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Thread: 248 INANE

  1. #41

    248 RAW

    Maybe the oragmi girl will throw out several smaller origami animals and they'll all form together to create a giant oragami bot just like voltron! Probably not but it would be fun to see.

  2. #42
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: 248 RAW

    Originally posted by: Uberbaka
    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    hella sweet.....
    although personally i dont think gaara should have been carrying a gourd around in a village made of sand
    It's one of his defenses, remember? Holding sand close to him incase of a super-emergency...

    I doubt that Gaara has won already, or even damaged her/him.
    you dont need to hold sand close to you in an environment covered in sand
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #43

    RE: 248 RAW

    I think the arm is going t be a oragami arm and she can just reform it or something.
    This guys are supposed to be the strongest out there so I dont think this thing is finish by a longshot

    Signature by Lucifus

  4. #44
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: 248 RAW

    i know that she wouldnt be killed off too soon, of course.....
    but it would be nice if gaara's desert coffin actually did something useful outside of the chuunin exam

    like maybe she'll only have 1 arm for the rest of the series
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  5. #45

    RE: 248 RAW

    CRAP. JUST...whoa. Check out how the sand looks. It seems that Gaara finaly has control over Shukaku!

  6. #46
    ANBU Captain Prof. Chaos's Avatar
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    RE: 248 RAW

    Originally posted by: nests
    I think the arm is going t be a oragami arm and she can just reform it or something.
    This guys are supposed to be the strongest out there so I dont think this thing is finish by a longshot
    That sounds the most reasonable out of it. I mean it seems all Akatsuki members have bloodline limits or some sacred weapon.

  7. #47
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    RE: 248 RAW

    Originally posted by: Prof. Chaos
    Originally posted by: nests
    I think the arm is going t be a oragami arm and she can just reform it or something.
    This guys are supposed to be the strongest out there so I dont think this thing is finish by a longshot
    That sounds the most reasonable out of it. I mean it seems all Akatsuki members have bloodline limits or some sacred weapon.
    reasonable? yes, logical? no, I dont see how it can be an oragami arm, when you could see blood when Gaara did his "dessert coffin" (unless the bloodline limit, works that way as well).

    Oh well there are too many questions inside of other questions at this time to say anything, so i'm not going to argue if anyone feels like disagreeing with me.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  8. #48
    Jounin samsonlonghair's Avatar
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    RE: 248 RAW

    First off, it's always good to see Naruto eating Ramen with Iruka-sensei. I bet the Ichiraku's business went down signifigantly while Naruto was gone.

    Moving on, Thank god Kishimoto has finally turned Gaara cool. I never liked the whiney, crazy crap Gaara was doing before. Maybe I'm just odd, but I can't stand it when someone acts like they're the only one with serious problems. The calm Gaara is a great improvement.
    "Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco

  9. #49

    RE: 248 RAW

    ha! looks like gaara is going to get screw in the next few chapters.

    whoever uses flashy move first loses in the end. well gaara just wasted an entire chapter doing huge amount of sand manipulation... so yea its pretty much over for gaara.

  10. #50

    RE: 248 RAW

    That akatsuki chick better be using a kage bunshin or something.

    No fucking way Gaara should be able to even touch any of them, let alone hurt them.

    If Gaara wins against her and the other akatsuki person has to step in im going to be pissed. Either way, Gaara has to loose this fight or else it will be pointless.

  11. #51

    RE: 248 RAW

    shes using origami bunshin

  12. #52
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    248 RAW

    Lets not forget about that other guy waiting out side the city gate that gara has to deal with as well.

  13. #53

    RE: 248 RAW

    Yes, it looks like he may be sort of like a slug so maybe if he does the desert coffin he could just melt and reform or something.
    At this point I pretty expect anything since they the all have to have unique techniques

    Signature by Lucifus

  14. #54
    ANBU Captain Prof. Chaos's Avatar
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    RE: 248 RAW

    It's turned into who ever has the best bloodline limit or biggest demon inside them.

  15. #55

    RE: 248 RAW

    For the love of god he is a kage so dont underestimate him so much. It isnt little gara any more hes bigger and more badass.

  16. #56

    RE: 248 RAW

    I also think that were not going to have a decisive winner in this fight . Though her arm was crushed with the desert coffin jutsu, like someone said I think she can regenerate using origami. She was probably just testing how strong he is. Probably they have the same fate in stored for him as they do for naruto.Since both have a monster insde them.

  17. #57

    RE: 248 RAW

    Originally posted by: kyubisrage
    For the love of god he is a kage so dont underestimate him so much. It isnt little gara any more hes bigger and more badass.
    That is right and it takes a lot to become one and got does seem to have the upper hand here becuase of all the sand around

    Signature by Lucifus

  18. #58

    RE: 248 RAW

    O.o HEY! kishimoto is taking that idea off the other ninja anime! flame of recca! There was this guy who uses origami as a weapon in there too. aw well no matters

    Im wondering where is the brother when u need him! the older brother suppose to help the younger one! even if the younger is 90000000000x more powerful than u... (actucally i just wanna see a Puppet vs paper fight)

    I think Garra is still suffering from insonmia since he still got huge ass black bags around his eyes. but i think that's perminant because of his Lack of sleep when he was younger. OR he was born with black rings so no matters.

  19. #59
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    RE: 248 RAW

    i think its just that gaara would look incredibly stupid without them since he doesnt have any eyebrows.

  20. #60

    RE: 248 RAW

    gaara is certainly badass!!! much stronger
    i'm not sure which way this is going to go, but you would expect gaare to lose or be a draw.
    but as there are two akatsuki members, i think gaara will lose.

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