Well here's the competition as it stands. Any and all entries will be accepted for the first round. You must use at least one of the pictures below.
Round 1: Set Stock, I will post these images and you lot will create some magic from em. (Gaara)
Round 2: Free-for-all, those left at this point better be good, so lets some creative thinking.
Round 3: To be decided (depends on how many people we advance)
Max Image Size: 500x150px.
You will have 1 week to do each round. That means round 1 is due by midnight on Saturday 19th. Voting will be that Sunday.

Stock images found here: http://www.sunsean.com/sigX/Gaara/
Voting here: http://www.littlecooldude.com/sigX/

Winners to advance to Round 2
- anime050
- r3n
- Kagemane_no_Jutsu
- gaaralovessand
- NarutoMaster