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Thread: Naruto 122 DISCUSSION

  1. #121

    Naruto 122 DISCUSSION

    Originally posted by: drunkgohan
    Originally posted by: basey_69
    hahahaha i just realised that they added new stuff into the intro, so either everyone else noticed but didnt tell me or im the first to notice
    They did the same thing in the previous intro by adding Tsunade after she was introduced in the story, and since then I've been watching for sneaky intro changes. I think a lot of us nerdutards recognized the change immediately [img][/img]
    They also did it when Saura cut her hair. I like it when they make the small changes.

  2. #122

    Naruto 122 DISCUSSION

    Sakura got her hair got a long ass time ago. Don't you remember during the Chuunin exams when Sasuke and Naruto were both unconscious? She had to deal with the three sound ninjas. She got her big moment only to be beaten retarded by zaku but she cut her hair as a symbolic gesture to show that she was going to take action in order to do something to keep up with naruto and sasuke. Scene was good but it would have been more emotional if she had done something better then just biting.

  3. #123
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Naruto 122 DISCUSSION

    Originally posted by: Jaredster
    Originally posted by: drunkgohan
    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    i wonder why they didnt show the bone in shikamaru's arm when he sees his skin melt off in the genjutsu.....
    would it have been any more grotesque if they didnt censor that?
    My first impression was censorship, but on the other hand manga illustrators these days pack lots of stuff into images and sometimes it takes you a few second to figure out what you're looking at. In animation things have got to be less busy because it's moving and they don't want you to have to pause to figure out what you're looking at--it's possible they were being good animators and it has nothing to do with how nasty the bones are (but then again it could be they are just pussies).

    I agree with you in the part that animators don't put as much detail as manga artists do. Currently I am reading the manga Nausicaa and the Valley of Wind and just recently I saw a preview for the movie. The movie has like only %10 detail the manga has.
    i their budget wouldnt allow them to draw those 4 extra lines to make up the bones in shikamaru's arm, eh? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #124

    RE: Naruto 122 DISCUSSION

    thats 4 extra lines to you, but to them, its for slashes on the soul of beauty.

  5. #125

    Naruto 122 DISCUSSION

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    Originally posted by: Jaredster
    Originally posted by: drunkgohan
    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    i wonder why they didnt show the bone in shikamaru's arm when he sees his skin melt off in the genjutsu.....
    would it have been any more grotesque if they didnt censor that?
    My first impression was censorship, but on the other hand manga illustrators these days pack lots of stuff into images and sometimes it takes you a few second to figure out what you're looking at. In animation things have got to be less busy because it's moving and they don't want you to have to pause to figure out what you're looking at--it's possible they were being good animators and it has nothing to do with how nasty the bones are (but then again it could be they are just pussies).

    I agree with you in the part that animators don't put as much detail as manga artists do. Currently I am reading the manga Nausicaa and the Valley of Wind and just recently I saw a preview for the movie. The movie has like only %10 detail the manga has.
    i their budget wouldnt allow them to draw those 4 extra lines to make up the bones in shikamaru's arm, eh? [img][/img]
    Meh, I guess it was for censorship too. I guess that is were they draw the line.

  6. #126
    ANBU Captain Prof. Chaos's Avatar
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    Naruto 122 DISCUSSION

    YES I was so hoping _____. I didn't want to wait any longer.

    read the first post next time - Assertnfailure

  7. #127

    Naruto 122 DISCUSSION

    To the above poster: The first post states that anything in the next episode preview should be regarded with a ****SPOILER TAG******

    Epidosde was great. Shikamaru's tactics were awesome as always. I felt that they DID drag the Kimimaro / Naruto fight on. The overall feel and pace of that fight was kind of slow and didn't progress the fight at all.

    Overall, very nice episode

    P.S. Did some old accounts get deleted? I seem to be unable to log into my old one :/ Probably due to almost 6 months of inactivity.

    *Sigh* Oh Well

  8. #128

    Naruto 122 DISCUSSION

    Originally posted by: lum
    none of the naruto age characters die.
    What about haku?

  9. #129

    RE: Naruto 122 DISCUSSION

    Great episode. Kind sad about Akamaru, but it was still good. Can't wait for next ep.

  10. #130

    RE: Naruto 122 DISCUSSION

    hello everyone! forgive my ignorance, but i just registered and wanted to ask some few questions. i may not be as knowledgeable as all you are about naruto but darn it! im a fan! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]the last episode rocks! a good strategist always knows what he is doing and part of it is taking risk but with more emphasis of being sure on the next move. anyways, i just started downloading the episode over the week and i was kinda wondering if the movies are out also and where i can download it from. id appreciate it a lot if anyone could help me on this. i really wanted to see the one with the rescue of the snow princess.. is it out already? -peace you all!!!

  11. #131

    RE: Naruto 122 DISCUSSION

    There is only one movie and it is just coming to DVD in Japan would not be on the internet yet.

  12. #132

    RE: Naruto 122 DISCUSSION

    Yea, but I can't wait for it. I heard it was a huge hit in Japan, stayed in the top of the box office for weeks.

  13. #133

    RE: Naruto 122 DISCUSSION

    Yeah the Naruto movie was a success in Japan, it even hit #1 at the box office, while Inuyasha movie 4, and Prince of Tennis movie, I think they didn't make 5 or above. As for the censorship of the episode, well, it would be nice if they didn't, but just have to live with it, and read the manga if you want to see unedited things.

  14. #134

    RE: Naruto 122 DISCUSSION

    Yeah, I'm curious about the movie as well. It was supposed to come out sometime in early February or something. It's the news yet.

    And Lum, some of the things you said were true. But "in general" you were not saying anything to prove your point.

  15. #135

    RE: Naruto 122 DISCUSSION

    The DVD of the movie should be out around now. Their release schedule is different from the US, I think. At any rate, the raw will be made available via bittorrent the same day of the release of the DVD, that's without saying. Sub will probably be a couple days after that, max. And this episode was nice, although I still feel that Bleach is getting to a point of surpassing the fulfillment feeling I used to get from Naruto. This point right now feels like the Chuunin exam, what with Naruto's fight only having the same thing over and over and what have you.

  16. #136

    RE: Naruto 122 DISCUSSION

    haku's a bad guy [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    and naruto's imo better than bleach...
    also the censorship of the bone really sucked, the manga's cracking open version looked so much better. in the anime, it's like a chicken leg or something/

  17. #137

    RE: Naruto 122 DISCUSSION

    Originally posted by: lum
    haku's a bad guy [img][/img]
    Oh, so at first you said NO ONE Died. Then you said no one NARUTO's age died. and NOW you say anyone naruto's age, and a GOOD GUY died.


  18. #138

    RE: Naruto 122 DISCUSSION

    Actually, I liked Shikamaru's fight in this ep. He's weaker physically than his opponent, he doesn't have any special abilities like a bloodline or a seal, and no animals or special tools to help him. His one ability should be easy to counter once his opponent knows to avoid his shadow, yet his was the only clear victory in this arc so far. Choji and Neji's fights were ties at best, and Kiba did ok but had to run in the end. Well, I guess there was a reason he was the only one promoted... And yeah, I'm looking forward to the next ep too.

  19. #139

    RE: Naruto 122 DISCUSSION

    Great episode, I relly like the way that Shikamaru handled the situation.

    About shikamaru, it is true that the moves that he expect from his enemys to do almost everytime done.
    But sometimes he loose, it is not like he can't loose because he can establish a technique to win ageinst any opponent. He lost to Temari in the chunnin exam, didn't he?

    ***Ending Spoiler***

    I really do think that this new episode preview shouldn't been there, think about how awsome can it be to see from nowhere that Lee jumping to help naruto in the fight(!)
    I even prefer that there would be no next episode preview, like in One Piece.

  20. #140

    Naruto 122 DISCUSSION

    no've been warned

    also, your sig size needs to be 400x80 or less

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