Actually they would probably be Jounins now cause Kakashi said they would be equals. Who needs a test? It's probably lost significance now that they have grown so much. It was more to be able to command a group of Gennins.
Actually they would probably be Jounins now cause Kakashi said they would be equals. Who needs a test? It's probably lost significance now that they have grown so much. It was more to be able to command a group of Gennins.
Originally posted by: Prof. Chaos
Actually they would probably be Jounins now cause Kakashi said they would be equals. Who needs a test? It's probably lost significance now that they have grown so much. It was more to be able to command a group of Gennins.
Maybe a higher rank meant higher monthy pay and year end bonuses coupled with annual ninja benefits [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。
I think they might go through an evaluation or something, do i dont think a formal test will be needed... the Hokage has the power and final say on the matter doesnt she?
whoa, wtf are YOU doing here, bud?
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
manga reader he is now.
i'm thinking there missions will be the main evaluation i think there sensei's words would count to see if they should become higher and keep doing the higher missions.
because i don't think there is going to be another chuunin exam. well not an arc based on one.
Well I said fuck it for waiting... since the anime cought up to where I had initially stopped reading the manga...Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
whoa, wtf are YOU doing here, bud?
So know im caught up... and reading other shit that kai has been so generous of recommending O_o
After watching the anime section I really think Shika was a special circumstance Chuunin promotion.
With the invasion and the exam canceled, no one should have been promoted. SInce Shika stood out so much he was an exception to the cancelation and promoted to chuunin. Just my 2 cents anyway...
I really think the Chuunin exam is pointless. We all talk about how its suppose to help display leadership and teamwork skills but thats garbage. Look at all the bad chuunin's we've seen over the course of Naruto. IMO getting to the final exam = You are a Chuunin. The only thing is that the only exam we saw was not formally completed.
I wouldn't be surprised if everyone with a passion to be a nInja was a chuunin at this point. Sakura, Neji, Lee, Kiba, and Shino should all be Chuunins at this point. Naruto will likely be given the rank by the 5th through some manner I bet and wont have to formally take the exam.
Anyway, I was hesitant on a time jump at first but kishmoto has done a good job with it thus far... perhaps the short 2 year jump was to give the anime tonnes of "filler potential" or something along those lines.
I'm pretty sure that Shizune is also one of the special cases....
I really don't know for how long she has been traveling with Tsunade... but I think that she began before she became a juunin or a chuunin for that matter...
Still she's considered good enough to handle juunin class missions...
I may be totally off... but whatever...
I think the rank system exists only in the various ninja villages as a form of classification of work and missions.Originally posted by: Budweineken
I'm pretty sure that Shizune is also one of the special cases....
I really don't know for how long she has been traveling with Tsunade... but I think that she began before she became a juunin or a chuunin for that matter...
Still she's considered good enough to handle juunin class missions...
I may be totally off... but whatever...
Since Shizune wasn't in Konoha village or any other village for that matter, rank didn't matter to her. But of course, she is a jounin-level ninja dedicated to the protection of Tsunade
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。
Yup.. And it's to promote and display their young ninja's. LIke in the finals. Like the 3rd (god bless his soul [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]) says.Originally posted by: Psyke
I think the rank system exists only in the various ninja villages as a form of classification of work and missions.
MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii
Without a three-man team, I don't think there's a reason to take the chuunin exams... I mean, chuunin is more about team-work and tactics than raw power - that's why Shikamaru passed while Naruto, Neji, Sasuke and Gaara failed. Besides, her time would be better used studying with Tsunade day and night rather than staying with some other team for an entire week inside the Forest of Death.
Actually, I think the two of them might be better than some jounin by now - Kakashi is special, lets not forget that. For a "normal" man to have better sense of smell than Kiba you know he's special on his own right, Sharingan aside. So normal rules don't completely apply to him. Of course, I don't think we'll be seeing Naruto fighting Random Konoha Jounin #3 just for the sake of it...
I wonder if the people at Konoha still hate Naruto so much. It'd make for a nice angst!scene, if needed.
does anyone remember how old tsunade was when she left the village? because shizune was dan's sister, so if he was in his 20s when he died, then she shouldve been at least naruto's age.....she mightve been able to go up a few ranks before they left. Besides, back in those days, there were a shortage of ninjas during the great wars and so they didnt waste time with examinations for establishing rank.
If people like kabuto were expected to take the chuunin exam 7 times, then I can't see why sakura would get any special treatment.
yes, psyke, its only for establishing the level of missions and leadership abilties, but this means that naruto and sakura shouldnt be able to take any A or B rank missions if they're still genin (and that's where the fun stuff happens). Besides, if Naruto plans to be hokage, he has to climb those ranks eventually.
Winged dancer, yeah its true you need 3 people......but im under the imression that teams get split up ALL the time as a result of the exams, since the 3rd exam isolates the team members. They probably end up mixing teams up a bit.....maybe sakura joined up with ino and chouji for example?
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Don't think they follow the rules as as strictly as you say. Even Shikamaru can lead a team of Genins on an A rank mission. I know they were low on resources but it only proves that anything goes and the Hokage can make any decisions based on his/her judgement even if bypassing the rules of Jounin -> A rank missions, etc. The Hokage sends people out on missions and decides who goes, remember?Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
yes, psyke, its only for establishing the level of missions and leadership abilties, but this means that naruto and sakura shouldnt be able to take any A or B rank missions if they're still genin (and that's where the fun stuff happens). Besides, if Naruto plans to be hokage, he has to climb those ranks eventually.
As for Naruto climbing the ranks I believe if he eventually gets strong enough to protect the village, he can use take over the role of the Hokage without having to go through any of the promotional examinations.
And was Dan Shizune's brother? I missed that part, can anyone else confirm?
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。
Well, just because it was said in the beginning of the serial doesn't mean that it's set in stone, especially because there is a new Hokage leading Konoha. Out of common sense a genin or group of genin wouldn't be sent on an A rank mission because they'd all die.
Hokages appear to be chosen in the way Tsunade was, by the town elders (that group of old folks that asked Jiraya to be Hokage before he suggested Tsunade instead). We can assume that if Naruto was to be chosen that way, he wouldn't necessarily have to be any specific rank first.
At this point in the story, I don't think rank matters at all anymore. Most of the main characters have already transcended the normal order of how Konoha fuctioned. To be honest, I'd be suprised if they ever mentioned rank seriously again. Or if they do another Chuunin exam, it may be like the 2nd Hunter exam in HxH (where it was completely over in one or two chapters)
go read or watch the part where tsunade and orochimaru meet, asking to fix orochimaru's arms.And was Dan Shizune's brother? I missed that part, can anyone else confirm?
Will do that later when I get home. Though if I remember correctly, he was just talking about how Tsunade lost her lover Dan and I don't remember him saying, or even implying, that Shizu is Dan's sister.Originally posted by: kAi
go read or watch the part where tsunade and orochimaru meet, asking to fix orochimaru's arms.And was Dan Shizune's brother? I missed that part, can anyone else confirm?
But by now I think rank has little to do with anything now that 2 years have passed. They are all probably Chuunin by now and some Jounin. The exam was more to determin who had the qualifications to become a leader of a group of Genins.
er.....actually i think shizune referred to dan as her which case she would be his sister's daughter.......
im confused now
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
what if everyone else sucked. it doesn't mean there has to be at least a chuunin. hokage could fail them all if they were all sakuras.Originally posted by: Mgslee
IMO getting to the final exam = You are a Chuunin.
I don't think Naruto and Sakura are jounin level yet. Chuunin, sure, but definitely not a jounin - I can't see them beating any jounin in a "fair" fight, they simply are not that good yet.
However, with that said, it is quite possible that they are ANBU material now...