Originally posted by: Mut@t@
OT rant:

This is retarded. You guys blame me as if I just came on the boards just to call you guys stupid. Wrong. It's not my fault that you guys are periodically spewing truck loads of dumb and nonsensical posts every five minutes. You guys are the very reason why I am an ass. Stop saying retarded shit and I won't call you on it. It's really simple. Do I ever someone like Budweineken or Haku-san an idiot? No, do you know why? It's cuz they think before they post, know the rules, and use common sense. Granted, I am an ass and I admit that, but I don't say anything someone can't handle OVER THE INTERNET. I don't go around telling people that they should get aids or cancer nor do I ridicule people who can't defend themselves (family/friends/people who don't know me or use the forums/irc). You guys are just bunch of softie marshmallows that are offended and complain about the slightest things. I don't have to cater to your vag feelings and emotions and the same goes for you. All you whiney ass kids are gonna eaten alive in the real world if you can't handle a few words said by a random person you don't even know over the internet.
This may be a bit late, but i'm inclined to agree with Mut. Sure he's rude, flames people, maybe he's driven a few people away (I probably have too.). He has a strong point though, half of you guys are idiots, and he's entitled to say so. I have heard said by some that the old member don't allow people in the community. This may be true, but it is for reason. People like Mut and myself, have seen this forum grow, we have watched it at its highest and its lowest, we know the rules, and how they used to be upheld. So for all you people saying Mut@t@ spews garbage logic, he knows the forum better then ALOT of the other members, and he knows the rules.

Instead of whining saying he's and ass and acting like you're in grade 1. Try proving him wrong, try posting some intellectual topics/posts. Try not spamming, try actually affecting the forum in a positive way. The real irony of all this, is sure Mut@t@ may be one flamer, but EVERY person who has called him an ass, has flamed him. The true asses of these forums are whiners who constantly spam with posts about the so called "ass" (being Mut). The people who know virtually nothing of this forum, and alot I can say have affected it in a nagative way.

So who is the true ass? The one who says fact about how people litter this forum with their garbage, or the one's who may be stating fact that Mut is an ass, but appear like they have the mind of a 3yo, and spam without realizing by saying Mut is an ass in every second post they make. Either way you're both saying fact, the only difference is, mut has enough people to constantly be able to go on with his facts. You guys just seem like you have some sick obsession with him. Either ignore him, or prove him wrong, but atleast give it up.