly retarded person. A plant is not a human. As far as the human race is concerned, we are the top of the food chain and the last thing on our "kill-list" is another human being. And in this fucked up society we all live in, insentient being are very far down on the ranks. Also, killing a cow and killing a plant are very different because of the main reason that PLANTS CAN'T FEEL THE PAIN FROM A ROTATING SAW SLICING UP ITS PETALS.

    So because plants can't feel the pain its ok then? Plants just want to live and survive like cows do. And the reason I compared a plant to a person is because a brain dead person, or one that isn't really conscience of his own existetance is basically an insentient being as well, that's how we get "vegtable."

    And hell no I'm not really comparing them, this is the opposite of what I think. It's just part of the argument that if you can killing a plant to eat it is no worse than killing an animal to eat it.

  9. #149

    RE: Things that just annoy you.

    im 19. and I enjoy the games thank you very much.

    onto things that annoy.

    This stupid wireless router, damned thing dies on me every 5 minutes. Dont ever buy a D-Link wireless router.. theyre peices of shit. the inventor needs to have a dell pc enema.

  10. #150
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Things that just annoy you.

    a plant cant WANT to live, since you cant have desires, hopes, and dreams without a brain. Plants are just a collection of cells that act off its pre-built "instinct" to grow and become the form that we all recognize it as. A venus flytrap doesn't respond to touch because a brain is sensing it, it responds to touch sort of as a reflexive spasm that it evolved to use as a way of recieving nutrients. A venus flytrap has no DESIRE to eat, it just happens that the ones that eat are the ones that are able to produce future generations of that breed of plant.

    The only difference between a live plant and a dead plant is the services (or lack thereof) they provide to animals

    Now what's pathetic are vegans......
    What do they think they had for nutrients when they were a baby? Yeah, just think about that......
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  11. #151
    ANBU Arcn3ss's Avatar
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    Things that just annoy you.

    Extremely bitchy women.

    "Chrono is our Religion. In the name of the Chrono, the Zeal, the Trigger and Cross, Amen."

  12. #152
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    Things that just annoy you.

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    Now what's pathetic are vegans......
    What do they think they had for nutrients when they were a baby? Yeah, just think about that......
    Soy-based formula. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  13. #153
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Things that just annoy you.

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    Spanish names annoy me, stuff like Jorge.
    Well, call him George, Thats what his name is in english. The same with Carlos, is charles.*the more you know*

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
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  14. #154

    Things that just annoy you.

    Kiliing a rat or a donkey is no less cruel or evil than killing a tomato plant. That's all my point was, that's my opinion. Assertn and Mut, you are both annoying right now as well. What the hell is your point? You're arguing for the sake of arguing. Your not going to change my opinion, and it's going to be futile arguing with you to try to change yours. I'm not gonna sit here like an idiot and try to have a stupid ass debate over this. Going ahead, get the last word in, I hope it makes you feel good.

  15. #155
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Things that just annoy you.

    oh im sorry, i thought this was a FORUM.......
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  16. #156
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Things that just annoy you.

    Originally posted by: Sam98034
    Kiliing a rat or a donkey is no less cruel or evil than killing a tomato plant. That's all my point was, that's my opinion. Assertn and Mut, you are both annoying right now as well. What the hell is your point? You're arguing for the sake of arguing. Your not going to change my opinion, and it's going to be futile arguing with you to try to change yours. I'm not gonna sit here like an idiot and try to have a stupid ass debate over this. Going ahead, get the last word in, I hope it makes you feel good.
    Were Omnivores. We eat both plant and animals. And we do it to survive. So if someone's worried about the animals and plants feelings, then they should just die of hunger.

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
    ___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________

  17. #157
    ANBU Arcn3ss's Avatar
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    Things that just annoy you.

    Originally posted by: Sam98034
    Kiliing a rat or a donkey is no less cruel or evil than killing a tomato plant. That's all my point was, that's my opinion. Assertn and Mut, you are both annoying right now as well. What the hell is your point? You're arguing for the sake of arguing. Your not going to change my opinion, and it's going to be futile arguing with you to try to change yours. I'm not gonna sit here like an idiot and try to have a stupid ass debate over this. Going ahead, get the last word in, I hope it makes you feel good.
    There is a complete difference between killing a plant and an animal. Plants dont have a conciousness, so it wouldnt have thoughts or dreams like Assertn said, nor would it feel pain. Animals feel pain because its dependant on their survival. If an animal feels pain, it reacts to remove itself from whatever is causing it harm. Plants dont move.( Tho they may shift in order to obtain more sunlight, but thats not movement) I never witness the grass trying to evade the lawnmower while iam cutting it nor an apple screaming in pain as i eat it.

    It may be your opinion, but in the view of anyone with half a brain of scientific knowledge your opinion is wrong.

    "Chrono is our Religion. In the name of the Chrono, the Zeal, the Trigger and Cross, Amen."

  18. #158

    Things that just annoy you.

    Originally posted by: Haku_san
    Originally posted by: Sam98034
    Kiliing a rat or a donkey is no less cruel or evil than killing a tomato plant. That's all my point was, that's my opinion. Assertn and Mut, you are both annoying right now as well. What the hell is your point? You're arguing for the sake of arguing. Your not going to change my opinion, and it's going to be futile arguing with you to try to change yours. I'm not gonna sit here like an idiot and try to have a stupid ass debate over this. Going ahead, get the last word in, I hope it makes you feel good.
    There is a complete difference between killing a plant and an animal. Plants dont have a conciousness, so it wouldnt have thoughts or dreams like Assertn said, nor would it feel pain. Animals feel pain because its dependant on their survival. If an animal feels pain, it reacts to remove itself from whatever is causing it harm. Plants dont move.( Tho they may shift in order to obtain more sunlight, but thats not movement) I never witness the grass trying to evade the lawnmower while iam cutting it nor an apple screaming in pain as i eat it.

    It may be your opinion, but in the view of anyone with half a brain of scientific knowledge your opinion is wrong.

    you just contradicted yourself. You said plants don't react, then you said they did, but not really. This is really stupid, I'm done in this topic.

  19. #159
    ANBU Arcn3ss's Avatar
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    Things that just annoy you.

    For one I said they may shift inorder to obtain sunlight, and I DID mention in the same sentence its not the same as movement. They dont react to pain, since they do not feel it. Iam not contradicting myself, Iam stating a fact of nature.

    Its not stupid. You're just unable to accept the fact your original thoughts were incorrect. Just pick up a biology book and read a bit about plants.

    EDIT: Instead of attempting to find errors in my arguement, with that petty " youre contradicting yourself" comment, why not write a logical arguement of your own. Show me the proof that plants feel pain, or they are capable of actual movement. Like i stated above, plants shifting to obtain sunlight is not considered movement.

    "Chrono is our Religion. In the name of the Chrono, the Zeal, the Trigger and Cross, Amen."

  20. #160

    Things that just annoy you.

    *this discussion has its own thread now*

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