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Thread: Episode 121 Discussion

  1. #141

    Episode 121 Discussion

    im sick of shikas fight already, probably cos i know whats going to happen though, yea while kimi is still showing off a little bit of coolness the fight would look a lot better if there was more gore, like in the manga pics that were shown 2 pages ago in this thread

  2. #142

    RE: Episode 121 Discussion

    its as if the fight with kimimaro is in slowmotion ..everything is just ..slow ...slower..slower than hell could possibly be..
    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

  3. #143
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
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    Episode 121 Discussion

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    kitkat how could you!!
    another guy shows up for a few weeks and all of a sudden im second place![img][/img]
    Well, maybe if you demonstrate pulling your bone out of your arm and turning it into a weapon, I'll consider modifying your coolness equation [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    And technically, you're not in second place. Kimimaro has been in 3 episodes so far, giving him a coolness factor of about 40 by my graph. As of right now, you have a post count of 4536, and when I substitute that into the coolness equation, the number is too big to fit on my calculator and it gives me 'Math Error', so it's somewhere above 10^100.

    Anyways, even though the Naruto-Kimimaro fight has been not so great thus far, I think it will pick up fairly quickly. They can't give away all of the super-awesome moves at the beginning of the fight - I'm positive they're saving them for the end. And that's what I am looking forward to.

  4. #144

    RE: Episode 121 Discussion

    For shame Kitkat, you have brought the unholiness of MATLAB on to these forums...

  5. #145

    RE: Episode 121 Discussion

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    in japan, they have like, 50 words to represent sound effects that they use in their to translate stuff like a grabbing sound or rain hitting a sidewalk or the whooshing sound of ninjas jumping through trees willl often seem weird in english
    interesting. it's starting to sound like i will need to start reading some manga. like KitKat, i've never read any. i guess i never thought about how different it could be than the animation.

  6. #146

    Episode 121 Discussion

    Originally posted by: oniorochi
    No, that's not true, you always consider context when programming and thus overloading ++operator is perfect.
    That's why you should do document driven development. Also, C++ is a shoddy language, a solution looking for a problem that didn't exist.

    Anyway, Kimimaro is "so far" not cool at all. We will wait and see, maybe he will not be a completely dead horse.
    I want Naruto to stop being a complete retard, he has never been this useless.
    Overloading + is horrible in this case! Does it increase his postcount? Or maybe his coolness? Or perhaps it increases the amounts of threads he's posted in? Or does it increase his joining date? Doesnt matter if you document it, if i make a function GetScore(), then it should get the score of something, even if i write in my document that it infact does nothing, anything else is just poor programming.

    Agreed, Kimi has done nothing special in the anime yet, but i guess he has some cool bloodline limit thingmabob or something.

    Originally posted by: oniorochi
    If you too had written a compiler you would know what I'm talking about.

    "Commonly Used" and "Good" are completely unrelated. Now, Objective-C preceeded it and is what C++ should have been, but it's not needed today either.

    Either way, what is the coolest blood line limit so far? Haku's is a good bet, but maybe the 1:st had a limit as well because the "Birth of the Trees"-jutsu could only be used by him, and if it is then I vote that one ;-)
    (with "Birth of the Trees" being my favorite jutsu so far)
    A language is hardly shoddy just because you cant write a compiler for it. To state that C++ is shoddy is just ignorant, it does have its flaws, but it is far from shoddy.

    Actually no. "Commonly used" and "Good" are very related, if something is commonly used then many people know it, and that is good. There can be commonly used bad things, but generally they were good at some point.

    I didnt really like Hakus bloodline limit at all, I dont see what so good about it.. mangeyokuy(spell?) sharingan is obviously better.

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