Not actually an RPG but what about prince of persia: warrior within. It has some glitches but its very good
Not actually an RPG but what about prince of persia: warrior within. It has some glitches but its very good
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
oh well since the only rpg i've ever played that i know of is FFX that would be my recommendation but i guess you've already played it?
Kingdom Hearts is old, therefore beaten.
However, I sold my copy... I guess getting a new one and replaying it sounds pretty nice.
Hell, I'll do that!
It's cheap too.
I -was- going to get Legaia... because it looked good. BUT IT 'S SOLD OUT YAY!
Edit: I suddenly got into an X-Men mode and ordered X-Men Legends. I hear it's kinda RPG-ish, so it will have to do.
You can discuss RPGs or something now, peons.
Wait don't get X-men Legends I have a few recommendations!!
First off one RPG i played recently is the skies of arcadia port for the gamecube. You might have to look in the used game bin to track it down but it's out there somewhere. Skies of Arcadia was an RPG for the dreamcast originally so it's a bit dated but it has a very charming asthetic filled with imagination.
Another gamecube recommendation would be Baiten Kaitos for the gamecube. I got it recently and i'm about 15 hours into it. Story is cliched and the voice acting is horrible but it has some fantastic artwork and very pretty music.
One final gamecube recommendation I have is tales of symphonia. I really didn't like that much but you might possibly enjoy it. It has a fun real time battle system and the best part is that it supports 4 players. I hated the story and artwork and cliched fantasy anime setting but you might like it.
I'll keep those recommendations in mind. Depending on price, and how quickly I rape X-Men, I might get to one more game before the Samurai Warriors expansion set turns up around the end of february.
theres a gamecube rpg called tales of symphonia
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
LobsterMagnet already mentioned that game.Originally posted by: Deblas
theres a gamecube rpg called tales of symphonia
ohh your right. I didnt read his post
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
Terra, I know you mentioned only games for PS2 and Gamecube but since you've played Kingdom Hearts, why not get Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories for the Gameboy Advance? If you don't want to buy it, you can always get a GBA emulator and ROM of it. I got the game for Christmas and it was really fun. The new Card system is pretty cool and the story just gets better and better as you progress. Especially the Reverse/Rebirth mode.
This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!
Speaking of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories., is this game just like kingdom hearts 1 or is it a whole style of battle combats and story?
Play Xenogears.... damn you terra!
"Chrono is our Religion. In the name of the Chrono, the Zeal, the Trigger and Cross, Amen."
Shadow Hearts. #gotwoot
Kitkat makes great signatures!
You should think of CoM as Kingdom Hearts 1.5. It takes place after Kingdom Hearts 1 ends and a year before Kingdom Hearts 2 begins. Its completely different battle system because of the new card system. And like I said, the story has gotten even better after playing CoM.Originally posted by: animefreak
Speaking of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories., is this game just like kingdom hearts 1 or is it a whole style of battle combats and story?
This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!
xenosaga 1 and 2, 2 is coming out february....
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
I'm not sure if this is a RPG game, but they had that guy from Devil May Cry. If someone had it please tell me.
I have it and it is an rpg, kind of reminds of me pokemon but with raiseing demons. #gotwoot
Kitkat makes great signatures!
Definty xenosaga. I can't wait for the fifteenth. It's been what Two years since the last one.
Well, I'd say Baten Kaitos for the GC is pretty good - made by the same guys who did Xenosaga. But the voice acting sucks above everything known to man. Luckily, it can be turned off.
Hey winged dancer if you've beaten Baiten Kaitos can you answer one quick question for me? In the intro there are all of these really nice FMV cutscenes. In the game do you actually get to see these elaborate cinemas? Or were they just made to create that compelling intro but there are none in the actual real game.
Best advice for ya, get an Xbox and get Kotor 1 & 2. After that get Otogi 1 & 2. Then Ninja Gaiden. :x