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Thread: naruto names

  1. #1

    naruto names

    i can't say i've watched too much anime, but i've seen enough to think that as a chinese, since our written language is similar to the kanji of the japanese, that naruto names are really hard to pronounce and just don't sound good compared to all the other animes i've watched... the character's names are either complex (as in the words are a bit harder than usual) and doesn't have the right ring to it...

    i've watched flame of recca, saint seiya, yuuyuu, and a whole bunch of other stuff in chinese so this one is a shocker

  2. #2
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: naruto names

    i seee........
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  3. #3
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: naruto names

    no, i don't seee........

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  4. #4

    RE: naruto names

    they aren't hard to pronounce.

  5. #5

    RE: naruto names

    stupid slope.... learn how to speak, aiight?

  6. #6
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    RE: naruto names

    ehmm what exactly do you mean? are you saying it like it would be in chinese?

  7. #7

    naruto names

    Ok I'll try to help.

    think of a pirate saying "ARRRR", now ad an "N" at the begining and we get "NARRR"
    think of the planet "Pluto" but leave out the "PL" and we get "Uto"
    ad those two together and we get "NARRRUto"

    Think of the word "Kaka" spanish for poop.
    Now think of the improper noun of a female "She"
    Add them up and you get "KakaShe" ( japanese)

    Think of ketchup "Sauce"
    and the short form of okay, "K"
    put them together and you get "SauceK"

    Think of the word "Saw"
    Then ad "Tempura" to it without the "Temp" and ad a "K" at the begining.
    you get "SawKura"

    Rock Lee:
    Think of a Rock
    Think of a pare of Lee jeans

    Think about a council voting against something, "all opposed say Nay" That's the "Nay" you want.
    Add 50 cents "G-unit" without the unit part.
    you get "NayG"

    Thats should help a little I guess.

  8. #8

    naruto names

    Originally posted by: Sam98034
    Ok I'll try to help.

    think of a pirate saying "ARRRR", now ad an "N" at the begining and we get "NARRR"
    think of the planet "Pluto" but leave out the "PL" and we get "Uto"
    ad those two together and we get "NARRRUto"

    Think of the word "Kaka" spanish for poop.
    Now think of the improper noun of a female "She"
    Add them up and you get "KakaShe" ( japanese)

    Think of ketchup "Sauce"
    and the short form of okay, "K"
    put them together and you get "SauceK"

    Think of the word "Saw"
    Then ad "Tempura" to it without the "Temp" and ad a "K" at the begining.
    you get "SawKura"

    Rock Lee:
    Think of a Rock
    Think of a pare of Lee jeans

    Think about a council voting against something, "all opposed say Nay" That's the "Nay" you want.
    Add 50 cents "G-unit" without the unit part.
    you get "NayG"

    Thats should help a little I guess.

    why do i have a feeling that you're making fun of her.

  9. #9

    naruto names

    Originally posted by: jing
    Originally posted by: Sam98034
    Ok I'll try to help.

    think of a pirate saying "ARRRR", now ad an "N" at the begining and we get "NARRR"
    think of the planet "Pluto" but leave out the "PL" and we get "Uto"
    ad those two together and we get "NARRRUto"

    Think of the word "Kaka" spanish for poop.
    Now think of the improper noun of a female "She"
    Add them up and you get "KakaShe" ( japanese)

    Think of ketchup "Sauce"
    and the short form of okay, "K"
    put them together and you get "SauceK"

    Think of the word "Saw"
    Then ad "Tempura" to it without the "Temp" and ad a "K" at the begining.
    you get "SawKura"

    Rock Lee:
    Think of a Rock
    Think of a pare of Lee jeans

    Think about a council voting against something, "all opposed say Nay" That's the "Nay" you want.
    Add 50 cents "G-unit" without the unit part.
    you get "NayG"

    Thats should help a little I guess.

    why do i have a feeling that you're making fun of her.
    Because you can't understand why I would take my time to help her? And it's a her? I mean, she's a her?

  10. #10
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: naruto names

    my professor is in nashville right now, working on some music vids for 50 cent's crew
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  11. #11
    ANBU Captain Souryusen's Avatar
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    RE: naruto names

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    my professor is in nashville right now, working on some music vids for 50 cent's crew
    Did I tell you about that one time I made a nun bleed? Trust me, it was awesome.

  12. #12
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: naruto names

    lol, wtf souryusen, are you trying to imply something?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  13. #13

    naruto names

    One reason you might be thinking that way might be because a lot of them don't have names that would normally be given to people , like Naruto, Neji, Kakashi, Chouji etc. And I think that's because Kishimoto was influenced by Dragonball, which the characters had their names after foods and what not, and you can see from Naruto that the characters names are words rather then names i.e. neji ->screw| kakashi-> scarecrow| kiba->fang

  14. #14

    naruto names

    Seeing as you brought up the old Dragonball Vs Naruto thing, and we are talking about names.

    Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but....

    In original dragonball there is a weird monster that is like a wild boar, with antler horns, and butterfly wings.

    Its name?


  15. #15
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    naruto names

    geez, whats the big deal. their just names. their not hard to pronounce either. just listen their names in the anime and their you go

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  16. #16

    RE: naruto names

    I'm Chinese and I find these names pretty simple. In fact, most other anime have much longer names, for example: guy from Tenjou Tenge is named Takayanagi. Usually characters have long names like that. Naruto is pretty simple. The only other anime that has easier names than Naruto is Scrapped Princess. They gave them all English names, but totally butchered the pronounciation. You know, the typical Jap-English pronounciation.

  17. #17

    naruto names

    sorry but i don't think non- Chinese reading peeps would understand

    yes, naruto, kakashi etc. sounds very normal ... but in characters pronounced in chinese they are sort of wierd in chinese...

    for example, naruto = ?€ which is really wierd and doesn't sound cool

    edit: for some reason gotwoot does not have the right encoding to write chinese

  18. #18
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    naruto names

    Originally posted by: 010577
    i can't say i've watched too much anime, but i've seen enough to think that as a chinese, since our written language is similar to the kanji of the japanese, that naruto names are really hard to pronounce and just don't sound good compared to all the other animes i've watched... the character's names are either complex (as in the words are a bit harder than usual) and doesn't have the right ring to it...

    i've watched flame of recca, saint seiya, yuuyuu, and a whole bunch of other stuff in chinese so this one is a shocker
    Are u talking about the Jap names or the Chinese names given to the characters in the Chinese manga? If u are talking about the chinese manga, the translater who did the translations did not give everyone in Naruto their kanji names. Some of the characters' do NOT have kanji names, and would sound stupid if given a direct translation based on how the name sound. Very good example is Naruto. Other characters who do not have kanji names have at least a cooler name based on how it sounds, so the chinese manga uses chinese characters based on how the name is pronounced. Example: Kakashi.

    Kanji name
    Naruto -> Ming Ren (based on direct Kanji)
    Sakura chan-> Xiao Yin (Yin = Sakura)

    Non kanji name (hiragana)
    Kakashi -> Ka ka xi (based on sound)
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  19. #19

    naruto names

    Originally posted by: ShinobiNeko
    i.e. neji ->screw| kakashi-> scarecrow| kiba->fang
    i stand by kakashi meaning shit girl. to each his own.

  20. #20
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    naruto names

    Originally posted by: Kenshiro
    Seeing as you brought up the old Dragonball Vs Naruto thing, and we are talking about names.

    Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but....

    In original dragonball there is a weird monster that is like a wild boar, with antler horns, and butterfly wings.

    Its name?

    wiw post a pic of that thing please if you got one cant remember that thing.

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