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Thread: 248 INANE

  1. #1

  2. #2

    RE: 248 RAW


  3. #3

    248 RAW

    sure didnt save me. dont bless you.

    i changed my mind. you just ruined it for me, and it's not dling.

  4. #4

    RE: 248 RAW

    lol, well i dont know how much of a newcomer i am, ive been here for a year.

    Gaara is like a combination of Ice man and Silver surfer now.

  5. #5
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    Philadelphia, PA

    RE: 248 RAW

    Thanks, Ayato.

    Woah... that ninja spider totally humped that dude's face.

    Hot shit.. Gaara threw down a lil bit.

  6. #6

    RE: 248 RAW

    now that's some sandbox playing.....

    though i think his shovel and rake are a bit big....
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

  7. #7

    248 RAW

    wow that was gimp. if only i knew what just happened.

  8. #8

    248 RAW

    DLed for me! WOW! Gaara is extra badass, with all of that sand there you see why he is kazekage. Watching him I'm just imaging how good Naruto is with Kyuubi now...

  9. #9

    248 RAW

    Seems Naruto was talking about his training, and how his old clothes and head band got shredded.

    The sneak attack didnt work becuse they realized that the bird dosent fly in the desert.

  10. #10

    248 RAW

    it sure looked like it was flying.

  11. #11

    248 RAW

    That was a great chapter, now if i only knew what they were saying!!! I'm so happy that we got to see Iruka -sensei!I'm not a Gaara fan but that was really wicked, I was surprised when he levitated on the sand.Didn't know you could do that.....You know who im looking forward to see, aside from the obvious ones(sasuke, neji,hinata,chouji..)Whatever happened to Shino, we haven't seen him since the chuunin selection exam. He was kinda kewl.

    Narutochuushin has the manga posted as well.

  12. #12
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    LA, Cali

    RE: 248 RAW

    1. scouter
    2. face huggers (alien)
    3. gaara can fly (we saw this before but i thought he was sitting on sand which was resting on top of the bone spikes)
    4. i still think gaara is fucked. if akatsuki goes down that easy, they are a joke.
    5. awesome

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  13. #13

    248 RAW

    Welcome to the forums. Did Mut@t@'s topic in the Naruto forums prompt you to join? Well why don't you stop by the GotWoot Community. It uses your forum username and password. You'll definately wanna join this group. The Best Group In The Universe. Good day.

  14. #14
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    LA, Cali

    RE: 248 RAW

    trans. udanraws.

    Ambushing the sand

    The sand castle... however, it is strong.
    It's the home of the lord that swallows all.

    1 2 3...

    zn5L F
    There are three sky guards...yeah

    However, this village's artistic design isn't too shabby.

    So destroying will make it worth it... yeah...

    then sneak attack it is....

    j`Sn jno
    What the hell is this weird thing?!

    There is no "weird thing"....

    pfft, Stupid people can't comprehend art.... yeah

    ugh ugh * being suffocated*

    I'll physically teach you (lit I'll use the body to teach you)


    Infiltration successful


    ho- *being surprised


    The "jinchuuriki"*power of human sacrifice* sure is useful

    I'm surprised you figured out it was me... yeah

    Sn k
    In this dessert

    No bird like that exists

    heh... Seems like my sneaking in was a failure... yeah


    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  15. #15

    RE: 248 RAW

    That was really cool Mut@t@. You totally rock man. I thought I would have to wait for Inane....but that was really good. Hellraiser, I take it that you were talking to me since i was the last newbie to post. Since you seem all excited i think i 'll give it a try....after all it's supposed to be the Best group in the Universe...right!!!

  16. #16

    RE: 248 RAW

    Wow the atsuki really do suck. I can't wait to see what the oragami girl does anything to get out of her current situation. Kishimoto is going to have to pull something out of his ass if he's going to make the Atsuki live up to the all of the hype and build up.

  17. #17
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Bellevue, WA

    RE: 248 RAW

    I beat it's either a bushin of some sort or this will piss her off to no avail and she kicks it up a notch or the other guy is much stronger than her. Either way something cool will happen.

  18. #18

    RE: 248 RAW

    Originally posted by: guardiankepeer
    That was really cool Mut@t@. You totally rock man. I thought I would have to wait for Inane....but that was really good. Hellraiser, I take it that you were talking to me since i was the last newbie to post. Since you seem all excited i think i 'll give it a try....after all it's supposed to be the Best group in the Universe...right!!!
    That's not his translation. That's from UDanStraight.

  19. #19
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    LA, Cali

    RE: 248 RAW

    Originally posted by: XTCBoY2K
    Originally posted by: guardiankepeer
    That was really cool Mut@t@. You totally rock man. I thought I would have to wait for Inane....but that was really good. Hellraiser, I take it that you were talking to me since i was the last newbie to post. Since you seem all excited i think i 'll give it a try....after all it's supposed to be the Best group in the Universe...right!!!
    That's not his translation. That's from UDanStraight.
    yes, i gave credit.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  20. #20

    RE: 248 RAW

    my bad ...but it was still kewl

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