In the very top-right corner.Originally posted by: Hellraiser
Where's the logout button?
In the very top-right corner.Originally posted by: Hellraiser
Where's the logout button?
I think I know precisely what I mean
when I say it's a schpadoinkle day
He's talking about the community page. I think.
Lower middle of the screen,
I assume this is known, but no one has mentioned it so I may as well. Ever since the forums went down there was no way to get to the community. I see a CPanel page with "There is no website configured at this address" in any browser I use.
Not to bitch about it, but does anyone know when we can hope to get back to the community page?
"Samsonlonghair - The Defender of the Oppressed And Shunned!" -Kraco
i know youre still working on the error with updating the avatar, but shouldnt there be an option just to have no avatar. cos these stock ones suck ass. anyways keep up the good work
<%Mut[at]t[at]> Ciber, send threatening letters to FuseTalk, demanding an avatar fix
<%Mut[at]t[at]> I wanna upload my new avatar, dammit
<@Ciber> oh yeah i should get that fixed :P
<%Mut[at]t[at]> wtf
<%Mut[at]t[at]> Come on Ciber, get motivated
<@Ciber> lol
<@Ciber> it's me, remember? :P
<%Mut[at]t[at]> =(
<@Ciber> i only get motivated to do things that will result in me doing less work
<@Ciber> such as the headset
<@Ciber> :P
<@Ciber> fixing the avatars will just give me work to do
<%Mut[at]t[at]> Die
<%Mut[at]t[at]> How much work will fixing the avatar involve
<%Mut[at]t[at]> It couldn't be -that- much
<@Ciber> a phonecall
<%Mut[at]t[at]> ...
<%Mut[at]t[at]> Good god
<%Mut[at]t[at]> Let me make the phone call
<@Ciber> i'll do it tomorrow
<@Ciber> someone has to remind me
<@Ciber> i guess i can add it to my sticky notes
<%Mut[at]t[at]> Ciber... you should demand a fix on the sticky and bans too...
<@Ciber> yeah yeah yeah
There's that.
As for the GW Community, that's Wilik's stuff.
Yay, no more stock avatars.
I was getting bored of this grey phone. I need more colours!
no thankyou.php and thats were paypal sends you after you donate.