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Thread: Chapter 247 Discussion

  1. #101

    RE: Chapter 247 Discussion

    so gaara has been accepted by the sand.
    now to see if the leaf accept naruto.

  2. #102

    RE: Chapter 247 Discussion

    Well didnt they plant the demon in Gaara cause they needed someone really powerful if i remember correctly.

    While Naruto may never be truly accepted since his demon killed alot of people from Konoha and thats isnt easy to forget.

  3. #103

    Chapter 247 Discussion

    inane out #mangareaders @

    but gaara killed people himself, they were scared of him.

    shukaku the power of human sacrifice.
    and that akatsuki guy said i'll use number 18, seems he has some techniques.

  4. #104
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    Chapter 247 Discussion

    great chapter, naruto will be able to become a chunnin so easy, its not even level playing field...

  5. #105
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Chapter 247 Discussion

    Everyone's talking about how people have grown or have developed. As I was watching the anime ep. 120 I had a thought: What's gonna become of Akamaru in 2.5 years time? Defiinately not a puppy anymore...... Or maybe Kiba will have a family of dogs with small little Akamarus. Just a thought.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  6. #106
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Chapter 247 Discussion

    i really hope akamaru has grown it would be bullshit if he havent.

  7. #107

    Chapter 247 Discussion

    I highly doubt they are going to show Naruto going through the entire Chuunin process again. The man is a jounin level person, so no way do they waste their time. Naurto' sole purpose in training was to prepare him for Akatsuki.

  8. #108
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Chapter 247 Discussion

    yea kishimoto wont waste any time on another chuunin exam

  9. #109

    Chapter 247 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
    yea kishimoto wont waste any time on another chuunin exam
    He did mention it though, and somehow I think he did so for a purpose... (although that purpose could've been to just lead the dialogue into the rank discussion; of course, it might also be that while Naruto might technically retake the chuunin exam, the actual story would be something entirely different just using the chuunin exam for background - we'll know for sure in 10 more issues, I hope)

  10. #110

    Chapter 247 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Psyke
    Everyone's talking about how people have grown or have developed. As I was watching the anime ep. 120 I had a thought: What's gonna become of Akamaru in 2.5 years time? Defiinately not a puppy anymore...... Or maybe Kiba will have a family of dogs with small little Akamarus. Just a thought.
    Akamaru should be age 52.5 by now...(dog years)

    1 human year= 7 dog year

    Assuming kiba got akamaru at age 7... (sasuke's clan got killed at age 7. There we see shikamaru and choji wanting to buy candy after school[chapter 225]. and during that year they are wearing the same outfit that were in [Check chapter 154])

    age 7- start of naruto (age 11) = 4 years
    11-12(entire part 1)=1 year
    14.5 years old(beginning of part 2)=2.5 years

    4+1+2.5=7.5 HUMAN years old
    52.5 Dog years old

    Akamaru is REALLY old....

  11. #111
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Chapter 247 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Phoenix23
    Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
    yea kishimoto wont waste any time on another chuunin exam
    He did mention it though, and somehow I think he did so for a purpose... (although that purpose could've been to just lead the dialogue into the rank discussion; of course, it might also be that while Naruto might technically retake the chuunin exam, the actual story would be something entirely different just using the chuunin exam for background - we'll know for sure in 10 more issues, I hope)
    I feel the same way. The Chunin exam was brought up specifically in the chapter, with Shikamaru being the liasion or helper in the exams, and even the Sand Jounins spoke of the Chunin exams. I think the Chunin exam will happen, but it will be disrupted (yet again). Most probably by the rest of the unseen Akatsuki members.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  12. #112
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Chapter 247 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Phoenix23
    Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
    yea kishimoto wont waste any time on another chuunin exam
    He did mention it though, and somehow I think he did so for a purpose... (although that purpose could've been to just lead the dialogue into the rank discussion; of course, it might also be that while Naruto might technically retake the chuunin exam, the actual story would be something entirely different just using the chuunin exam for background - we'll know for sure in 10 more issues, I hope)

    thats a possibility but in nay case the real exam will be cut very short.

  13. #113

    Chapter 247 Discussion

    Originally posted by: kAi
    inane out #mangareaders @

    but gaara killed people himself, they were scared of him.

    shukaku the power of human sacrifice.
    and that akatsuki guy said i'll use number 18, seems he has some techniques.
    Yeah but they can forgive him cause they need his power they dont have legendary ninjas like Konoha.

    Finaly we will get to see one of these Akatsuki guys fight, hopefully they can show some good thechniques.

  14. #114

    RE: Chapter 247 Discussion

    maybe they'll do a Killua type of exam when he retook the hunter exam in Hunter x Hunter....

  15. #115

    RE: Chapter 247 Discussion

    Naruto will never retake the chunin exam (and if he does take it... he will fail)

    he will remain a gennin until he becomes a hokage....
    it adds a level of humor that people can always rag on him about (Full Metal Alch + short jokes)

  16. #116
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 247 RAW

    Originally posted by: Ryllharu
    I can see Naruto's promotion going one of two ways. Either it will be fast and take two chapters (unlikely, but it wouldn't waste time and the storyline could get going)


    Naruto goes into the next chuunin exam, with whoever, it doesn't really matter. Then Akatsuki will probably inflitrate Konoha and try to attack Naruto and get Kyuubi. It takes another 50 chapters to get through the exam and as a result of the attack, the exam is cancelled and Naruto remains a genin. Rinse. Repeat. Sometime Sasuke shows up with Oro.

    Personally, I would HATE the latter to occur, but unfortunately, it's probably what's going to happen. Or at least some variation of it.
    I'll quote myself to pull attention to my previous post, as it is pertinant to the present part of the thread.

  17. #117
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 247 RAW

    woot, finally a good chapter, even I can't really bitch about it...

    first of all, Gaara's case.

    while I also think the the kage should be someone with leadership qualities and not just a big bag of violence about to explode, there are also good reasons to put gaara in charge.
    First of all, the sand village had to put up a mask of competnce (like the leaf did) in order to maintian it status and to keep all the job orders. If they had put someone lik baki in charge, it would be like saying ' remember the guy who was number seven last year? guess what, now he's number one' and therefore, it's a decleration that they've lost all the elite of the village. But say Gaara's coming to meet a fedual lord, the lord sees a kid and thinks 'oh, he's a small idiot that i can cheat and get low priced missions from' or 'damn, the village is usless' but when gaara displays his power (by killing some anbu-like masked guardians of the lord) then the lord goes 'whaa!' and gaara gets a better position.

    besides, it's baki who's really handling the stuff, Gaara's a mascot that unites the sand and keeps them from rebelling against baki.

    other than that, the chunin exam will probably take place in the next arc, and we'll see Sasuke there (even though he was supposed to be taken over by then), so there's that to look ahead for.

    the ranks are pretty logical, considering that the sands were held back to genins in order to be part of the attack on the leaf, so they were most likely able to get past the jounin rank in the years which passed, and so is neji. the only real suprise is that Temari is only a chunin, i half expect here to be a jounin as well, since she's the eldest among the sang sibilings...

    now, in page 16, the one who killed everybody was yuura, right? it seems so since he's covered in so much blood...

    and Sasori is a girl, right? and i guess her husband has been killed by the sand, my perssonal guess is that sasori is Yashamaru's wife, but it's only my own twisted plot making...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  18. #118
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: Chapter 247 RAW

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    the only real suprise is that Temari is only a chunin, i half expect here to be a jounin as well, since she's the eldest among the sang sibilings...
    She is a jounin. Check page 7 again.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  19. #119

    RE: Chapter 247 RAW

    Doesn't it scare anyone else that Hinata is now a Chuunin?
    Just a thought....

  20. #120

    RE: Chapter 247 Discussion

    rofl that just came to mind.. wow.. hinata.. a chuunin.. wtf is going on here.

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