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Thread: Chapter 247 Discussion

  1. #141

    RE: Chapter 247 Discussion

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    i just read through inane's version, and now the whole stuff with the 2 akatsuki's seem to make a little more sense.
    at first i thought those 2 akatsukis took out all the guards except for 1, but it seems the 1 guard was the one who took out the others.

    from the translations though, it seems sasori is the bigger of the 2 akatsuki.....and the smaller one says "sasori, your husband should watch too"
    so does that mean that both of the akatsuki members here are female??
    The one that is attacking doesnt look female to me but you never know.

    The other one looks like a dwarf,im wondering how she fights.

  2. #142

    RE: Chapter 247 Discussion

    Originally posted by: AznSensation
    There's no doubt in my mind that Naruto's strength and level are very high at this point, but I don't know that Tsunade will actually just appoint him to Chuunin and everything. I mean, in all actuallity, it's just a title...

    Remember, based soley on these tests, Kabuto is still a Genin but is at Kakashi's Level...

    Just my opinion
    and remember kabuto never tried. had he done more then quit everytime he would be a jounin, but since i suppose orochimaru needed him to search for worthy genin to join him, kabuto never intended to pass the exam

  3. #143

    RE: Chapter 247 Discussion

    hinata is the original successor to the Hyugga name remember that, so she might have learned to cut off chakra in 2.5years. Also couldn't sakura just immobilize hinata? I mean tsunade did it to kabuto earlier, so im guessing she taught sakura..

  4. #144

    RE: Chapter 247 Discussion

    wont matter... if hinats up to the point where she cant use kaiten, sakura would probally not have many chances to get close

  5. #145

    RE: Chapter 247 Discussion

    i don't think hinata is going to be weak anymore.
    i think she will be able to do what neji could and some more.

  6. #146

    Chapter 247 Discussion

    Neji has the purest blood of the Hyuugas, there is no way Hinata is going to be able to do more then him just because she was put into a different house doesnt make her more talented. did you miss that whole arc [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    as for the bird eyes - from that translation i would say its a guy, it doesnt look too girlish apart from the hair..
    it seems that the crouched down thing might be a woman, or gay because bird eyes said that his/her husband should watch

    also about the HInata/Neji thing - Neji = jounin, Hinata = chuunin nuff said

  7. #147

    Chapter 247 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Insomniac
    Neji has the purest blood of the Hyuugas, there is no way Hinata is going to be able to do more then him just because she was put into a different house doesnt make her more talented. did you miss that whole arc
    The key word in his post is "could".
    He wrote: "i think she will be able to do what neji could and some more."
    Which should be read as: "I think she will be able to do what Neji could do before the timejump, and some more" (not that she will be able to do more than what Neji can do after said timejump)

  8. #148

    RE: Chapter 247 Discussion

    thank you Phoenix23.
    you misread my post Insomniac

    i have no doubt neji > hinata

  9. #149

    RE: Chapter 247 Discussion

    Yeah. I don't think she will surpace Neji. I wonder how everybody has grown and trained. Anyways, can't wait till next chapter. But I do that every week.

  10. #150
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 247 Discussion

    i agree if their is a chunnin exam it will probably be disrupted but i think it will be a good chance to see some of the new ninja from konoha and some future enemies

  11. #151
    Missing Nin
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    RE: Chapter 247 Discussion

    Well I do believe that the Chuunin exam will take place again however I am expecting a Hunter X Hunter type approach used in the Hunter exam. Where basically Naruto will gather all the scrolls not just the required ones and avoid the final matches as he is the only one who passed. This would allow him to both be a Chuunin and avoid us having to watch a repetative exam.

    Also as another possibility being that Naruto's exam was interupted before and he would require a group of 3 to technically take the exam (which makes me question how Sakura passed). Its also possible that he will skip the prelims and be a automatic for the finals which would also avoid a repetative chuunin exam and instead allow us 1 or more fights to show off some of what Naruto has learned.

    Considering that he beat a current Kazekage in the first Chuunin exam 2.5-3 years beforehand one would imagine there will be absolutely nobody taking it that can come close to Naruto after the kind of training he's been through.

  12. #152
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 247 Discussion

    yeah but dont be surprised if theres some badass new guy from who knows what country that gives naruto a run for his money.

  13. #153
    ANBU Captain Prof. Chaos's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 247 Discussion

    Think about it, Sakura joined with Choji and Ino because Shikamaru had already passed and they were now a 2 person team needing a 3rd member.

  14. #154

    RE: Chapter 247 Discussion

    you guys are forgetting one key point: the rules for the chuunin exam are different every year. however, i assume that it all ways ends with the final tournament for the feudal lords to judge. it was required to have a three man team for the exam we saw because the first test tested your determination if team members would be risked, and the seconded tested teamwork, and duty, one person doesnt follow the rules, the whole team suffers. but it all became and individual effort in the end. for all we know any team based test could be done with randomly assigned teams to test your ability to co-operate and comliment team members youve never seen before, or detest for the sake of the mission. or, their may be no team based test at all. anyways, i dont think that this exam will be a quick thing. the original dragon ball was very tournament based (face it, kishimot admits he loved dragonball up to the frieza saga) anyways... another exam is a decent way to introduce new non-akatsuki characters, as well as bring about naruto vs sasuke round 3.

  15. #155

    RE: Chapter 247 Discussion

    The comment I made about "Hinata being a Chunnin is a Scary Thought" has nothing to do with her potential then it does her PERSONALITY.

    Yes Hinata could become very strong and a force to be reckoned with but from all we've seen her Personality type doesnt lend itself well at all to be a squad leader. When we last saw her, she was serving Tea to Neji and Her father while we were informed she fainted in an attempt to visit Naruto in the hospital...

    Generally if Hinata is a Chuunin, I would hope to see a slight personality change but I hate seeing 180's from the middle of no where... I'm just hopeing for a good explanation is all at this point

    Sakura making Chuunin is no surprise as she has always had the Heart / Determination to succeed just lacked the skill.

    Also the Chuunin exam takes place in different countries each time, so the rules of the exam may (and likely will) be different in other countires. The only similar ground is a tournament at the end to "Show off" all the Genin to the Fuedal Lords. Wouldnt be surprised at all if Previous Tournament Canadiates got a free pass to the tourny or prelims

  16. #156
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 247 Discussion

    actually, i could see Hinata staying Genin just in order to be able to take the exam with Naruto, that could've been a good way to introduce her as a new main charecter in the story...

    of course, i'm only saying that becuase i prefer Hinata over Sakura, it has nothing to do with the real plot flowing..

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  17. #157
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 247 Discussion

    What's with all the Hinata hate? Everyone hated Sakura until recently (except for a few diehard Sakura fans) and eventually Hinata will show up, display WHY she's capable of being a chuunin, and then suddenly we'll see "OMFGZ!1Shift+1!!! Hinata pwnzwrd [insert random guy who needed an ass kicking to save Naruto and Hinata's illegitimate child]!!!!Z!!!" (okay that's a little much, but you get the idea)

    I liked Hinata from the first eps of the series, so just like the Sakura is now cool bandwagon there's no room for idiots who like Hinata all of a sudden cause now she's more capable than [random nameless Konoha disposable ninjas]

  18. #158

    RE: Chapter 247 Discussion

    hmm, ok the if anyone hasn't been lookin around to much, the whole translation of husband was takin a lil to seriousl...

    sasori no donna....its more or less, that he holds higher position then the other guy, and that should of been master, leader...someone that is higher ranking..

    so no donna=sama....sometimes.

  19. #159

    RE: Chapter 247 Discussion

    yeah i was wondering on the husband thing, as it was said in samurai 7 talking about an old close acquantence(good friends), and not lover.

  20. #160

    Chapter 247 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Ryllharu
    What's with all the Hinata hate? Everyone hated Sakura until recently (except for a few diehard Sakura fans) and eventually Hinata will show up, display WHY she's capable of being a chuunin, and then suddenly we'll see "OMFGZ!1Shift+1!!! Hinata pwnzwrd [insert random guy who needed an ass kicking to save Naruto and Hinata's illegitimate child]!!!!Z!!!" (okay that's a little much, but you get the idea)

    I liked Hinata from the first eps of the series, so just like the Sakura is now cool bandwagon there's no room for idiots who like Hinata all of a sudden cause now she's more capable than [random nameless Konoha disposable ninjas]
    I have always liked Hinata and i will never stop liking her

    and Sakura you cant fool me with her new power, she still sucks as a characther she is the most unintresting charachter of all with Ino.

    She ruined herself with the sasuke-kun stuff and i cant forget that so easiely.

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