Of course. You give into your animal self to quench your desires! It's only human.
Of course. You give into your animal self to quench your desires! It's only human.
i only get MGs....the HGs are just for fun building....only when you get bored with just build...you use those to make custom lookings...especially i am totally bored with the HGs....been playing them since grade 1.......no challenge anymore...
but there is still a main problem they didn't fix....Originally posted by: AntiSoul
1/100 MG Freedom is awesome...it's got so many other corrected features (compared to HG) like the Wingspan, which is soooo important....and the foldout cannons also important for all-out-Hi-MAT-Cannons mode...haah...and the simplest but very crucial thing, a frikin stand...the stand gets rid of the need to balance it on its feet and is good for aerial poses. There's someone who made a custom freedom that looks frikin awesome. It's black, white, red, and some goldish and silvery parts, with some other mods...dammit I don't have the link for it tho....o.O...
the upper body is too heavy...it can't support the body weight....stupid wings...\-/
anyone have Master Grade Nu Gundam? and know where i can get a good price for it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I have the high grade 1/100 one, which isn't too bad itself. Got it at an unbelievable price of $15 Singapore dollars. That's around 8 US dollars! The MG one is much more expensive, around 45 to 50 US dollars. Totally worth it though, as it's one of the more definitive Gundams out there along with the RX 78-2.
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。
So...Whats the difference from these Master grade kits and normal kits and so on. And it looks like MG is the best so somebody knows where I can get a 1/100 MG Freedom gundam apart from stores.
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
Who has the best prices for Gundam models?
What your opinions on gundam markers; and where's a good place to get them? Or, should I stick to airbrushing?
i have this 1/64 MG freedom from seed 1 but i didnt complete it yet because it is soo big.
in reply to syruel, air-brushing does allow you to put in the details to a lower grade gundam that you wish but, i'll just say that MG and PG already have the colors and such included in with the pieces they provide you to make the model. and example: if you have a HG or normal model you probably have stickers to add the details but with a MG and PG there are only 2 stickers or even less for a gundam because all the pieces are already colored in.
LaZie made this...a long time ago.
"It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba
I want an MG 1/100 freedom model [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]. Isn't there someplace where I can get it like 20 or 30 bucks?
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
PG(Perfect Grade] is the best....Originally posted by: Deblas
So...Whats the difference from these Master grade kits and normal kits and so on. And it looks like MG is the best so somebody knows where I can get a 1/100 MG Freedom gundam apart from stores.
go get a PG strike...it's awesome...apart from you have to buy the SGs later
MG Nu is pretty good...i built one for one of my customers before...only problem with it is the face is a little too round...just have to do a little sanding and it will be pretty much perfect...of course...never forget to extend the legs and arms for a bitOriginally posted by: Wren
anyone have Master Grade Nu Gundam? and know where i can get a good price for it [img][/img]
best place to get it? depents which country are you talking about...if you are talking about all around the world...
i suggess you to try HK
Not when it cost more than a hundred bucks. And besides I want a MG freedom. So tell me where to get it at a good price( when i mean good price im mean in the 20's or 30's).Originally posted by: PTX-003C
PG(Perfect Grade] is the best....Originally posted by: Deblas
So...Whats the difference from these Master grade kits and normal kits and so on. And it looks like MG is the best so somebody knows where I can get a 1/100 MG Freedom gundam apart from stores.
go get a PG strike...it's awesome...apart from you have to buy the SGs later
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
:: Drools at gundam:: thanks for the pic psyche!!Originally posted by: Psyke
I have the high grade 1/100 one, which isn't too bad itself. Got it at an unbelievable price of $15 Singapore dollars. That's around 8 US dollars! The MG one is much more expensive, around 45 to 50 US dollars. Totally worth it though, as it's one of the more definitive Gundams out there along with the RX 78-2.
this is my HG 1/144 Freedom...
i only used 2~3 hours on it...so is VERY ugly....plz don't mind...
my MG Freedom
slightly better...only spent me 2 months on the details...
pretty easy
Ohh, Why must you torment me!! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]Originally posted by: PTX-003C
my MG Freedom
slightly better...only spent me 2 months on the details...
pretty easy
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
I'm not a model guy. My dad got me a couple car kits when I was about 8 and they didn't go too well.
it's very simple....it's just cutting>filing>knife work>sanding>cutting away all the joints>glue them tight>sanding away the extra glue>spray undercoat>spray paint>spray overcoat>special effect
a normal MG model like FREEDOM should only take around 1~1.5 month max...(counted the time you need to work/go to school)