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Thread: orochimaru's ambition theory is flawed

  1. #1

    orochimaru's ambition theory is flawed

    Orochimaru initially wants sasuke for his sharingan, so he could learn all ninjutsu, which was his goal right?

    But seeing how he transfers to another body, the aging process is still there. That means that eventually sasuke's body will die of age. So with 50+ years in sasuke left, it doesn't seem like it's enough to learn all 'jutsu'.

    Afterwards he'd just have to find another body, and then he'd lose the sharingan. Since only 2 uchiha members are left, he'd have to take Itachi or something, but Itachi is older than sasuke as well.

    I do acknowledge that in the end he's going to lose in some form anyway.

  2. #2

    orochimaru's ambition theory is flawed

    ...its not flawed. Think about it... even tho sasuke's body is not immortal, at least oro can use the sharingan to learn(copy) jutsu much FASTER than a regular body.

  3. #3

    orochimaru's ambition theory is flawed

    Besides, nobody has said that the receiving body becomes "sterile", if you catch my drift... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  4. #4
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: orochimaru's ambition theory is flawed

    in a matter of like, 10 years, kakashi learned thouseands of jutsus

    maybe oro wont learn ALL of them, but he'll learn a huge portion. If sasuke is the youngest and last of the uchiha, then its not like oro has any better option.
    however, learning all the BLOODLINES of the world would be a bit more of a problem
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  5. #5

    RE: orochimaru's ambition theory is flawed

    Ori want all the jutsu, not all bloodline limit.

    Take over sasuke -> copy jutsu -> have a child in sasuke's body -> repeat

  6. #6

    orochimaru's ambition theory is flawed

    Originally posted by: gaidensensei
    Orochimaru initially wants sasuke for his sharingan, so he could learn all ninjutsu, which was his goal right?

    But seeing how he transfers to another body, the aging process is still there. That means that eventually sasuke's body will die of age. So with 50+ years in sasuke left, it doesn't seem like it's enough to learn all 'jutsu'.

    Afterwards he'd just have to find another body, and then he'd lose the sharingan. Since only 2 uchiha members are left, he'd have to take Itachi or something, but Itachi is older than sasuke as well.

    I do acknowledge that in the end he's going to lose in some form anyway.
    he can reproduce, END of story.

  7. #7
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: orochimaru's ambition theory is flawed

    some jutsus require bloodlimits for them to be performed

    if oro wasnt interested in blood limits, then why would he have wanted kimimaro?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  8. #8

    RE: orochimaru's ambition theory is flawed

    Yeah, but if Sasuke's body gets those creepy Oro eyes, he's gonna have a hard time finding anybody to get it on with. And who is to say that Oro is straight? He WAS in a womans body...all that estrogen must have had SOME effect...

  9. #9

    RE: orochimaru's ambition theory is flawed

    Originally posted by: Haku no Fuyu
    Yeah, but if Sasuke's body gets those creepy Oro eyes, he's gonna have a hard time finding anybody to get it on with. And who is to say that Oro is straight? He WAS in a womans body...all that estrogen must have had SOME effect...
    we all know orochimaru is not going to live that long. so dont worry about it.

  10. #10
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: orochimaru's ambition theory is flawed

    i have no doubt in mind that if orochimaru had sharingan he can learn MOST non-bloodline jutsus in the naruto world considering that he is labeled as the genius of the already incredible sannin.

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  11. #11

    RE: orochimaru's ambition theory is flawed

    i wouldn't be suprised if he's figured out some bloodline jutsu already.
    he could learn MOST non-bloodline jutsus with sharingan, considering he would have an ARSENAL of jutsu anyway.

  12. #12

    RE: orochimaru's ambition theory is flawed

    your debunking was flawed!

  13. #13
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    RE: orochimaru's ambition theory is flawed

    Originally posted by: kAi
    i wouldn't be suprised if he's figured out some bloodline jutsu already.
    he could learn MOST non-bloodline jutsus with sharingan, considering he would have an ARSENAL of jutsu anyway.
    So, your theory is that some blood line limit only jutsus can be learned or emulated to a certain level?
    This contradicts some of the earlier discussion sessions.......
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  14. #14

    RE: orochimaru's ambition theory is flawed

    Originally posted by: Psyke
    Originally posted by: kAi
    i wouldn't be suprised if he's figured out some bloodline jutsu already.
    he could learn MOST non-bloodline jutsus with sharingan, considering he would have an ARSENAL of jutsu anyway.
    So, your theory is that some blood line limit only jutsus can be learned or emulated to a certain level?
    This contradicts some of the earlier discussion sessions.......
    Orochimaru seems to be into biological experimentation, though... perhaps he's not only interested in creating the ultimate ninja mind (i.e. knowledge of jutsus), but also the ultimate ninja body (by combining important bloodlines, if possible, in a single body by means of genetics)?

  15. #15

    RE: orochimaru's ambition theory is flawed

    when i say figured out i mean like Phoenix23 said. biological experimentation, remember when sandaime goes down and sees orochimaru's experiments and then he runs off. it's possible that orochimaru has already figured out some bloodline jutsu.

    why would the cloud want the hyuga if not to figure out the byakugen and their jutsu's.
    orochimaru wanted kimimaro's body, and you see kabuto and orochimaru talking (can't remember where) and kabuto said if he had more info he could figure out the secret (something like that ).

  16. #16
    ANBU GhostKaGe's Avatar
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    orochimaru's ambition theory is flawed

    Originally posted by: kAi
    why would the cloud want the hyuga if not to figure out the byakugen and their jutsu's.
    orochimaru wanted kimimaro's body, and you see kabuto and orochimaru talking (can't remember where) and kabuto said if he had more info he could figure out the secret (something like that ).
    so they could transplant it the same way kakshi got his shaingan (they didn't know about the seal that locks it upon death)

    Orochimaru initially wants sasuke for his sharingan, so he could learn all ninjutsu, which was his goal right?

    But seeing how he transfers to another body, the aging process is still there. That means that eventually sasuke's body will die of age. So with 50+ years in sasuke left, it doesn't seem like it's enough to learn all 'jutsu'.

    Afterwards he'd just have to find another body, and then he'd lose the sharingan. Since only 2 uchiha members are left, he'd have to take Itachi or something, but Itachi is older than sasuke as well.

    I do acknowledge that in the end he's going to lose in some form anyway.
    oro could breed useind sasukes body and when the body dies the could implant the sharingans in his sobordinates they go off and learn jutsus bring them back he learns the jutsus from them and so on an army of sharingan users all seeking out jutsus would be a great advantage in his quest

    as for blood limits the shaingans a blood limit and it can be transplanted so there could be a way to transplant others

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  17. #17

    orochimaru's ambition theory is flawed

    Cut out Sasukes Eyes and stick em' in your own just like kakashi

    (one of you prolly said it)

  18. #18

    orochimaru's ambition theory is flawed

    ah but that would stop oro from using the sharingan as a major weapon because he wouldnt have access to the mangekyou (sp?) as was previously stated the user must have full uchiha blood, so whether an offspring from sasukes body could use it is debatable because it wouldnt be full uchiha, the best way would be to try to clone sasukes body, or who knows he might find a better vessel in the next 50 years

  19. #19

    orochimaru's ambition theory is flawed

    resurect some female uchiha let them have sex with Itachi or Sasuke, and there we go a perfectly good body for taking [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    but then orochimaru would get the shit kicked out of by Itachi or Sasuke seeing as his arms are dead (or do they come back i havent watched that far yet :S)

  20. #20
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    orochimaru's ambition theory is flawed

    Originally posted by: gaidensensei
    Orochimaru initially wants sasuke for his sharingan, so he could learn all ninjutsu, which was his goal right?

    But seeing how he transfers to another body, the aging process is still there. That means that eventually sasuke's body will die of age. So with 50+ years in sasuke left, it doesn't seem like it's enough to learn all 'jutsu'.

    Afterwards he'd just have to find another body, and then he'd lose the sharingan. Since only 2 uchiha members are left, he'd have to take Itachi or something, but Itachi is older than sasuke as well.

    I do acknowledge that in the end he's going to lose in some form anyway.
    you do know that while orochimaru is in sasukes body he can bone any chick he imprisons and then she can give birth to lots of small uchiha kids and each of them is a possible sharingan kid. not all that hard i guess.

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