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Thread: Episode 120 Discussion

  1. #61
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 120 Discussion

    When Orochimaru transfers into another body, he will be unable to do so for a few years (how long, we don't know yet). He wanted Sasuke to grow and develop the Sharingan more before taking over the body. Since the pain of his arms reached that unbearable point, he decided to just take the body now, but since the Sound Four were late, he was forced to take someone else.

  2. #62
    ANBU Captain Prof. Chaos's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 120 Discussion

    Yeah I wish it was more purposefull flashbacks than shit we just saw like 5-6 weeks ago. And damaging the Ultimate Wall Defense for Orochimaru was insane.

  3. #63

    RE: Episode 120 Discussion

    why not take Itachi? we all know that he is way more powerful than Sakuke.

  4. #64
    ANBU Captain Prof. Chaos's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 120 Discussion

    Itachi would make Orochimaru his bitch.

  5. #65
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 120 Discussion

    Originally posted by: animefreak
    Kiba's is just wasting his life. What is the points of taking the evil half(don't remember name)? when the other evil half is still alive.
    there's more of a point to that than to letting the evil half kill you and then both evil halves are alive
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  6. #66
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 120 Discussion

    Originally posted by: animefreak
    why not take Itachi? we all know that he is way more powerful than Sakuke.
    Because Itachi is more powerful than Orochimaru. Oro even admit that in one of the past episodes (around the 80s).

  7. #67

    RE: Episode 120 Discussion

    Originally posted by: kooshi
    Originally posted by: animefreak
    why not take Itachi? we all know that he is way more powerful than Sakuke.
    Because Itachi is more powerful than Orochimaru. Oro even admit that in one of the past episodes (around the 80s).
    if he is more powerful then orochimaru one of the sanin then why did he ran off when he was fighting sakuke when Naruto's Master(the old perverted dude, forgot the name) came in to stop the fight?

  8. #68

    RE: Episode 120 Discussion

    We only know that itachi is stronger than oro... there is a debate still with regards to who is stronger out of itachi and jiraiya.

    Don't think that the 3 Sannin are all equally strong... its just that all 3 of them can pwn pretty much anyone else.

  9. #69
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 120 Discussion

    Originally posted by: animefreak
    Originally posted by: kooshi
    Originally posted by: animefreak
    why not take Itachi? we all know that he is way more powerful than Sakuke.
    Because Itachi is more powerful than Orochimaru. Oro even admit that in one of the past episodes (around the 80s).
    if he is more powerful then orochimaru one of the sanin then why did he ran off when he was fighting sakuke when Naruto's Master(the old perverted dude, forgot the name) came in to stop the fight?
    because head used mangekyou sharingan a couple of times before jiraiya even made a move. also, itachi said akatsuki can wait and weren't in a hurry to kidnap naruto. itachi said that in the same chapter/ep (or the one after).

    it's also been said that itachi is stronger than orochimaru. the only toss up is who's stronger: itachi or jiraiya. although itachi said that fighting a sannin would result in death on both sides or whatever, kisame also asked why they retreated from jiraiya (implying that itachi could've taken him on).

    wow, i've explained this like 9736 times now.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  10. #70
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 120 Discussion

    Well, don't forget also that Oro and Jiraiya pretty much know each other's moves and such since they used to be on the same team.

  11. #71

    RE: Episode 120 Discussion

    Originally posted by: kooshi
    Well, don't forget also that Oro and Jiraiya pretty much know each other's moves and such since they used to be on the same team.
    doesn't mean that they are equal. Just like how Naruto, Sakuke, and Sakura. Never mind Sakura she'll never be in the same league as Naruto and Sakuke. But, it seems like Sakuke had more speed and abilty than Naruto.

  12. #72

    Episode 120 Discussion

    I don't know if this has been brought up...but wtf was Harry (I think that's who it is) doing? Apperently he went inside Kiba to assassinate him. And apperently if Kiba gets hurt, they both get hurt. So Kiba stabbing himself would hurt Harry. So what was Harry trying to do in the first place then???

  13. #73
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 120 Discussion

    that was Ukon, not Sakon....sakon ran off to wash his eyes

    ukon can isolate the cells that are only kiba's, and destroy them, while kiba's stab affected both his AND ukon's cells
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  14. #74

    RE: Episode 120 Discussion

    he was trying to get inside kiba which he did and then come out forcefully from kiba's body, hence ripping kiba apart literally, killing him.

  15. #75

    RE: Episode 120 Discussion

    those are two different explanations.

    Ass: So is Kiba then just going to play "guess & check" with stabbing himself?

    Shin: So why doesn't he come out already?

  16. #76
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 120 Discussion

    no sam, in order for him to destroy kiba's cells, ukon's would have to mingle in with them. He's supposed to work kind of like a virus, where they rely on a person's cells but destroy them in the process. Ukon was sharing kiba's kidney (or whatever it was that got hit) at the time. Because, just as ukon said, at that moment they were sharing the same body.

    Kiba probably ended up stabbing ukon's kidney at the same time that he stabbed his own
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  17. #77

    RE: Episode 120 Discussion

    Its just that Ukon didnt count on kiba bieng suicidal and if he didnt take the time to explain to kiba how he was gonna kill kim ,he would had time to kill Kiba several times over...

  18. #78

    RE: Episode 120 Discussion

    But then he wouldnt be doing the clasic bad guy "I Tell You My Plan Before I Do It So You Can Find A Way To Stop Me" thing...=P

  19. #79
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 120 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
    Its just that Ukon didnt count on kiba bieng suicidal and if he didnt take the time to explain to kiba how he was gonna kill kim ,he would had time to kill Kiba several times over...

    This is Naruto, everyone explains his/her own special move/technique right in front of the enemy before executing it. The enemy will just listen with eyes wide open and then receive the attact obediently no matter how long the explaination took.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  20. #80
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    RE: Episode 120 Discussion

    Although that style can sometimes be ridiculous, who freaking cares? Just adds more to the battle and such.

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